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Everything posted by Litro

  1. how i can make sp amount like previous revision ?
  2. PointsPvP:getitem 7420,1;if (playerattached() == killedrid) end;getmapxy(@map$,@x,@y,0);set @CID,getcharid(0);set @points,0;set @name$,"";query_sql "SELECT `pointss_pvp` FROM `rank_pvp` WHERE `char_id`="+@CID+"",@points;query_sql "SELECT `char_name` FROM `rank_pvp` WHERE `char_id`="+@CID+"",@name$;if (@nome$ == ""){query_sql "INSERT INTO `rank_pvp` (`char_id`,`char_name`,`points_pvp`) VALUES ("+@CID+",'"+strcharinfo(0)+"',1)",@esc$;dispbottom "Pontos PvP Master: 1";end;}query_sql "UPDATE `rank_pvp` SET `points_pvp` = `points_pvp` +1 WHERE `char_id`="+@CID+"",@esc$;dispbottom "Total PvP Points: "+(@points+1);setarray .@point_announce, 100, 200, 300, 400; // set point you want to announcefor (.@p = 0; .@p < getarraysize(.@point_announce); .@p++) { if ((@points+1) == .@point_announce[.@p]) { announce strcharinfo(0)+" just made "+.@point_announce[.@p]+" PvP Points!.",bc_all,0x00FF00;}end;}
  3. Litro

    About Bot Checker

    coz it jump to label 'Timmer' and the label have an 'end;' not 'close;', change that end; to close; Timmer: if(getgmlevel() > 0) end; addtimer 900000, "Anti Bot::OnCheck"; end; it little strange for me, do you sure want to run bot checker every 15 minute on every map except jawai ?
  4. try this.. - script Healer -1,{ if (Delay > gettimetick(2)) { message strcharinfo(0),"Can be used on: "+callfunc("Time2Str", Delay); end; } percentheal 100,100; sc_start 32, 240000, 10; // Increase Agi Duração: 999 sec sc_start 30, 240000, 10; // Blessing Duração: 999 sec skilleffect 29,0; // Increase Agi skilleffect 34,0; // Blessing if (gethominfo(1)) healhomun 100,100; Delay = gettimetick(2) +.Delay; end; OnInit: .Delay = 3600; // value are in second end;}
  5. for 'if you try to equip armor with above refine in the map, it will not equip' i think it need source edit like mapflag custom, but idk about src and if you want to try this script.. the different is this script will check every configured second (i set default 1 sec) on the selected map you set and if it refine count is higher than script .max_refine set it will unequip.. - script chk_refine -1,{ end;OnPCLoadMapEvent:OnCheck: for(.@j = 0; .@j < getarraysize(.map_list$); .@j++) { if (strcharinfo(3) == .map_list$[.@j]) { for(.@i = 1; .@i <= 10; ++.@i) { if(getequipisequiped(.@i)) { if (getequiprefinerycnt(.@i) > .max_refine) unequip .@i; } } addtimer .chk_delay, strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnCheck"; } } end;OnInit: .chk_delay = 1 *1000; // check delay default 1 second .max_refine = 7; setarray .map_list$, "prontera"; // add your map here for (.@m = 0; .@m < getarraysize(.map_list$); .@m++) setmapflag .map_list$[.@m], mf_loadevent; end;} Litro.
  6. Litro

    About Bot Checker

    yes try if it generate any error or working as intended
  7. Litro

    About Bot Checker

    isn't that annoying for player and bot (bot checker will fail it mean) can do relog before timer is out to check is kind funny? however try this.. add this to end of script before last closing bracket OnPCLoadMapEvent: for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.map_list$); .@i++) { if (strcharinfo(3) == .map_list$[.@i]) { addtimer .time_tocheck, strnpcinfo(3)+"::On15secs"; break; } } end;On15secs: for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.map_list$); .@i++) if (strcharinfo(3) == .map_list$[.@i]) goto check; end;OnInit: .time_tocheck = 15 *1000; setarray .map_list$, "prontera", "payon"; // add the map you want to it triggered for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.map_list$); .@i++) setmapflag .map_list$[.@i],mf_loadevent; end; and in the original script you copas above, add this line addtimer .time_tocheck, strnpcinfo(3)+"::On15secs"; after this line percentheal 100,100; nb: please use code box for the script so it easy to do copy paste
  8. Litro

