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Everything posted by Winterfox

  1. When you have a root/virtual server the setup proces for a private server should be the same everywhere.
  2. Did you apply the multi grf patch? How does your DATA.ini look? Please try if it works when you put this into it: [Data] 0=data 1=rdata.grf 2=data.grf
  3. It is possible that files changed after the release of the client you use. Since the translation doesn't care about compatibility to older clients.
  4. Your problem might have been, that the client loads sclientinfo.xml instead of clientinfo.xml.
  5. I am on windows 10 and use VS 17 for compilation too. You shouldn't need to change parts of the code to be able to compile hercules.
  6. Do you use the data from the hercules github or did you change something?
  7. It seems like your server can not find the configuration files. Did you move the compiled server or delete the conf directory?
  8. Hi, to make better screenshots use the windows commandline and simply start the servers one by one in separate windows manually and let them run. Also make sure to provide screenshots for all 3 servers not just login.
  9. Of course you can't it is supposed to be added there.
  10. You could try another version of 2017. Might be a problem specific to this client.
  11. It seems like some items are missing the sprite that gets shown when the item is dropped. Normally these sprites are in the default ragnarok grfs and not in your data folder, so moving your data folder stuff in your grf should not be the problem. Do you get this error with other client versions too or is this specific to 2017-06-14bRagexeRE?
  12. If you want to increase the skillratio on a linked char by 15% shouldnt it look more like this? skillratio += 100 + 50 * skill_lv; if( sd->sc.data[SC_SOULLINK] && sd->sc.data[SC_SOULLINK]->val2 == SL_HUNTER) skillratio *= 1.15;
  13. Hi, 1. You need to add your maps in these files: conf/map/maps.conf and db/map_index.txt. 2. Add your grf(s) or data folder to conf/grf-files.txt. 3. Build the mapcache plugin in the plugins folder. On linux you can use make plugin.mapcache and for windows you can follow this guide: http://herc.ws/wiki/Building_HPM_Plugin_for_MSVC#New_Method 4. To rebuild the cache as configured in the files above you can use map-server --load-plugin mapcache --rebuild-mapcache. To just add the maps separately you can use map-server --load-plugin mapcache --map <name>
  14. This should do the trick: guild_vs2,0,0,0 script TesteDG FAKE_NPC,{ OnInstanceInit: monster (("guild_vs2"), 0,0, "Bigfoot.", 1603, 1, instance_npcname( strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME) )+"::OnMobDead"); end; OnMobDead: warp(instance_mapname("guild_vs3"), 199, 255); end; OnInit: disablenpc(""+strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME)+""); }
  15. I worked out a solution for the bugged agit_main_se.txt it can be found here: https://pastebin.com/kkuQfuwY
  16. @Begin i figured out that the missing castle name was the problem because the se version has another variant of getting the castle name. I guess that you don't get any data because the "defend_time" row is empty. It should get filled once OnStartArena gets triggered a second time by breaking the emperium.
  17. @Begin please try if that version of agit_main_se.txt works:
  18. @ThyroDree you could use the script AnnieRuru provided here:
  19. Hi, is this a custom script or a default hercules script? Does the server show any error messages about that script after you called it?
  20. Hi, does it work when you use a minimal set of patches? If it does you should reduce the applied patches to a minimum and if one setup works, add another patch and repeat the process to seperate the patch that is not working. You also could check if your sclientinfo.xml is valid, as far as i can remember if it is broken, the client simply closes without a error, too.
  21. I think it isn't fair to use that post as example for someone that is a famewhore. There is a difference between someone that is all about fame and someone that is so insecure that he falls in a hole just because he feels like he is not recognized at all and seeks a explanetion. I remember that conversation and i would say it was more about a insecure person that felt like he has nothing to give and felt sad because that what he gave didn't get recognized at all. Not because he didn't get enough fame. But your definition looks pretty right to me, except there are also mixes. People that have a passion for a thing but are also about making money etc. It is not that all black and white, there are a lot of shades in between. I guess it depends on the person you have a deal with, it is quiet tempting to get your development costs paid and afterwards you sell it to the masses or release it for free for free promotion in the community. This real face and proof thing is nonsense by the way, it is simple to fake and what will you do with it at all? Proof that someone is a scammer? He could allways claim it's faked. If that doesn't work out, he just would change his name and start all over if shit hits the fan. I doubt you will try to sue him, it would cost more then what most people pay for by far and given the country barrier it would be far worse, so having that data is worth nothing. I think the only way to be sure is to check the reputation of that person on boards like herc.ws, where people comment on services etc. It might not be 100% secure, but it is the only way that makes sense.
  22. @@minx123 Checkout /db/re/item_packages.conf, that should be what you are searching for.
  23. @@Alexandria //===== Description: =========================================//= Basic healer script.//===== Additional Comments: =================================//= 1.0 Initial script.//= 1.1 Aligned coordinates with @go.//= 1.2 Fix variables and character stuck at healing//============================================================- script Healer -1,{ if( gettimetick( 2 ) < HEALCD ) { dispbottom "You need wait for " + ( gettimetick( 2 ) - HEALCD ) + " seconds."; end; } sc_end SC_STONE; sc_end SC_FREEZE; sc_end SC_STUN; sc_end SC_SLEEP; sc_end SC_POISON; sc_end SC_CURSE; sc_end SC_SILENCE; sc_end SC_CONFUSION; sc_end SC_BLIND; sc_end SC_BLEEDING; percentheal 100,100; specialeffect2 EF_INCAGILITY; sc_start SC_INC_AGI,240000,10; specialeffect2 EF_BLESSING; sc_start SC_BLESSING,240000,10; emotion e_lv; HEALCD = gettimetick( 2 ) + 60; end;}// Duplicates//============================================================alberta,25,240,6 duplicate(Healer) Healer#alb 4_F_ACOLYTE,5,5
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