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Tio Akima

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Everything posted by Tio Akima

  1. Na pasta \conf\map\battle\feature.conf procure por: // Enable Attendance System for clients >= 2018-03-07bRagexeRE or 2018-04-04bRagexe or 2018-04-11aRagexe_zero // true: enable (Default) // false: disable enable_attendance_system: true // Attendance End time in the format YearMonthDay feature_attendance_endtime: 20220802 É preciso ativar e definir a data de termino do attendance.
  2. Hi I wanted help to fix this instance info window. This window (with the destroy button) appears when you are out of the instance saying that it is available/accessible, etc... You can even use the button to destroy and terminate the instance. However, this window bug completely if the time spent in the instance expires. When the dwell time expires, should the player be sent to out and the instance destroyed? With the instance destroyed, it should no longer show the window with the button and saying "available"... right? but the window bugs, and never disappears again (hahaha), and the destroy button stops working. Something is wrong with the function called when the dwell time in the instance expires. the time out func: *instance_set_timeout(<alive timeout>, <idle timeout>{, <instance id>}) Parameter <alive timeout> specifies the total amount of time the instance will exist. Parameter <idle timeout> specifies how long players have, when they are outside of the instance, until it is destroyed. <idle timeout> works perfectly. when it expires, the instance is destroyed correctly, the window disappears. the problem is when the <alive timeout> expires. The window bugs, the button bugs... maybe it could be the func in instance.c or the clif call
  3. hi, i made a skill to send the clone generated by the player to attack a target. (order to attack a target). I did a custom function, where I return the clone ID on the map. And so, give him an order. But, I do not know if it is correct to go this way, or if there is any other necessary procedure case CLONE_ATTACK: { int c = 0; int clone_id = 0; int maxcount = 1; map->foreachinmap(skill->check_condition_clone, sd->bl.m, BL_MOB, sd->bl.id, &c , &clone_id ); // clone search on the map //ShowWarning("clone_id: %d\n", clone_id); //debug if( c < maxcount ) { //if no clones are found clif->skill_fail(sd, skill_id, USESKILL_FAIL_CONDITION, 0, 0); map->freeblock_unlock(); return 0; } struct block_list* mbl = map->id2bl(clone_id); //takes the clone id and converts it to a bl struct unit_data *ud = unit->bl2ud(mbl); //take the bl and convert it to a unit //nullpo_ret(mbl); //nullpo_ret(ud); if(ud){ unit->set_target(ud, bl->id); //set a target unit->attack(mbl, bl->id, ud->state.attack_continue); // Execute normal attack } } suggestions? @EDIT: Solved
  4. View File Darkmoon - Sprite NPC DarkMoon Hi... I did this NPC some time ago Now I'm posting to the community FREE TioAkima Submitter Tio Akima Submitted 03/07/21 Category Sprites & Palettes  
  5. Version 1.0.0


    DarkMoon Hi... I did this NPC some time ago Now I'm posting to the community FREE TioAkima
  6. Hi You may face some mistakes by switching a class's sprite to a monster's sprite. In a class sprite there are positions that a monster does not have, sitting position for example, 2 or 3 types of attacks, etc ... So, maybe you face some mistakes in that sense. A monster has 4 layouts if I'm not mistaken, a class already has between 8 or 9 ... I don't remember for sure. So it is necessary to pay attention to that Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm thinking about all the functions that a class sprite has oh, there is the option for you to use the disguise command, isn't it interesting for you? you can turn the player into the monster you want perhaps it is a good option for your goal.
  7. the heart of cards hahahahahaha it reminds me of my whole childhood i love Pikachu haha :3 ty ridley ❤️
  8. Pokemon League Map Hi, I'm doing some duel maps. pokemon league map, can be used as a duel map or map for any event, depending on your creativity. Did you see the dueling map of the yugi-oh? Haven't seen it yet? can also be used for dueling, or for any event that is map print: Yugi-oh duel map
  9. Has anyone changed edited the daily compensations to get the awards for accounts and not for char? it would be nice if you had that alternative in the settings. Has anyone thought of this alternative? I think it is safer and more correct that the daily rewards are for accounts and not char. Thus, it avoids the player creating different characters to get the rewards.