    Check item

    OnPCLoadMapEvent: if (strcharinfo(3) == "pvp_n_6-5") { addtimer .timetocheck*1000,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnCheckItem"; } end;OnCheckItem: for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.item_list); .@i++) { if (countitem(.item_list[.@i]) && strcharinfo(3) == "pvp_n_6-5") { mes "[^FF0000 Guard ^000000]"; mes "Sorry "+getitemname(.item_list[.@i])+" is not allowed in here!,"; close2; warp "prontera",150,150; end; } } if (strcharinfo(3) == "pvp_n_6-5") { addtimer .timetocheck*1000,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnCheckItem"; } end;
  9. // Min Members 3, request item gold coin , must be party leader to accept this quest .. map warp flame_dun , waiting room ( Fire Dungeon ) prontera,150,150,1 script Fire Dungeon 100,{ if (getcharid(0) != getpartyleader(getcharid(1),2)) { mes "Only party leader can talk to me"; close; } if (!countitem(.request_item)) { mes "Need "+getitemname(.request_item)+" to go inside"; close; } .@origin = getcharid(3); getpartymember getcharid(1), 1; getpartymember getcharid(1), 2; for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ) { if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i] , $@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) { attachrid $@partymemberaid[.@i]; .@online++; } } attachrid .@origin; if ( .@online < .min_member ) { mes "your party needs "+.min_member+" party members online to continue."; close; } delitem .request_item, 1; warpparty flame_dun, 150, 150, getcharid(1); end;OnInit: .request_item = Gold_Coin; .min_member = 3; waitingroom strnpcinfo(0),0; end;}
  10. not sure why, but i have used it since along ago and it was fine for me, if it were bug maybe you have to report it to dev
  11. upps yeah that one too.. thx mister @@Dastgir so it will be like this.. for(.@i = 10; .@i > 0; .@i--) { announce ""+.@i,0; waitingroom ""+.@i,0; sleep 1000; delwaitingroom;}
  12. Litro

    Check item

    try this if you want to.. - script checkitem -1,{ end;OnPCLoadMapEvent: addtimer .timetocheck*1000,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnCheckItem"; end;OnCheckItem: for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.item_list); .@i++) { if (countitem(.item_list[.@i])) { mes "[^FF0000 Guard ^000000]"; mes "Sorry "+getitemname(.item_list[.@i])+" is not allowed in here!,"; close2; warp "prontera",150,150; end; } } addtimer .timetocheck*1000,strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnCheckItem"; end;OnInit: setarray .item_list, 607, 608; // add item you want to check here .timetocheck = 1; //Seconds after which idle is checked. end;}// Mapflagpvp_n_6-5 mapflag loadevent
  13. AFAIK version at clientinfo.xml is not needed to be manualy configured https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/conf/login-server.conf#L73 // Check The clientversion set in the clientinfo ?check_client_version: no
  14. even the whatever class bring the ygg in the cart they won't be able to use it, that mean your purpose served and don't forget set the items.conf as @@Emistry said above item_restricted_consumption_type: 0 // so your player won't feel scamed using item without feeling the effect
  15. // http://rathena.org/board/topic/58835-done-request-ip-check/page__view__findpost__p__80798/*To add more maps:1. add it to this string : set .maps$, "bat_room,anothermap,etc";2. and add the 'loadevent' mapflag on that map : <map name> mapflag loadevent*/// Checking I P when entering a Map and kick if dual .. example map bat_room- script Only1perIP -1,{OnPCLoadMapEvent: set .maps$, "bat_room,anothermap,etc"; set .@my_map$, strcharinfo(3); // check if they are on a "1-per-IP" map if (compare(","+.maps$+"," , ","+.@my_map$+",")) { // look for other online players from the same IP query_sql("SELECT login.account_id FROM login LEFT JOIN `char` ON login.account_id=`char`.account_id " + "WHERE login.last_ip=(SELECT last_ip FROM login WHERE account_id="+getcharid(3)+") " + "AND `char`.online=1 AND login.account_id!="+getcharid(3), .@account_id; for (set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@account_id); set .@i,.@i+1) { // check if other online players are on the same map getmapxy .@map$,.@x,.@y, 0, rid2name(.@account_id[.@i]); if (.@map$ == .@my_map$) { // kick the new player arriving to map set .@name$, strcharinfo(0); announce "Sorry, only 1 char per IP can be on this map at a time.", bc_self; sleep 1000; atcommand "@kick " + .@name$; } } } end;}bat_room mapflag loadevent here what i have in my script collection, link can be found on top of script and i think it can be more optimized for your own need
  16. try this for(.@i = 10; .@i > 0; .@i--) { announce ""+.@i,0; waitingroom .@i,0; sleep 1000; delwaitingroom;}
  17. Litro

