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Found 33 results

  1. Hello, I added some custom quests and they were ok, but the sprites and the count(how many monster or item left) didnt work. I added by following some topics here but they were very old so Im not sure if its rigth. I did it by modifying these files: - quest_db.conf: { Id: 20017 Name: "Treinamento Inicial" }, - questid2display.txt: 20017#Treinamento Inicial#SG_FEEL#QUE_NOIMAGE# Prove que voce e capaz de ser treinado por mim, mate 10 Esporos e volte para falar comigo!# Mate 10 Esporos.# - ep_141quest_list.lub (data\luafiles514\lua files\quest): { name =[[Treinamento Inicial]], scrfilename = [[epsoid141Quest]], questID = 20017, }, - epsoid141_list.lub (data\luafiles514\lua files\quest\questinfo): [20017] = { NPCToName = "Tayen", NPCToMap = "payon", NPCToSpr = "F_ORIENT_03", NPCToX = 166, NPCToY = 101, NPCFromName = "Tayen", NPCFromMap = "payon", NPCFromSpr = "F_ORIENT_03", NPCFromX = 166, NPCFromY = 101, Item = "", PrizeItem = "", Title = "Treinamento Inicial", Info = "Prove que voc??capaz de ser treinado por mim, mate 10 Esporos e volte para falar comigo!", Hunt1 = "< link = \"ESPORO\">Esporo<\\end> x 10 ", Hunt2 = "", Hunt3 = "", Time = "0", LV = "0", }, Here is the result: (missing sprite and the count of how many esporos I need to kill) https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-qvZjAaEsSQA/W25wj6qtcQI/AAAAAAAAlAU/Aniv9kZUvPoo94JXoi8R2c6kjQRynwG8QCLcBGAs/s1600/sprite.png Did I do it rigth? Is it missing any file? How can I add the sprites? Thanks
  2. Version 1.00


    Follow Alice into the forest in Niflheim and try to figure out what is wrong with her. This is an instance dungeon that includes 3 maps, 2 quest and 3 boss for pre-renewal. One of the boss is a hidden extra to the instance with a small quest including a multi stage battle that will take a few days to fully complete. There are no default drops or rewards to the dungeon quests or monsters, So you will need to add those yourself. Although the instance is Pre-renewal, it can be used for renewal but you will need to revamp the monsters else they will be extremly weak. If your server is a highly modified pre-re server you might wanna tweak the monster since they are geared toward original RO servers. More detailed info in readme.txt Map used are Haunt_e and Haunt_1 made by Syouji
  3. View File Alice's Nightmare Instance(Pre-Re) Follow Alice into the forest in Niflheim and try to figure out what is wrong with her. This is an instance dungeon that includes 3 maps, 2 quest and 3 boss for pre-renewal. One of the boss is a hidden extra to the instance with a small quest including a multi stage battle that will take a few days to fully complete. There are no default drops or rewards to the dungeon quests or monsters, So you will need to add those yourself. Although the instance is Pre-renewal, it can be used for renewal but you will need to revamp the monsters else they will be extremly weak. If your server is a highly modified pre-re server you might wanna tweak the monster since they are geared toward original RO servers. More detailed info in readme.txt Map used are Haunt_e and Haunt_1 made by Syouji Submitter lioran Submitted 07/06/18 Category Quest, Shops, Functions & Algorithms  
  4. i wrote this NPC for my server Sanctuary RO, with the intention of sharing since it took a lot of work to write i wanted to let other people use the same NPC or be able to edit it or take snippets from it to use in their own creations i'm designing the server economy to depend on cards so i wrote an NPC that will dispense coins every time a card is traded baised on how often that card is traded in by the whole server note that item 9204 is a custom item on my server and it will probably need to be changed there may have been easier or cleaner ways to write this NPC but it absolutely works, the only issue is if you have too many cards in your inventory the menu wont display them all but it requires a lot to hit that point cardshredder.txt
  5. Version 1.0.0


