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Posts posted by Litro

  1. 	.@origin = getcharid(3); // save account id of player who talk to npc
    	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ) {
    		if ( isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i], $@partymembercid[.@i] ) ) { // check if they are online and..
    			attachrid ($@partymemberaid[.@i]); // attach them to the script
    			if (BloodQuest != 6) { // check your condition
    				mes "I'm sorry but one or some of your party member is not allowed to participate in Blood Quest.";
    	attachrid(.@origin); // after all is done attach the npc back to player

    may this help you

  2. imho the script is not meet what you need, try this

    //========= Event Area========
    prontera,167,169,3	script	Event Area	2_BULLETIN_BOARD,{
    	warp "prontera",99,121;
    	waitingroom getmapusers("prontera")+" player"+( getmapusers("prontera") > 1 ? "s":"") +" in Event Area", 0;

    OnTouch is used if you want script trigered when someone appeared on area around the npc, and if you use the OnTimerXX: you need to init the timer, script above will re-check the amount of player on prontera every 1 second and you will be warped when you click the npc

  3. there is function for this
    https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/npc/other/Global_Functions.txt#L360" class="bbc_url" title="External link" rel="nofollow external">https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/blob/master/npc/other/Global_Functions.txt#L360

    //== Function F_MesColor ===================================
    // Function to colorize npc dialog without having to memorize the color code
    // Examples:
    //    mes callfunc("F_MesColor", C_BLUE) +"This message is now in BLUE";
    function	script	F_MesColor	{
    	return sprintf("^X", min(getarg(0), 0xFFFFFF));

  4. bindatcmd is custom patch on 3CeAM you must have it to run this script and you can't do direct variable on 3CeAM since it's not supported by the script engine

    here the requested script may it satisfy you


    -	script	asdfgadhjkl	-1,{
    	bindatcmd "shower",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnShowerCommand",99,99;
    	set .@showeritemid, atoi(.@atcmd_parameters$[0]);
    	set .@showeritamount, atoi(.@atcmd_parameters$[1]);
    	if ( !.@showeritemid ) {
    		message strcharinfo(0), "@shower <Item ID> <amount>";
    	if ( getiteminfo(.@showeritemid,2) == -1 ) {
    		message strcharinfo(0), "Invalid Item ID";
    		message strcharinfo(0), "@shower <Item ID> <amount>";
    	if(.@showeritamount <= 0) {
    		message strcharinfo(0), "Invalid Item Amount";
    		message strcharinfo(0), "@shower <Item ID> <amount>";
    	query_sql("SELECT `account_id` FROM `char` WHERE `online` = 1 ORDER BY `account_id` LIMIT 128", .@account_id);
    	set .@showermap$, strcharinfo(3);
    	while ( .@count < .@account_id ) {
    		if(!attachrid(.@account_id[.@count])) continue;
    		if(strcharinfo(3) != .@showermap$ ) continue;
    		if(checkvending()) continue;
    		getitem .@showeritemid,.@showeritamount;
    		announce "Something has been drop from the sky!",bc_self,0xFFC0CB;
    		set .@count, .@count +1;
    		sleep2 100;

  5. I could look into it. But it might be a while since its not a high priority. I do see item packets use unsigned short values for item ID's which makes the max ID possible 65535 and the current possible is I think 32767. ill see what I can do.


    great thanks and it's okay take your time

  6. hi sir :D
    patch bindatcmd generating warning below

    Warning 1 warning C4028: formal parameter 6 different from declaration c:\documents and settings\admin\my documents\rewrite\src\map\script.c 2514

    the function code [setd_sub] in script.c and script.h seem to have same name with each other



    void setd_sub(struct script_state *st, TBL_PC *sd, const char *varname, int elem, void *value, struct linkdb_node **ref)
    	set_reg(st, sd, reference_uid(add_str(varname),elem), varname, value, ref);


    void setd_sub(struct script_state *st, TBL_PC *sd, const char *varname, int elem, void *value, struct DBMap **ref);

    it just my assumption hope you will take a look on this and fix if it was to be fixed

  7. == Rewrite Faction System Patch ==

    *You'll need to run in SQL-Mode!*If you use Visual Studio, make sure to use VS 2009 / 2010 to compile!*Don't forget to add 3CeAM_FactionWar_Patch_r800+.sql to your SQl-DB!-This file will be auto-generated into your 3ceam/sql-files folder.




    it missing faction.conf sir

  8. @@Litro isn't the use of global variable server extensive? specially if you're running a large populated server.