    Away System

    Can some one convert it to plugins ? @@Dastgir
  18. try change this.. getvariableofnpc(.item,"BringMeEvent") into this.. getitemname(getvariableofnpc(.item,"BringMeEvent"))
  19. 1. .arraysize var is not used so i remove it 2. as @@Garr said, so i make it set when npc got started 3. Added rounds setting as requested //====================ANNOUNCER======================- script Announcer2 -1,{OnGMStart: announce "(BringMeEvent) : A Gamemaster started a Bring Me Event now.",0; sleep 3000; announce "(BringMeEvent) : If you want to join, come at the middle of Prontera",0; .@i = rand( getarraysize(.BringMeItems) ); set getvariableofnpc(.item,"BringMeEvent"), .BringMeItems[.@i]; set getvariableofnpc(.amount,"BringMeEvent"), rand(1,100); set getvariableofnpc(.Round,"BringMeEvent"), 1; enablenpc "BringMeEvent"; announce "(BringMeEvent) : Bring me "+getvariableofnpc(.amount,"BringMeEvent")+"x "+getvariableofnpc(.item,"BringMeEvent"),0; sleep 2000; announce "(BringMeEvent) : Prize: will be TCG and 1x Elite Siege Supply Box",0; sleep 2000; announce "(BringMeEvent) : Hurry Now!.",0; sleep 2000; announce "(BringMeEvent) : GAME STARTED.",0; end;OnGMStop: announce "A Gamemaster has stopped the Bring Me Event",0; disablenpc "BringMeEvent"; end;OnNextRound: .@i = rand( getarraysize(.BringMeItems) ); set getvariableofnpc(.item,"BringMeEvent"), .BringMeItems[.@i]; set getvariableofnpc(.amount,"BringMeEvent"), rand(1,100); announce "(BringMeEvent) : Bring me "+getvariableofnpc(.amount,"BringMeEvent")+"x "+getvariableofnpc(.item,"BringMeEvent"),0; sleep 2000; announce "(BringMeEvent) : Prize: will be TCG and 1x Elite Siege Supply Box",0; sleep 2000; announce "(BringMeEvent) : Hurry Now!.",0; end;OnInit: setarray .BringMeItems[0],501,7227,4001,7005,909,512,714; bindatcmd "startbme",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnGMStart",90,99; bindatcmd "stopbme",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnGMStop",90,99; end;}prontera,150,150,0 script BringMeEvent 100,{ if (countitem(.item) < .amount) { mes "You don't have my requirements"; close; } delitem .item, .amount; getitem .p, .a; announce "Yayks! "+strcharinfo(0)+" won the "+.Round+" round event",0; .Round++; if (.Round > .Rounds) disablenpc "BringMeEvent"; else donpcevent "Announcer2::OnNextRound"; end;OnInit: .Rounds = 10; // Set how many round you want here .p = 7227; .a = 5; disablenpc "BringMeEvent"; end;}
  20. make admin live easier.. Thx
  21. try this 1 bonus bAllStats,20;bonus bMaxHP,2*getrefine();bonus bMaxSP,2*getrefine(); 2 bonus bAllStats,15;bonus2 bAddRace,7,getrefine(); 3 bonus bAllStats,30;bonus bSpeedAddRate,10;bonus2 bSubRace,7,getrefine(); nb: you should take look into item_bonus.txt on doc folder
  22. welcome to hercules
  23. Litro

    baby suit error

    re-diff and set your client to ignore client error
  24. Try this, to start type '@startbme', to stop type '@stopbme' //====================ANNOUNCER======================- script Announcer2 -1,{OnGMStart: announce "(BringMeEvent) : A Gamemaster started a Bring Me Event now.",0; sleep 3000; announce "(BringMeEvent) : If you want to join, come at the middle of Prontera",0; enablenpc "BringMeEvent"; sleep 2000; announce "(BringMeEvent) : Prize: will be TCG and 1x Elite Siege Supply Box",0; sleep 2000; announce "(BringMeEvent) : Hurry Now!.",0; sleep 2000; announce "(BringMeEvent) : GAME STARTED.",0; end; OnGMStop: announce "A Gamemaster has stopped the Bring Me Event",0; disablenpc "BringMeEvent"; end;OnInit: bindatcmd "startbme",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnGMStart",90,99; bindatcmd "stopbme",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnGMStop",90,99; end;}prontera,150,150,0 script BringMeEvent 100,{ if (countitem(.item) < .amount) { mes "You don't have my requirements"; close; } delitem .item, .amount; getitem .p, .a; announce "Yayks! " + strcharinfo(0) + " won the event",0; disablenpc "BringMeEvent"; end; .@i = rand( getarraysize(.BringMeItems) ); .item = .BringMeItems[.@i]; .amount = rand(1,100); announce "Bring me " +.amount+ "x " +getitemname(.item ),0; enablenpc "BringMeEvent"; end;OnInit: setarray .BringMeItems[0],501,7227,4001,7005,909,512,714; .arraysize, getarraysize(.BringMeItems); .p = 7227; .a = 5; disablenpc "BringMeEvent"; end;}
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