    This script contains a quest where an old adventurer will sing you a song, and where you'll have to ascomplish each step to become an adventurer yourself. If you need a guide, ask for it! (but please, read the file first, it's quite easy). Warning: All the quests I'm gonna release relied on item you might not have as they're custom ones. So think of editing the reward variable to ensure you'll be able to get the reward (on OnChooseItem). Info: as I'm planning to upload thousands of scripts, I can't take screenshot of all single quests. So I'll add only my avatar's one
  6. View File Veteran Quest This script contains a quest where an old adventurer will sing you a song, and where you'll have to ascomplish each step to become an adventurer yourself. If you need a guide, ask for it! (but please, read the file first, it's quite easy). Warning: All the quests I'm gonna release relied on item you might not have as they're custom ones. So think of editing the reward variable to ensure you'll be able to get the reward (on OnChooseItem). Info: as I'm planning to upload thousands of scripts, I can't take screenshot of all single quests. So I'll add only my avatar's one Submitter Alayne Submitted 11/22/17 Category Quest, Shops, Functions & Algorithms  
  7. View File Strange Surgeon This script contains a quest where you'll be asked to help a surgeon to find a new place to work. It can also handle a changesex for players. If you need a guide, ask for it! (but please, read the file first, it's quite easy). Warning: All the quests I'm gonna release relied on item you might not have as they're custom ones. So think of editing the rewardId variable to ensure you'll be able to get the reward. Info: as I'm planning to upload thousands of scripts, I can't take screenshot of all single quests. So I'll add only my avatar's one Submitter Alayne Submitted 11/22/17 Category Quest, Shops, Functions & Algorithms  
  8. Version 1.0.0


    This script contains a quest where you'll be asked to help a surgeon to find a new place to work. It can also handle a changesex for players. If you need a guide, ask for it! (but please, read the file first, it's quite easy). Warning: All the quests I'm gonna release relied on item you might not have as they're custom ones. So think of editing the rewardId variable to ensure you'll be able to get the reward. Info: as I'm planning to upload thousands of scripts, I can't take screenshot of all single quests. So I'll add only my avatar's one
  9. Version 1.0.0


    This script contains a quest to be run on Christmas, where you'll have to help Santa Claus to gather enought gift box while his imp went into a strike. If you need a guide, ask for it! (but please, read the file first, it's quite easy). Warning: All the quests I'm gonna release relied on item you might not have as they're custom ones. So think of editing the rewardId variable to ensure you'll be able to get the reward. Info: as I'm planning to upload thousands of scripts, I can't take screenshot of all single quests. So I'll add only my avatar's one
  10. View File Santa Claus This script contains a quest to be run on Christmas, where you'll have to help Santa Claus to gather enought gift box while his imp went into a strike. If you need a guide, ask for it! (but please, read the file first, it's quite easy). Warning: All the quests I'm gonna release relied on item you might not have as they're custom ones. So think of editing the rewardId variable to ensure you'll be able to get the reward. Info: as I'm planning to upload thousands of scripts, I can't take screenshot of all single quests. So I'll add only my avatar's one Submitter Alayne Submitted 11/22/17 Category Quest, Shops, Functions & Algorithms  
  11. View File Crash Island This script contains a quest where you'll be asked to help finding back a bunch of missing people after their Airship crashed. If you need a guide, just ask for it, and I'll make one ^^ Warning: All the quests I'm gonna release relied on item you might not have as they're custom ones. So think of editing the rewardId variable to ensure you'll be able to get the reward. Submitter Alayne Submitted 11/22/17 Category Quest, Shops, Functions & Algorithms  
  12. Version 1.0.0


    This script contains a quest where you'll be asked to help finding back a bunch of missing people after their Airship crashed. If you need a guide, just ask for it, and I'll make one ^^ Warning: All the quests I'm gonna release relied on item you might not have as they're custom ones. So think of editing the rewardId variable to ensure you'll be able to get the reward.
  13. Version 1.0.0


