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Everything posted by THPO

  1. why remove? it's a good feature.
  2. is this new vps? are all ports opened? 6121 5121 6900(default) differs from your config though.
  3. I will try and play on your server when it's up coz it looks cool !!
  4. <servertype>sakray</servertype> shouldn't this be "primary"
  5. Hi Guys, I have been trying to work with the latest version or Herc and now I decided to use the default client currently being supported. which is 2014-10-22 I got the Unpatched and Diffed it with NEMO mostly with recommened options. It went in Ok with no issues on the Server being reported but somehow I've noticed this odd stuffs: 1. NPC's are missing but when I try to use @refresh or @warp they will pop-up. 2. ALT-Q and Inventory Items & Equips are missing but using @itemlist it will tell you it's in the inventory. 3. Movespeed is so fast and sometimes you can't move can be fixed by warping or using @refresh So, I think this is issue is from a missing packet that stops the client from working normally. because I tried the Client with rAthena latest version it works fine, but somehow with Hercules it works odd/abnormal.
  6. you can adjust it on skill_db under db folder NumberOfHits: Number of Hits (int, defaults to 1) (can be grouped by Levels) Note: when positive, damage is increased by hits, negative values just show number of hits without increasing total damage.
  7. get translated iteminfo here https://github.com/zackdreaver and diff your client with "Load Custom lua file instead of iteminfo*.lub" then edit your custom iteminfo.lua
  8. anyone has Full Client Download?
  9. Hi guys just wanted to ask if this this compiling option still working? ./configure --enable-packetver=20200520:) TIA
  10. Good Day guys, I just came back from a long hibernation I really thought Hercules is gone because it was redirecting me to rAthena.org whenever I type in Hercules.ws
  11. Ankle Snare I placed a Trap on the cursor but as you can see it's not visible.
  12. I noticed something odd about this map when you try to trap in the middle of the platform you could not see the trap., but from the stairs and below it you can see traps. I'm not sure if it's the lighting or the tile/texture used from it.
  13. this would be a very nice addition mob_item_ratio
  14. all thoes s_xxxx.. annoying warnings in my plugin projects were disabled by me , coz I hate thoes Thank you Angel finally got rid of that annoying warnings.
  15. @Annie just a question can it be allowed the same function like mapflag autotrade so it will only be usable on Towns. because Players might spam clones out of Town maps.
  16. Calling Ind to merge it approve! Thank you for sharing your lovely work Annie
  17. on item_group.conf the first batch under db/pre-re or db/re
  18. Hmm looks like same with Aura Kingdom's Paragon Table.
  19. yes you need just phpmyadmin, mysql, allow ports and follow http://herc.ws/wiki/Installation_(CentOS)#Install_Prerequisites just skip svn checkout. and Install hercules via GIT.
  20. already included here https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-secure-phpmyadmin-on-a-centos-6-4-vps
  21. If your going to use CentOS try this guide: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-secure-phpmyadmin-on-a-centos-6-4-vps then after that you need to open ports such as 80 for web connection so people can see your website if you wish to put it together with your emulator server. the other ports are for your server 6900, 6121, 5121 after that follow the wiki guide for installing the server BUT instead of svn checkout use the GIT way http://herc.ws/board/topic/152-obtaining-hercules/?p=846
  22. try to re-install git again. use the latest here http://git-scm.com/download/win
  23. try what I'm using: itemInfo.rar
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