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Everything posted by Mumbles

  1. Is this bypass only for the Zeny cost? If so, edit line 70: } else if (.charge && Zeny < getarg(5)) { } else if (.charge && Zeny < getarg(5) && getgroupid() < .bypass_id) { Then, add this to line 46: .bypass_id = 1; // Minimum group ID to bypass zeny cost
  2. 3x/3x/1x/1x (Base/Job/Drop/MVP)
  3. I personally love Hercules' HPM and libconfig-style format for the item databases. The mob database is a work-in-progress for a similar format, so I'm looking forward to that too. I prefer it over rAthena particularly because of my ability to stay up-to-date with the latest revisions by syncing with the Git repo - and most source changes I need can be hooked with HPM. Additionally, Hercules is less memory-intensive; you can run it on a Raspberry Pi if you really wanted to. In comparison, a clean Hercules uses up about 35-75 MB RAM, while rAthena uses 350+ MB RAM. These are just a few things that I really like about Hercules, but I suppose it's just a matter of preference, I guess. We don't have as much official content (to my knowledge), but the content we do have is accurate and up-to-date.
  4. Think of the values as percentages. 100% (1x) = 100 4500% (45x) = 4500 10000% (100x) = 10000
  5. If you know what you're doing™, check out Ubiquity Hosting. I've been with them for the past month now, and they've got great customer service, good deals, and (so far) 100% uptime; you get what you pay for. If it seems a bit out of your budget, BuyVM is a preferable alternative. I wouldn't recommend any of those RO-VPS deals; most of them are unreliable, like the one that disappeared without a word to its customers. You're much better off choosing an established host over some small start-up.
  6. Will you be able to "follow" or add someone as a contact? Presumably so, being a social network and all, will you be able to see what server(s) your contacts play on? This could actually be a pretty cool idea, but I am wary of the security of a site that stores game account information.
  7. Unfortunately, I do not know of a way to manipulate channel chat or PM chat (as the channel is PM'd in order to speak in it).
  8. If you don't like recompiling, here's some script-based wizardry: http://herc.ws/board/topic/5989-debuff-command/ Thanks quesoph for the original concept.
  9. Utility: @debuff command Original concept by @quesoph: http://herc.ws/board/topic/2709-plugin-debuff/ Description: Debuffs all players on the invoker's current map. Download: https://github.com/datmumbles/Scripts/raw/master/cmd/debuff.txt
  10. OnPCLoginEvent: if (main) { atcommand "@main on"; } end; Something more like this o.o
  11. Try creating a separate segment of code under OnPCLoginEvent that triggers when the variable main is present.
  12. If you just want a permanent option in the command @main (from my script), replace all instances of the variable @main with main. Did that make sense? ;o I thought you were aiming to inject the command @main into your existing script, which could be done by modifying your settings a little (I think?): OnInit: setarray .atname$, "- @autoloot", "- @noask", "- @noks", "- @showexp", "- @main"; setarray .atcommand$, "autoloot", "noask ", "noks", "showexp", "main"; .total = 5; end; If that's the case, then disregard the first part of this post.
  13. Here's the original debug utility used when we were working on this plugin: http://herc.ws/board/topic/5910-partyscript-debugger/
  14. Utility: Partyscript Debugger Description: Debug utility for Mhalicot's partyscript plugin. Accessible via '@modparty' or '@mp'. Download: https://github.com/datmumbles/Scripts/raw/master/sample/party.txt
  15. The way your script is written, there is no proper way to seamlessly inject those specific commands into your script. You'll have to use a less "dynamic" way of enabling/disabling commands to include a toggle in the same script, or create a custom toggle with "on/off" parameters and use it in your script. With this example, you can @main on and @main off (and include the new command in your script!): - script at_main -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "main", strnpcinfo(3) +"::OnCommand", 0, 2; end; OnCommand: if (.@atcmd_parameters$[0] == "on") { if (!@main) { atcommand "@join #main"; message strcharinfo(0), "You are now in #main chat."; @main = 1; } else { message strcharinfo(0), "You are already in #main chat."; } } else if (.@atcmd_parameters$[0] == "off") { if (@main) { atcommand "@channel leave #main"; message strcharinfo(0), "You are no longer in #main chat."; @main = 0; } else { message strcharinfo(0), "You are not in #main chat."; } } else { message strcharinfo(0), "Invalid parameters."; message strcharinfo(0), .@atcmd_command$ +" failed."; } end;}
  16. Just an additional note for users who are using off-loaded MySQL databases: Make sure the account you're logging into the MySQL database with has permission to connect to it remotely. For example, granting permission to 'user'@'localhost' does not immediately grant permission to 'user'@''. This can be appropriated by granting permission to 'user'@'%' or 'user'@'<static remote address>'.
  17. Read jaBote's post: http://herc.ws/board/topic/1900-hercules-invasion/?p=32235
  18. - script free_yggs -1,{ OnNPCKillEvent: getmapxy(.@map$, .@x, .@y, 3); for (.@i = 0; .@i < 200; .@i++) { makeitem Yggdrasilberry, 1, .@map$, .@x + rand(-10, 10), .@y + rand(-10, 10); } end;}
  19. I hope you realise we aren't bothered by any affiliation with (or the mention of) *Athena or other emulators. Suggestions are welcome, and I personally appreciate this one; something I've always looked forward to seeing was an eventual merge or centralisation of item data into the item_db.conf file. +1, all the way. Thanks for bringing it to our attention, Cydh. :^)
  20. Actually, it is possible to check on run; you just have to get creative. d: Although you should probably disable the charcommand privilege if it's an issue, honestly. Disclaimer: Untested.
  21. Here's a revised version (again) to fix the multiple messages: - script verifystats -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: // Check and verify all stats for (.@i = bStr; .@i <= bLuk; .@i++) { // Add and count stat points .@StatCount += readparam(.@i); // Count max stat parameters if (readparam(.@i) == .MaxStat) { .@MaxStatCount++; } // Verify stats if (readparam(.@i) > .MaxStat || .@MaxStatCount >= .ParamCount && .@StatCount > .MaxCount) { // Reset status points ResetStatus; // Reset skill points (if enabled) if (.SkillReset) { ResetSkill; // Display error message message strcharinfo(0), "Verification System : Your stats have been reset."; } } } end; OnInit: // Configuration .MaxStat = 99; // Max stat parameter .ParamCount = 2; // Max stat parameter count .MaxCount = 210; // Max stat count (ex: 99 + 99 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 1) .SkillReset = 0; // Reset skills? (0 = off, 1 = on) end; } Disclaimer: Untested. Add this code at line 4 for the GM bypass: if (getgmlevel()) { end;} Add this code at line 28 for the timer and kick: for (.@i = 0; .@i < 3; .@i++) { message strcharinfo(0), "You will be disconnected in "+ (3 - .@i) +" seconds."; sleep2 1000;}atcommand "@kick "+ strcharinfo(0);
  22. Super cute; I love the amount of detail you pay attention to. The flower decorations around the cabin are wonderful, and the lighting is superb. o_o
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