    This script contains a quest where you're following the Anti Priest path. The goal of an anti-priest is to be the exact opposite of the Priest, and therefor, you'll be asked to NOT help people, by spreading false infos for instance. If you need a guide, just ask for it, and I'll make one ^^ Warning: All the quests I'm gonna release relied on item you might not have as they're custom ones. So think of editing the rewardId variable to ensure you'll be able to get the reward.
  14. View File Anti-Priest This script contains a quest where you're following the Anti Priest path. The goal of an anti-priest is to be the exact opposite of the Priest, and therefor, you'll be asked to NOT help people, by spreading false infos for instance. If you need a guide, just ask for it, and I'll make one ^^ Warning: All the quests I'm gonna release relied on item you might not have as they're custom ones. So think of editing the rewardId variable to ensure you'll be able to get the reward. Submitter Alayne Submitted 11/22/17 Category Quest, Shops, Functions & Algorithms  
  15. Hi, I have some simple script. Can someone modified it ? Multiple selection. e.g Quest A, Quest B, Quest C When user complete Quest A, get reward zeny + item. Same also to quest B and C, adjustable via config Add showevent(1,0) Add simple ladder to show the ranking top 10 quest maker. If someone willing to do it let me know. For quest_db and questid2display.txt its own me. prontera,155,181,5 script Sample#quest 757,{ .@i = select( .menu$ ) - 1; switch( questprogress( .quest_id[.@i],HUNTING ) ) { case 0: setquest .quest_id[.@i]; mes "quest started."; break; case 1: mes "you havent finish the quest."; if ( select( "Give up","Cancel" ) == 1 ) { erasequest .quest_id[.@i]; } break; case 2: mes "Well done, you completed the quest."; completequest .quest_id[.@i]; break; } close; function Quest { .quest_id[.quest_id_size] = getarg( 0,0 ); .quest_title$[.quest_id_size] = getarg( 1,"" ); .menu$ = .menu$ + .quest_title$[.quest_id_size] + ":"; .quest_id_size++; return; } OnInit: Quest( 60119,"Hunt 50 Alligator" ); Quest( 60120,"Hunt 100 Alligator" ); Quest( 60121,"Hunt 150 Alligator" ); end; }
  16. The following script emulates the iRO's 13th Anniversary Quest Event active on 2016 June in iRO. This was made by directly doing this quest on iRO. For more details please check: Event Notice || iRO Wiki Resources: iRO_13th_Anniv_1.1.txt items data.txt questid2display.txt quest_db.txt Feel free to make any question.
  17. The following script emulates the Bounty Board Quests from iRO. This was made by having direct interaction with all the npcs, directly doing some of this quest and also using iRO Wiki information as a source. This quest uses a special function designed to concentrate and manage all the bounties in a few lines, to make it easy to update, modify or even create custom bounties. iRO Bounty Boards v1.0.rar For more details please check: Bounty Board Quests - iRO Wiki Special thanks to: Trixtan and ZacktheBear from AtlantisRO. This would not have been possible without their invaluable help. Some notes about this: There are some errors in iRO's npc. In example, in Juno the Bounty 70-110 for Juno with a char base level 127, the Bounty says it is for levels 70-100 (not 110, as his name says). This error was caused because this quests were implemented before update that expands max base level to 175 and it seems that iRO's npc were scripted individually one by one, not as a function, so, this errors may be only little bugs when updating values. This kind of error is present in some bounties for Lighthalzen, Hugel, and don't remember which other one. However, all the npcs presented here are using the information provided by iRO Wiki and presents information ingame avoiding this kind of errors. I have not added the questinfo command to show quest mark, because the equivalent in iRO has an argument to check player's base level, so the mark doesn't active with all the players, but only the ones that are in the base level limit. Some to-do : I'm missing base/job exp for False Angel and Mini Demon (Geffen Bounties), since that information is not present in iRO Wiki and I haven't The Sign quest. If somebody can open Portal to Geffenia, i will update that values. Bounties for biolab 2 and 3 has a special function, it is like containing two boards in one, since a player can choose to do all bounties for monsters from 3rd level and all bounties for monsters from 4th level (to receive the reward for all the bounties completed). I also forget to add the vip function to Collect All Bounties. This quests are a close emulation to iRO's Bounty Boards. We hope players can enjoy this quests. If you detect any error or have a suggestion, please feel free to comment it.
  18. The following script emulates the Spotlight Quest: Adventure of the Tarnished Lamp active on 2016 June in iRO. This was made directly doing the quest. For more details please check: Event Notice || iRO Wiki This quest requires an special spawn of Byorgue monster named "Byorgue Mercenary" who hasn't any exp/drops and has the following stats: Resources: iRO_Event_2016-06.txt questid2display.txt quest_db.txt Feel free to make any question.
  19. Hey guys, this is my 'new script'. (New to you guys, because I used when I had my server, but now with some improvements.) Name: Quest Manager Creator: Me (@@Cretino) Version: 1.0b (Little improvement and others bugs fixed.) Contributors: (@@Aeromesi: Found a bug.) Recommendations: To get a better experience using this script, it is recommended change the value of 'input_max_value' to '2147483647'. (See more in 'conf/script.conf'.) Q: 'What features have 'Quest Manager'?' R: Q: 'How to use these features?' R: 'You can use all features in game, just talk to npc with GM Account and have fun. ' Q: 'How to configure it?' R: 'You can go to line '1568' in script, and you will see details like:' I'm accepting suggestions. If you found any bug, report in topic or send me a private message. I'll solve the problem as quickly as possible. I think is it. Note: Sorry for my English. quest_manager_v1.0.txt quest_manager_v1.0.txt quest_manager_v1.0.txt
  20. Edda Arunafeltz Side: Half moon in the Daylight (Google Translated) New instance from kro Big thanks to Ziu who shared the raw version. Missing/custom things: *Entrance NPC; *Enchant NPC; *Many player messages; *Some monster messages; *A command to set a navigation location (without clicking text); *A command to destroy mercenary; *What happens when Pope is killed; *What happens if you get to Ktullanux without the doll; *EXP rewards. The instance is new and others things may be already different in kro. quest_db.conf Notes: The player receives a letter from Niren to begin the quest in kro, not possibly to do here. The cooldown quest resets every 4am in kro, I have set it to 23 hours. Click here to download
  21. JoyRo