  10. View File Medieval Tavern - [FREE MAP] Hi. I am Tio Akima. This is one of my works in creating maps / graphs. Available to the community. (free) Medieval Tavern Map Map made in Browedit (Thanks Borf) 3d models made in 3D Max Any error / bug let me know so I can fix it. Submitter Tio Akima Submitted 05/18/20 Category Maps & Textures  
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Hi. I am Tio Akima. This is one of my works in creating maps / graphs. Available to the community. (free) Medieval Tavern Map Map made in Browedit (Thanks Borf) 3d models made in 3D Max Any error / bug let me know so I can fix it.
  12. guys, i'm using the barter shop, and even putting -1 (to sell unlimited items) he is acting like it's 1 ... and he doesn't let the player buy the item. Does anyone know why he is behaving this way? the value being -1 was for him to exchange unlimited items and not block the player from exchanging (says he doesn't have enough items to exchange)
  13. hy guys I'm creating an instance, and I have some doubts I created the instance setup: // instance create ================================================================= if ( FYC_deny + .deny > gettimetick(2) ) { mes "["+ strnpcinfo(1) +"]"; mes "Você não pode tentar imediatamente... Precisa de uma pausa antes de enfrenta-lo novamente."; mes "Tem que esperar "+ callfunc( "timeleft__", FYC_deny + .deny - gettimetick(2) ) +"."; close2; cutin "", 255; end; } .@instance_name$ = "Piccolo Training"; //nome da instancia .@map_name$ = "1@area"; // nome do mapa if ( has_instance2("1@area") >= 0 ) instance_destroy has_instance2("1@area"); .@instance = instance_create( .@instance_name$, getcharid( 3 ), IOT_CHAR); if( .@instance < 0 ) { dispbottom "Ixe! A Instancia Falhou!"; end; } dispbottom "^0000ff" + .@instance_name$ + "^000000- Criando Instancia..."; if( instance_attachmap(.@map_name$,.@instance) == "" ) { instance_destroy( .@instance ); dispbottom "Houve uma falha ao criar a Instancia..."; close2; cutin "", 255; end; } instance_set_timeout 600, 1, .@instance; // 10 minutos para matar, 1 segundos para destruir instance_init .@instance; percentheal 100,100; FYC_deny = gettimetick(2); //warp has_instance("1@area"), 104,84; warp instance_mapname("1@area",.@instance),104,84; Now, I don’t know how I can check to see if the player died, or if quit ... Because if that happens, you have to get the player out of there, and destroy the instance, right? how to do this? ps* oh .. and also need to check for when time is up?
  14. Hi guys, found this npc on some topics here on the forum it's a battle between groups, but I noticed some errors, if anyone can look ... If I'm not mistaken, this npc was edited by AnnieRuru and is called Team Wars (7vs7) group battle * after the groups register, the npc says a message and if the player doesn't close the message, the battle will never start, that is ... the player can troll a lot doing this! * after the battle is over, the winning group is stuck on the map. I'm not sure, but somehow the event doesn't end. * Does anyone have the sql table? I did not find. * The reset option in the admin menu does not work https://upaste.me/01845160002a5577f
  15. oh ... got it ... yes, that's probably it. You still have the strength to carry many things, but there is no space in the inventory .... it makes sense. ty
  16. which path does your hexed take first? * read data folder first * read first grf when you use your data folder, the client may actually be reading the kro data.grf first to avoid causing problems ... well, try to change the sprite of this mob that is giving problems ... Alias, enter the mobs folder, and check that the monster is there and that the file is not damaged.
