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Tio Akima

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Everything posted by Tio Akima

  1. Nice script ... I loved it! I have an idea to add in your NPC ... I think it's going to get better. You could add an option to the NPC to create scrolls with the stored build. Thus, the player can load this parchment and use wherever he wants, make exchanges, sell the parchment, etc ... The NPC creates a parchment (Item usable) with the stored build.
  2. Hi guys I do not know exactly the source of this error, whether it is SRC, or Hexed, or data files ... [client-side or server side] I have no idea why this mistake. After walking the map (and minimizing or maximizing the menu) it will be invisible. Is someone having this kind of bug? What could be causing this? I tested several hexeds and in all this happened. (current hexed 2018-04-18)
  3. Hello guys Does anyone know the reason for this error? I added my npc's (custom) also in the constants file ... Need to add somewhere else? this is client 2018
  4. In skill.c I did an area skill. This skill summon a mob. I sumono a mob and make him walk (I shoot this mob in one direction) with unit-> walktoxy (); That is, because of the unit-> walktoxy (), this mob will go through the functions: unit-> walktoxy (); unit-> walktoxy_sub (); unit-> walktoxy_timer (); right? When this mob dies (or stops walking) I want to call a skill ... skill Lord of Vermilion (WZ_VERMILION) The function that defines whether the mob has stopped walking is unit-> walktoxy_timer (); So, I need to call the skill (WZ_VERMILION) inside the function unit-> walktoxy_timer (); But for this skill to work, I need the data from the player. The information that arrives to unit-> walktoxy_timer (); are data from the MOB that walked and stopped ... The skill (WZ_VERMILION) will only work, if I call it with player data. This is a way of doing a skillshot ... Throwing the mob in one direction, and when it hits an enemy, an area skill is invoked. It sounds complicated, but it's a simple logic up to it. @meko If you can help me, I'll be very grateful. <3
  5. that is, there is no solution to my problem. =/
  6. Hi guys, in map.c I want to create a basic function a function that returns the player ID, without parameters only with return ID from the player. If anyone knows Something like this: int map_get_id() { struct map_session_data* sd; sd = map->id2sd(?); return sd->bl.id; } EDIT: It does not have to be exactly in map.c but must be a function that returns the player ID Can someone help me?
  7. Hi guys I noticed today that some area skills are not working. As for example WZ_VERMILION, WZ_STORMGUST In fact, they work, but they do not hit a monster. Has anyone ever had this kind of bug?
  8. Do you want to change the class of an item? There are two places you can set this information (if I'm not mistaken). In item_db.conf in the argument: Subtype: "W_1HSWORD" And also in the file itemInfo.lub (in lua files) in the argument: ClassNum = 4 If you want to check information on the types of weapons You can look at the files: weapontable.lub (at your date) and also in item_db.txt (emulator / doc)
  9. Hello guys I'm studying the area damage skills. I got the WZ_VERMILION skill to study. But I am not finding in Skill.c where I change the amount of target cells and not even the skill damage .. Can you tell me where to find this?
  10. I understand... I'm calling SC_RUN on a mob ... And then, when SC_RUN stops, I call that function highlighted in red. The skill is: the player calling SC_RUN in mob. But this is working. The memory problem is when I put the highlighted call in red. Is there any way to fix it? any way to make that call without error? Thanks for that help. <3
  11. Thanks for answering. This error is coming from the TK skill. TK_RUN ... I put a function in the skill. in Status.c in case SC_RUN I put this call: struct mob_data *md = bl; skill->castend_nodamage_id(&md->bl, &md->bl, NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION, 1, timer->gettick(), 0); //mob explode and it was thus: case SC_RUN: { struct unit_data *ud = unit->bl2ud(bl); bool begin_spurt = true; // Note: this int64 value is stored in two separate int32 variables (FIXME) int64 starttick = (int64)sce->val3&0x00000000ffffffffLL; starttick |= ((int64)sce->val4<<32)&0xffffffff00000000LL; if (ud) { if(!ud->state.running) begin_spurt = false; printf("enter 1 \n"); //console message ud->state.running = 0; struct mob_data *md = bl; skill->castend_nodamage_id(&md->bl, &md->bl, NPC_SELFDESTRUCTION, 1, timer->gettick(), 0); //mob explode if (ud->walktimer != INVALID_TIMER){ unit->stop_walking(bl, STOPWALKING_FLAG_FIXPOS); printf("enter 2 \n"); //console message clif->specialeffect(bl, 223, AREA); printf("enter 3 \n"); //console message } } if (begin_spurt && sce->val1 >= 7 && DIFF_TICK(timer->gettick(), starttick) <= 1000 && (!sd || (sd->weapontype1 == W_FIST && sd->weapontype2 == W_FIST)) ) sc_start(bl, bl,SC_STRUP,100,sce->val1,skill->get_time2(status->sc2skill(type), sce->val1)); } break; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Is it possible to correct this error? Am I making the wrong call?
  12. Hi guys, I'm having this error when I use a skill. The skill TK_RUN .. What does this mistake mean?
  13. add in SRC? Example: clif->specialeffect(&sd->bl, 609, AREA); ( target, effect number, effect type ) If I'm not mistaken, it's in that order Someone correct me if I'm wrong, please.
  14. Hello, I added a two-handed sword and put it for all classes to use. However, ASPD falls to zero when equipping the sword. Only the swordman class and superiors who use normal. Why does it happen..? In what part of the SRC is the class weapons defined? I want to release the use of two-handed swords for everyone without this ASPD error
  15. Thanks for the report ... bug fixed. (version 1.4)
  16. thanks for report. version updated for 1.3 (- corrected wall texture path error.)
  17. I honestly do not know where you're going wrong. @EDIT One minut... I'll upload a new version @EDIT 2 Is ready... Version 1.2 is with the texture path error corrected throw the old map out and get the new version ... Test the map and let me know, please
  18. Hei my friend Look in your data folder if you have the following file: data\texture\prontera_re\prt_in_bot01.bmp prt_in_bot01.bmp - this is the file that is not showing up for you. see if it's there prt_in_bot01.rar
  19. Hello guys.. the question is a bit complex. 'm looking at SRC, where it talks about how each class attacks. each class has 3 ways to attack (which change according to the weapon it is using) She attacks in a way when using a spear, attacks otherwise when she is using a sword ... And attacks otherwise when she is not using weapons ... Another example: The monk when it is without weapon, uses the sprite attack 3 (NOT COULD BE ... should be the sprite ataq 2) ... The archer, uses the sprite attack 3 only when he has a bow and arrow equipped. (Its OK) I want to edit this to be uniform, all the same way. Can someone tell me where to find this information in SRC? It must be something about the BASIC ATTACK of each class. All sprites (ACT) are standard However, each class react in different ways. each class has a basic attack that reacts in a way ... Where can I find it at SRC? It's a little complex, but I believe that by changing ownership of the basic attack, I can make uniform for all classes.
  20. your date was probably not updated. But thanks for the warning. - I added all the files (renewal textures) to avoid this type of error.
  21. Version 1.4.0


