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duplicatenpc & duplicateremove


Hi I'm requesting 2 script_commands that are pretty self explanatory: duplicatenpc & duplicateremove.

I know this is possible since we are able to duplicate npcs for instances. But I want to do that outside of instances. I made an attempt myself, but sadly fell short (who am I kidding, far, very far) of what I believe is needed.




BUILDIN(duplicateremove){	struct npc_data *nd;	const char* source_name;	if( script_hasdata(st,2) ){		source_name = script_getstr(st,2);		nd = npc->name2id(source_name);		if( nd == NULL ){			ShowError("script_duplicateremove: NPC not found: %sn", source_name);			script_pushint(st,0);			return true;		}	} else		nd = (struct npc_data *)map->id2bl(st->oid);	if( nd->src_id == NULL ) // Remove all duplicates for this source npc		map->foreachnpc(npc->unload_dup_sub, nd->bl.id);	else // Remove just this duplicate		npc->unload(nd,1);	script_pushint(st,1);	return true;}






BUILDIN(duplicatenpc){	struct npc_data *snd, *tnd;	const char *source_name, *target_name, *hidden_name;	const char *map_name;	int x, y, dir;	int mapid;	int i;	char targetname[NAME_LENGTH];	x = script_getnum(st,5);	y = script_getnum(st,6);	dir = script_getnum(st,7);	source_name = script_getstr(st,2);	snd = npc->name2id(source_name);	if( snd == NULL ){		ShowError("script_duplicatenpc: NPC not found: %sn", source_name);		script_pushint(st,0); // Source NPC not found.		return true;	}	if( strlen( (target_name = script_getstr(st,3)) ) + strlen( (hidden_name = script_getstr(st,4)) ) > 23 ){		ShowError("script_duplicatenpc: Target_Name + Hidden_Name is too long. (max = 23chars)n");		script_pushint(st,-1); // Target Name = Hidden Name too long.		return false;	}	mapid = map->mapname2mapid(map_name);	if( mapid == NULL ){		ShowError("script_duplicatenpc: %s map does not exist.n", map_name);		script_pushint(st,-2);		return false;	}	CREATE(tnd, struct npc_data, 1);	strcat(targetname, target_name);	strncat(targetname, "#", 1);	strncat(targetname, hidden_name, strlen(hidden_name));	safestrncpy(tnd->name, target_name, sizeof(tnd->name));	safestrncpy(tnd->exname, hidden_name, sizeof(tnd->exname));	tnd->bl.prev = tnd->bl.next = NULL;	tnd->bl.m = mapid;	tnd->bl.x = x;	tnd->bl.y = y;	tnd->bl.id = npc->get_new_npc_id();	tnd->class_ = snd->class_;	tnd->speed = snd->speed;	tnd->src_id = snd->src_id;	tnd->bl.type = BL_NPC;	tnd->subtype = snd->subtype;	switch( tnd->subtype ){		case SCRIPT:			tnd->u.scr.xs = snd->u.scr.xs;			tnd->u.scr.ys = snd->u.scr.ys;			tnd->u.scr.script = snd->u.scr.script;			tnd->u.scr.label_list = snd->u.scr.label_list;			tnd->u.scr.label_list_num = snd->u.scr.label_list_num;			break;		case SHOP:		case CASHSHOP:			tnd->u.shop.shop_item = snd->u.shop.shop_item;			tnd->u.shop.count = snd->u.shop.count;			break;		case WARP:			if( !battle_config.warp_point_debug )				tnd->class_ = WARP_CLASS;			else				tnd->class_ = WARP_DEBUG_CLASS;			tnd->u.warp.xs = snd->u.warp.xs;			tnd->u.warp.ys = snd->u.warp.ys;			tnd->u.warp.mapindex = snd->u.warp.mapindex;			tnd->u.warp.x = snd->u.warp.x;			tnd->u.warp.y = snd->u.warp.y;			break;	}	if( mapid >= 0 ){		map->addnpc(mapid, tnd);		tnd->ud = &npc->base_ud;		tnd->dir = dir;		npc->setcells(tnd);		map->addblock(&tnd->bl);		if( tnd->class_ >= 0 ){			status->set_viewdata(&tnd->bl, tnd->class_);			if( map->list[tnd->bl.m].users )				clif->spawn(&tnd->bl);		}	} else {		map->addiddb(&tnd->bl);	}	strdb_put(npc->name_db, tnd->exname, tnd);	if( tnd->subtype != SCRIPT )		return true;	for( i = 0; i < tnd->u.scr.label_list_num; i++ ){		if( npc->event_export(tnd, i)){			script_pushint(st,0);			return false;		}		npc->timerevent_export(tnd, i);	}	tnd->u.scr.timerid = snd->u.scr.timerid;	script_pushint(st,1);	return true;}




So, seeing as how I failed miserably, I've come to ask you expert's to do this for me. I don't know if my attempt will prove useful but there it is in all it's pile of mess lol.

If payment is required, then send me a PM and we can discuss terms there. Otherwise, I'd hope to get this done for free D:


Please & Thank You!

Edited by GmOcean

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Anyone wanna try and tackle this, I'm currently 0:8, striking out numerous times :/

Your Wish has been granted :P

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