  17. guys Hi guys with the change of maximum level and maximum status (str, int, luk, etc ...) do I need to set the maximum weight too? sometimes it happens that the char gets heavy with only 20% of objects in the warehouse I figured that maybe the weight would adapt to the size of the force (whatever it is, str stats custom or not) @EDIT doubt
  18. hmmm ... So, I need my change to be within this rule defined in the return ? return cap_value (matk, battle_config.matk_min, battle_config.matk_max); I looked in limits.conf and found these values // magic attack limits matk_min_limit: 0 matk_max_limit: 65535 do these values apply to the rule? Actually, I didn't understand how the rule works ... The change I make to the status_calc_matk function, can't make the matk exceed matk_max? Can you explain me? The change I made was this: if(sc->data[SC_MAXIMIZEPOWER]){ skill_lv = pc->checkskill(sd,BS_MAXIMIZE); matk += 8 * skill_lv; printf("debug msg"); } is basically this: matk += 40; but it doesn't work ... it shouldn't exceed matk_max, I think. 😵 I'm really confused ... I'm thinking that maybe I can't change the matak, just change the value of INT (and the matak will be generated automatically) I dont know...
  19. Hi guys my sv is from December 2019 and is not with the updated SC_ system ... so far so good ... However when adding some attributes in SC_MAXIMIZEPOWER, it does not work ... original code status->set_sc( BS_MAXIMIZE , SC_MAXIMIZEPOWER , SI_MAXIMIZE , SCB_REGEN ); my edit status->set_sc( BS_MAXIMIZE , SC_MAXIMIZEPOWER , SI_MAXIMIZE , SCB_REGEN|SCB_AGI|SCB_DEX|SCB_STR|SCB_INT|SCB_BATK|SCB_MATK|SCB_SPEED ); so in the status_calc_matk function I put one of the attributes to be added, increasing the magic attack according to the skill level ... if(sc->data[SC_MAXIMIZEPOWER]){ //--------------------------------------------------------------- up matak base skill_lv = pc->checkskill(sd,BS_MAXIMIZE); matk += 8 * skill_lv; printf("debug print "); } however it did not work ... the debug print is show but the magic attack is not changed ... well ... it makes me think that maybe this is not the right function ... so I tried on: status_calc_watk status_calc_ematk So when the ability is activated, the result is the same ... my debug message is displayed, but the status is not changed ... this is funny because I added the condition in status_calc_int to add an attribute in INT and it works perfectly. if(sc->data[SC_MAXIMIZEPOWER]){ skill_lv = pc->checkskill(sd,BS_MAXIMIZE); int_ += 2 * skill_lv; } well ... I am not able to calculate the basic attack and the magic attack ... there is something wrong with my calculation ... maybe I am doing the wrong way. so ... how to correctly calculate the magic attack correctly? (and also the basic attack) 😵
  20. guys i have an array with id of some mobs collected in an area .@units[.@i] how can I do to turn calm monsters into aggressive and aggressive monsters into calm monsters. for (.@i = 0; .@i < .@count; .@i++) { if (aggressive monster ){ stay calm } if (calm monster) { get aggressive / apply Provoke lv 1 } if ( boss monster) { it is not effective } }
  21. that's not it ... i did it several times before creating this topic .. but i did it again to make sure ... and it didn't solve it.
  22. guys, I remade the mapcache of my Prontera (new prontera) ... however, when I enter the game, the server is reading the cache of the old Prontera (it seems to me that the gat's are from the old Prontera) ... i remade mapcache several times and he keeps reading the old cache ... does anyone know the source of this problem? I can't think what I might be forgetting to do.. * The new prontera is in the data folder * The Mapcache plugin is reading the maps perfectly in my folder I thought my sv was running on renewal and the mapcache was going to the pre-re folder ... but that's not it ~hahahaha... It must be something stupid that I'm forgetting ... I always add custons maps and never had this problem with mapcache 😅
  23. I had this problem, but I couldn't solve it. =/
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