    AFAIK it just take a longer time to fire up a server, since you requested IP Based record I can't think better method except creating new table on DB

  9. @@JoyRo, sorry previously i'm just write it and test it on script checker with out in game test, i have done wrong on index part and the time left function it should be alright now, tested by me but I didn't know if it meet your need


    prontera,155,160,5	script	60 seconds Reward	4_F_FAIRYKID4,{
    	.@npc_name$ = "[Reward NPC]";
    	for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize($ip_reward$); .@i+=2) {
    		if ($ip_reward$[.@i] != getcharip()) continue;
    		.@delays = atoi($ip_reward$[.@i+1]) + .delay;
    		if (.@delays > gettimetick(2)) {
    			mes .@npc_name$;
    			mes "This IP Addres has claimed the reward";
    			mes "You have to wait for "+callfunc("Time2Str", .@delays);
    			mes "To re-claim the reward for this IP Addres";
    		.@index = .@i+1;
    	mes .@npc_name$;
    	mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+",I";
    	mes "am here to give you a daily";
    	mes "Reward. Do you want to have it?";
    	switch (select("-Yes,sure!:-No,bye!:-Cancel")) {
    		case 1:
    			mes .@npc_name$;
    			for (.@j = 0; .@j < getarraysize(.reward); .@j+=2)
    				getitem .reward[.@j], .reward[.@j+1];
    			mes "Okay have fun with it!";
    			if (.@index) $ip_reward$[.@index] = gettimetick(2);
    			else {
    				.@index = getarraysize($ip_reward$);
    				$ip_reward$[.@index] = getcharip();
    				$ip_reward$[.@index+1] = gettimetick(2);
    			mes .@npc_name$;
    			mes "Okay goodbye!";
    	setarray .reward, 601, 1; // <item id>, <item amount>{, <item id>, <item amount>,...}
    	.delay = 86400; // Delay time before reward can be re-claimed. time set in second, default 24 Hours = 86400 seconds

  10. try this

    prontera,155,160,5	script	60 seconds Reward	4_F_FAIRYKID4,{
    	.@npc_name$ = "[Reward NPC]";
    	for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize($ip_reward$); .@i+=2) {
    		if ($ip_reward$[.@i] != getcharip()) continue;
    		.@delays = atoi($ip_reward$[.@i+1]) + .delay;
    		if ( .@delays > gettimetick(2)) {
    			mes .@npc_name$;
    			mes "Your IP addres have been claim the reward";
    			mes "You have to wait for "+callfunc("Time2Str", .@delays - gettimetick(2));
    		.@index = .@i;
    	mes .@npc_name$;
    	mes "Hello "+strcharinfo(0)+",I";
    	mes "am here to give you a daily";
    	mes "Reward. Do you want to have it?";
    	switch (select("-Yes,sure!:-No,bye!:-Cancel")) {
    		case 1:
    			mes .@npc_name$;
    			for (.@j = 0; .@j < getarraysize(.reward); .@j+=2)
    				getitem .reward[.@j], .reward[.@j+1];
    			mes "Okay have fun with it!";
    			if (.@index) $ip_reward$[.@index+1] = gettimetick(2);
    			else {
    				.@index = getarraysize($ip_reward$);
    				$ip_reward$[.@index] = getcharip();
    				$ip_reward$[.@index+1] = gettimetick(2);
    			mes .@npc_name$;
    			mes "Okay goodbye!";
    	setarray .reward, 601, 1; // <item id>, <item amount>{, <item id>, <item amount>,...}
    	.delay = 86400; // Delay time before reward can be re-claimed. time set in second, default 24 Hours = 86400 seconds

  11. it missing ';' like the script parser showed you on line 7


    .@menu$ = "Loyal Reward:"


    .@menu$ = "Loyal Reward:";

    from what i understand from your request is when player click the npc, the npc will show the list reward he can claim, after the reward claimed the menu will be hidden or removed


    if you want to add more case on it my be some thing like this

    gonryun,162,126,4	script	Event Reward	4_F_OPERATION,{
    	if (.error) {
    		mes "Script Configuration Error Please Fix it";
    	while(1) {
    		.@menu$ = "";
    		for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.reward_menu$); ++.@i) {
    			if (getd(.reward_var$[.@i])) .@menu$ += ":";
    			else {
    				.@menu$ += .reward_menu$[.@i]+":";
    				.@[member=check] = 1;
    		if (!.@[member=check]) {
    			mes "There is no more reward you can redeem.";
    			emotion e_bzzz;
    		mes "Please select which reward you want to redeem";
    		.@select = select(.@menu$);
    		switch(.@select) {
    				mes "Error On: "+.reward_menu$[(.@select-1)]+" did not have a case label";
    			case 1:
    				getitem 607,1;
    			case 2:
    				getitem 607,1;
    		setd .reward_var$[(.@select-1)], 1;
    	setarray .reward_menu$, "Loyal Reward", "LoL Reward";
    	setarray .reward_var$ , "#Loyal_Reward", "#LoL_Reward";
    	if (getarraysize(.reward_menu$) != getarraysize(.reward_var$))
    		.error = 1;

