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Everything posted by Megathronzz

  1. i @setbattleflag pk_mode 1 and @reloadbattleconf but value not change who can suggest me. plz
  2. Why exe Error after login this error
  3. my script { Id: 20487 AegisName: "Waltz_of_The_Flowers" Name: "Waltz of the Flowers" Type: 5 Loc: 4096 View: 3000 OnEquipScript: <" sc_start SC_FLORAL_WALTZ, -1, 0; "> OnUnequipScript: <" sc_end SC_FLORAL_WALTZ; "> },
  4. hi guys. this skill NPC_WIDESOULDRAIN lv 3 why area 11x11 this script item
  5. right i can't fix thank @memoryss1 https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/issues/1190
  6. Reduces damage taken from Arrow Storm and Gate of Hell by 10%. Every 10 base increment of LUK, CRIT +1, ATK +2, MATK +2. When base LUK is 108 or higher, CRIT +5, Critical damage +10%. When base LUK is 120 or higher, CRIT +10, Critical damage +17%, reduces damage taken from Arrow Storm and Gate of Hell by 30%. Every 10 base increment of DEX, Critical damage -2%. This script item { bonus bCritical,3; bonus bCritAtkRate,3; bonus2 bSubSkill,"RA_ARROWSTORM",10; bonus2 bSubSkill,"SR_GATEOFHELL",10; .@dex = readparam(bDex); .@luk = readparam(bLuk); bonus bCritAtkRate,-(.@dex/10)*2; bonus bCritical,.@luk/10; bonus bBaseAtk,(.@luk/10)*2; bonus bMatk,(.@luk/10)*2; if (.@luk > 120) { bonus bCritical,10; bonus bCritAtkRate,10; bonus2 bSubSkill,"RA_ARROWSTORM",30; bonus2 bSubSkill,"SR_GATEOFHELL",30; } else if (.@luk > 108) { bonus bCritical,5; bonus bCritAtkRate,10; } },{},{} full link http://ratemyserver.net/index.php?iname=5918&page=re_item_db&quick=1&isearch=Search
  7. hi guys. i can't see bSubSkill in constants.conf i want to know bSubSkill can use sorry for my bad english
  8. hi guys i fine bug in item combo with getrefine() this script in item combo this result can't change matk thank for watch
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