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About Squall

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  1. By default the Hexed I use (2010-07-30) shows the cost per hour of 12,000z to leave the item in the auction, would decrease this value to 100z, I know that change must be made in hexed. If someone knows to send PM to negotiate the price. Thank you. @edit: Resolved
  2. Item Script: 5481,Hermose_Cap,Hermode Cap,5,20,,1000,,1,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,63,2,256,,1,1,478,{ bonus bAspdRate,10; bonus bBaseAtk,-20; bonus bMatkRate,-10; },{},{} Why the ATK and MATK are not reduced when the item is equipped? only ASPD and DEF are changed.
  3. How do I add icons to the status consumables that do not have icons? Equal this image.
  4. bump, no icon, no effect in hercules
  5. Yes "account_id" also works with, thanks!
  6. Is there any way to get the char_id of all the players in a particular area x1, y1, x2, y2? Grateful.
  7. @ProjetoRO, Obrigado pela dica mas consegui resolver o problema deixando a seguinte linha assim: clear_skills_on_death: 31
  8. Mas não tem como por isso, nem na data customizada do servidor?
  9. Quando a classe Champion esta equipada com uma arma do tipo Soqueira a mesma não aparece, fica mostrando como se estivesse sem arma. Existe algum meio de corrigir isso? Uso o: PACKETVER 20130807 Hercules mais atual.
  10. Desconfio que seja no core então.... Uso o: PACKETVER 20130807 Hercules mais atual.
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