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Everything posted by meko

  1. If what you want is create a NPC that you can only interact with every 15 minutes you could do something similar to this: // create a NPC template: - script giver FAKE_NPC,{ // get the item name from the NPC name .@item$ = strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME_HIDDEN); // check when the player last obtained this item .@last = .obtained[playerattached()]; if (.@last <= time_from_minutes(-15)) { // give the item getitem(.@item$, 1); // update the last obtained date .obtained[playerattached()] = now(); mes("Enjoy!"); } else { // calculate the difference .@seconds = .@last - time_from_minutes(-15); // tell the player to wait mesf("Don't be greedy! Try again %s.", FuzzyTime(time_from_seconds(.@seconds))); // This would print, ie: "Don't be greedy! Try again in 5 minutes and 32 seconds." } close; } // now make duplicates: einbech,172,113,4 duplicate(giver) new name#Jellopy 4_M_EINMAN // ^ this would spawn a NPC named "new name" that gives a Jellopy every 15 minutes This creates a template NPC that gets its parameters from the NPC name so you can create several duplicates that all give different items. PS: to make it easier to read this script uses the Date and Time functions file
  2. the error message already tells you what is wrong: you forgot a closing parenthesis if ( getguildinfo(GUILDINFO_MASTER_NAME, getcharid( getcharid(2) ) != getcharid(0) ) the parenthesis for getguildinto() is never closed: (((()) != ()) you should add a ) closing parenthesis before the !=
  3. inarray() is not a script command of Hercules (see the docs in doc/script_commands.txt) and is also not included in the "Array manipulation functions" script You should either replace it with a for() loop or if you want to use Array manipulation functions you should use array_exists() like so: // with Array manipulation functions: if (!array_exists(.@unique_id, get_unique_id())) { ... } // with a for() loop: .@size = getarraysize(.@unique_id); for (.@k = 0; .@k < .@size; ++.@k) { if (.@unique_id[.@k] == get_unique_id()) { break; } ... } Keep in mind that get_unique_id() is also not part of Hercules so if you don't have a plugin that provides it or source mods (not recommended) it will not work
  4. mesf(format, ...param) is just a shorthand for mes(sprintf(format, ...param)) so you don't have to use both mesf() and sprintf(). You can find the documentation in doc/script_commands.txt: mesf(), sprintf() Replace this line: mes "^FF0000Your Latest Record^000000: "+.@s+"."+.@ms+" Seconds."; With this line: mesf("^FF0000Your Latest Record^000000: %d.%03d Seconds.", .@s, .@ms); Replace this line: mes "^0000FFTime Taken^000000: [ "+.@emp_s+"."+.@emp_ms+" Sec. ]"; With this line: mesf("^0000FFTime Taken^000000: [ %d.%03d Sec. ]", .@emp_s, .@emp_ms); For the areaannounce() lines you can use sprintf(), like this: areaannounce("map name", .x1, .y1, .x2, .y2, sprintf("Your time is %dm %02ds %03dms", .m, .s, .ms), bc_area);
  5. By two more zeroes do you mean zero-padding so that the numbers are in the same format, like 008 (always the same width)? You can do zero-padding with sprintf() like so: sprintf("%03d", 5); // 005 so you would use it like this: mesf("^0000FFTime Taken^000000: [ %d.%03d Sec. ]", @emp_s, @emp_ms); // this would print, for example: Time taken: [ 5.095 Sec.]