    Special Room (s_room) Map created by TioAkima and distributed (without any cost) by the author himself. It is a customized room that can have several functions, such as room for Quest's, Market (shop's), VIP room, meetings, etc ... The trade in this map is permanently prohibited. [I have not yet tested the map .. I have finished recently so .. Any mistake, please let me know.] Att, TioAkima
  22. View File Special Room - 1.0 [FREE MAP] Special Room (s_room) Map created by TioAkima and distributed (without any cost) by the author himself. It is a customized room that can have several functions, such as room for Quest's, Market (shop's), VIP room, meetings, etc ... The trade in this map is permanently prohibited. [I have not yet tested the map .. I have finished recently so .. Any mistake, please let me know.] Att, TioAkima Submitter Tio Akima Submitted 02/02/18 Category Maps & Textures  
  23. Hi, I'm TioAkima. Small tutorial to help add the new fucking SIGNBOARDs that are available to new clients. If I'm not mistaken, it's for client's 2016+ For those who do not know, I'm talking about these new chat/shop on the NPC: They are cool and leave the server with a nice face. <3 it is quite simple. Go in your data folder, and in your LUA files (luafiles514) search for file signboardlist.lub data\luafiles514\lua files\signboardlist.lub Now let's understand how this file works to add a SIGNBOARD (cute little window with icon) like this: The structure of the file is as follows: {" prontera", 150, 193, 5, IT_BMP, "유저인터페이스\\information\\over_kafra.bmp", " KAFRA Tools ","#0x00FFFFFF"} { "prontera", = map name 150, = x 193, = y 5, = height you want the window (can be zero if you want) IT_SIGNBOARD, = window type "유저인터페이스\\information\\over_kafra.bmp", = here is the directory where your icon is "KAFRA Tools", = chat name "#0x00FFFFFF" = letter color }, Just add another line following this format. Remembering that the last window does not have the comma in the end ... It is good to pay attention to this. Now to add icons in this other way> The format is very similar, but it has some minimal difference ... And it's also in the same file. It's pretty much the same thing, but one or the other function argument changes. The structure is this: {"prontera", 150, 193, 1, IT_BMP, "유저인터페이스\\information\\over_kafra.bmp"}, { "prontera", = map name 150, = x 193, = y 1, = height you want the icon (can be zero if you want) IT_BMP, = Only place the icon (without the window) "유저인터페이스\\information\\over_kafra.bmp" = here is the directory where your icon is }, READY! Note that for this, you do not put the name of the chat nor the color of the letter! (you do not have these two arguments, okay?) .. That's it .. I hope it helps anyone who wants to put these windows. att, Tio akima
  24. Hello, this question has taken another way .. Take a look at my other post for more details. Thank you.
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