  12. try this hope statisfies your need


    gonryun,162,126,4	script	Event Reward	4_F_OPERATION,{
    	while(1) {
    		if (!#Loyal_Reward && !#LoL_Reward)
    			.@menu$ = "Loyal Reward:LoL Reward";
    		else if (!#Loyal_Reward && #LoL_Reward)
    			.@menu$ = "Loyal Reward:"
    		else if (#Loyal_Reward && !#LoL_Reward)
    			.@menu$ = ":LoL Reward";
    		else if (#Loyal_Reward && #LoL_Reward) {
    			mes "There is no more reward you can redeem."
    			emotion e_bzzz;
    		mes "Please select which reward you want to redeem";
    		switch(select(.@menu$)) {
    			case 1:
    				getitem 607,1;
    				#Loyal_Reward = 1;
    			case 2:
    				getitem 607,1;
    				#LoL_Reward = 1;

  13. @@AnnieRuru mmh hi.. here what I came up* but it didn't work like what I want it, it seem I did wrong in part where you tell me to 'trick that function into thinking that player has lower level' or likely I didn't understand what you said above


    and after you see the thing i wrote by copy paste-ing other firstly I want to go with what you tell me hooking into 'battle->calc_weapon_attack' but i can't see the example from any of your plugin or even dastgir, so i go with 'battle->calc_skillratio' because it have some same line from your plugins and it have much more the level thing that I want to nerf in skillratio


    so... hoping you can tell me how to make it right


    i tested it with RK_SONICWAVE it should be ( 100 + ( 175 - 100 ) / 2 ) but the thing is it failed to do it job  :(

    case RK_SONICWAVE:
    	skillratio = (skill_lv + 5) * 100;
    	skillratio = skillratio * (100 + (status->get_lv(src)-100) / 2) / 100;


    #include "common/hercules.h"
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include "map/battle.h"
    #include "map/skill.h"
    #include "map/pc.h"
    #include "common/nullpo.h"
    #include "common/memmgr.h"
    #include "common/HPMDataCheck.h"
    HPExport struct hplugin_info pinfo = {
    int max_blvl_nerf = 175;
    struct player_data {
        int actual_level;
    int battle_calc_skillratio_pre (int attack_type, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int skillratio, int flag) {
    	struct map_session_data *sd;
    	struct player_data *ssd;
    	int s_level;
    	sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC, src);
    	s_level = sd->status.base_level;
    	if( skill_id >= RK_ENCHANTBLADE && skill_id <= LG_OVERBRAND_PLUSATK && s_level > max_blvl_nerf ) {
    		if ( !(ssd = getFromMSD(sd,0)) ) {
    			CREATE( ssd, struct player_data, 1 );
    			ssd->actual_level = sd->status.base_level;
    			addToMSD( sd, ssd, 0, true );
    		sd->status.base_level = max_blvl_nerf;
    	return 0;
    int battle_calc_skillratio_post (int retVal, int attack_type, struct block_list *src, struct block_list *target, uint16 skill_id, uint16 skill_lv, int skillratio, int flag) {
    	struct map_session_data *sd;
    	struct player_data *ssd;
    	sd = BL_CAST(BL_PC, src);
    	ssd = getFromMSD( sd, 0 );
    	if ( ssd && ssd->actual_level )
    		sd->status.base_level = ssd->actual_level;
    	return retVal;
    // battle config: all below copied from afk plugins (dastgir plugin's)
    void max_blvl_nerf_adjust(const char *key, const char *val) {	//In Seconds
    	int value = config_switch(val);
    	if (strcmpi(key, "max_blvl_nerf") == 0) {
    		if (value < 0 || value > battle->bc->max_lv){
    			ShowDebug("Received Invalid Setting for max_blvl_nerf(%d), defaulting to 0\n",value);
    		max_blvl_nerf = value;
    int max_blvl_nerf_return(const char *key)
    	if (strcmpi(key, "max_blvl_nerf") == 0)
    		return max_blvl_nerf;
    	return 0;
    HPExport void plugin_init (void) {
    	addHookPre( "battle->calc_skillratio", battle_calc_skillratio_pre );
    	addHookPost( "battle->calc_skillratio", battle_calc_skillratio_post );
    HPExport void server_preinit (void) {
    	addBattleConf("max_blvl_nerf", max_blvl_nerf_adjust, max_blvl_nerf_return);

  14. you can use checkbound script command for it


    add this and change the array of .@Blacklist to your own ids

    // Headgear Blacklistsetarray .@Blacklist, 2201, 2202, 2203;for (.@c = 0; .@c < getarraysize(.@Blacklist); ++.@c) {	if ( .@Blacklist[.@c] == .@id && checkbound(.@Blacklist[.@c]) ) {		mes "You can't convert bound item.";		close;	}}


    set .@Part, .@Position[ select(.@Menu$) ];set .@id, getequipid(.@Part);

  15. Also use mapcache provided in Hercules repo.

    WeeMapCache have several bugs, like it sorts map in alphabetical order, changing map_ids , also it does not recognize water cells properly.


    uh oh is this true? is there another tools good to replace it except the mapchace that come from master git, cause it will take a size in vps since it ask fro the map main (gat, rsw, gnd, extra) files

    I didn't know it until now but i have never got a problem in adding map with it, will it cause the problem for changin map_ids?

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