  6. The getmonsterinfo() command expects to see a mob unit ID but you passed an account ID. This is because killerrid can be any kind of unit (player, mob, homunculus, ...) but you are using this unit id as-is without checking what kind of unit it is. From your if() condition it seems you are only trying to see if the player was killed by a mob on the .Map$ map so you could replace it with this: if (strcharinfo(PC_MAP) == .Map$ && getunittype(.@killerrid) == UNITTYPE_MOB) { ... }
  7. This is a known issue and will be fixed in today's release
  8. use @price instead of @points
  9. This error is quite explicit: the ID of your character in your SQL database (table `char`) is less than 150000 (the initial ID for auto-increment). This could happen if you manually added a character and explicitly specified an ID lower than 150000. Since the column is on auto-increment you should not specify a char id when adding rows to the table. You can find the offending rows with a simple query: SELECT * FROM `char` WHERE `char_id` < 150000; Keep in mind that if you end up changing the ID of a char it needs to be changed in every table that has a char_id column and should only be done when the server is offline. You can reset the auto increment with this query: ALTER TABLE `char` AUTO_INCREMENT = 1; Setting auto increment to a value less than or equal the highest value will reset it to highest + 1
  10. You can hook into the chat and whisper-related functions with a HPM plugin and then call the Google Cloud Translation API but this will be very costly because you have to translate every single message into the local language of every listening player so if you have a player speaking English and there's 50 players around them and they all use a different language you end up sending 50 translation requests to the API. You could do the translation client-side but you would have to build your google translate logic directly into the RO client. Keep in mind that this will also increase lag because you wait on API responses before displaying the message.
  11. freeloop(true); for (...) { ... } freeloop(false); basically you put the freeloop toggle around your for() loop
  12. You'd want to do the translation offline (not on a live server, on-the-fly) using a HPM plugin (such as generate-translations) to generate your po files and then you would use a script (maybe in python, so you could use that python lib you linked) to call the google "cloud translation" api and translate your po file. You could also put both the po generator and translation routine in the same HPM plugin (using generate-translations as base and expanding from there)
  13. pow() has been replaced by the exponentiation operator (x ** y), see here: In your case you would need to do these changes: // change this set .@num$, .@num % pow(10,.@i+1) / pow(10,.@i) + .@num$; // to this: .@num$ = .@num % (10 ** (.@i + 1)) / (10 ** .@i) + .@num$;
  14. instead of using item names in your array you should be using item constants if what you want is item IDs, so something like setarray(.@items$, "Jellopy", "Large_Jellopy", ...); becomes setarray(.@items, Jellopy, Large_Jellopy, ...); so you use the unquoted AegisName from the item db, which is a constant of its ID but anyway, the getitem() command does work with both the item ID and the AegisName so if you are using the name it should work fine. // all of these are equivalent: getitem(501, 1); getitem(Red_Potion, 1); getitem("Red_Potion", 1); // but this won't work: getitem("Red Potion", 1);
  15. It's IOT_CHAR, not IM_CHAR .@char = getcharid(CHAR_ID_CHAR); .@account = getcharid(CHAR_ID_ACCOUNT); .@map_name$ = "mapname"; // the map you want to instance .@instance_name$ = sprintf("%s@%i%d", .@map_name$, .@char, gettime(GETTIME_SECOND)); // a unique name for your instance .@instance = instance_create(.@instance_name$, .@account, IOT_CHAR); // create the instance and attach it to the char .@instanced_map_name$ = sprintf("%s@%i", .@map_name$, .@instance); // a unique name for the instanced map .@map$ = instance_attachmap(.@map_name$, .@instance, false, .@instanced_map_name$); // attach the instanced map to your instance instance_timeout(600, 1, .@instance); // alive and idle timeout, in seconds // setup is ready so init the instance and warp the player instance_init(.@instance); warpchar(.@map$, 20, 20, .@char); // the (x,y) starting point
  16. if you want to give an item to every guild member on the current map you can use getunits(), something like .@guild = getcharid(CHAR_ID_GUILD); .@map$ = getmapinfo(MAPINFO_NAME); // check to make sure we're not iterating for nothing if (.@guild && getmapguildusers(.@map$, .@guild) > 1) { // get every player on the current map .@count = getunits(BL_PC, .@units, false, .@map$); // iterate over all those players for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@count; ++.@i) { // check if they are in the same guild if (.@units[.@i] != playerattached() && getcharid(CHAR_ID_GUILD, strcharinfo(PC_NAME, "", .@units[.@i])) == .@guild) { getitem({{item}}, {{amount}}, .@units[.@i]); } } } To give to offline guild members you could use the RoDEX system
  17. the login and guild tables should not be used to store variables, it is better to use variables directly, but if you must then you want a query that spans multiple tables, something like -- give 100 "pontosgwot" to the player that killed it UPDATE `login` SET `pontosgwot`=`pontosgwot`+100 WHERE `account_id`={{GID}}; -- give 50 "pontosgwot" and 1 "baus" to everyone else in the guild UPDATE `login` SET `login`.`pontosgwot`=`login.pontosgwot`+50 WHERE `login`.`account_id`=`char.account_id` AND `char`.`guild_id`={{GUILD}} AND `char`.`char_id`<>{{GID}}; UPDATE `login` SET `login`.`baus`=`login.baus`+1 WHERE `login`.`account_id`=`char.account_id` AND `char`.`guild_id`={{GUILD}} AND `char`.`char_id`<>{{GID}}; Replace {{GID}} with the account id and {{GUILD}} with the guild id This is very slow though so don't do this unless you really need to
  18. meko


    The documentation resides in the /doc folder of your cloned git repository and the scripting engine documentation is in /doc/script_commands.txt The version you have locally may not be the version that is currently on GitHub so always use the documentation in the /doc subfolder of the emulator root folder since its version is always the same as the version of your Hercules emulator (when properly cloning and pulling with git) Please be aware that some commands have been deprecated over the years and replaced with other commands. The documentation will tell you when a command is deprecated and you can find more details in the Deprecation thread.
  19. meko

    get npc name

    use strnpcinfo() like strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME_UNIQUE, "", npc id)
  20. // set the unit ID of the target .@target_id = XXXXX; // get the location of the target (change TYPE to PC/MOB/...) getmapxy(.@map$, .@x, .@y, UNITTYPE_{{TYPE}}, .@target_id); // get all mobs within a 3 cell radius around the target .@count = getunits(BL_MOB, .@units[0], false, .@map$, max(0, .@x - 3), max(0, .@y - 3), .@x + 3, .@y + 3); // iterate over the mob units for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@count; ++.@i) { .@unit = .@units[.@i]; // ... do something with your .@unit }
  21. 10 to the power of 10 is 10,000,000,000 but the scripting engine uses signed 32-bit integers and the maximum value that can be held by such integers is 2,147,483,647 (2^31 − 1). Any value above this will cause the integer to overflow so you have to be aware of this and manually check the boundaries. In your case this would mean checking that getarg(0) is shorter than 10 characters long so if ( .@num == 0 || .@num >= 10 ** 9 ) return getarg(0); instead of if ( .@num == 0 || .@num >= 2147483647 ) return getarg(0); to avoid the case where getstrlen is above 10
  22. .@num$ = .@num % 10 ** (.@i + 1) / 10 ** .@i + .@num$;
  23. the exponentiation operator (**) has higher precedence than the addition operator (+) so this means A ** B+C is interpreted as (A ** B) + C because the exponentiation operation has priority over the addition operation also worth noting that exponentiation has higher precedence than multiplication/division so a more complex formula like A + B * C ** D would be interpreted as A + (B * (C ** D)) so you have to manually reorder the operations with explicit parentheses if you want to change the precedence, like (A + (B * C)) ** D
  24. no need for SQL nor a timer: just store the date instead of a true/false boolean // check whether the last reward was given today or another day if (gettime(GETTIME_DAYOFYEAR) == #LAST_REWARD) { mes("you already got a reward today"); } else { mes("here's your reward"); ... // give reward #LAST_REWARD = gettime(GETTIME_DAYOFYEAR); // set it to today }
  25. there's a few different ways: .@num = charat("Test3", 4); sscanf("Test3", "Test%d", .@num); .@num = substr("Test3", 4, 4); pcre_match("Test3", "^[^0-9]*([0-9]+)$"); .@num = $@regexmatch$[1];
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