    Quest Warper

    Hello Hercules, I noticed a script in the release called quest_warper is like not up to date lots of dungeons and even towns are missing. Is there any one that has this same script or a difrent one that is more up to date with all the latest dungeons etc in it? Please share if you like. Even share if you dont like.. You might think why dont you add dungeons and towns yourself.. i did but i get a overflow warning now.. If you can help me solve that problem i am happy also! script:op_2num: overflow detected op=C_MUL
  22. Hello, Is there any one that can help me create a script. I would like to have a script that gives me a random reward if i complete a quest or trade for points.
  23. Hi everyone, i want to share a script with you that i made some days ago. It is a daily quest that involves around gathering items to make a broom and clean dirt from a beach for a reward. For a broom you need the following items: 120 Tough Vines 4 Aloe Leaflet 4 Soft Blade of Grass It gives following rewards upon completing the quest: 10% - Beach Manteau and 250,000 Experience 10% - Beach Sandals and 150,000 Experience 20% - Fruit Mix and 250,000 Experience 30% - Fruit Mix and 150,000 Experience 30% - Fruit Mix and 50,000 Experience You can find the source here: https://github.com/Reilaen/NPC-Releases/blob/master/beach_clean_quest.txt NOTES: Since i get ridiculously accused of "get rich quick schemes" by Emistry for using a linbucks link to get a little bit of money for each click so you the community and i have both something of this free release, please consider donating me a small amount if you really like this npc. I will only will fix bugs that are issued on github. Custom changes are only done for pay based on my service conditions that are described here.
  24. Hey everyone. So roughly three years ago, i stopped being a dedicated scripter/admin for a server, and left RO behind. Recently i fell into talks with an old friend, and was encouraged to throw some of my old stuff up, for others to possibly benefit from. Thus, my Fishing Minigame is what i'll throw up here. Hopefully it will meet some positive response. WARNING: As this is three years old, while i do believe it will still work, i cannot completely guarantee it. However i'm sure that no matter what might be outdated, it should only take a few adjustments to bring it up to speed. IMPORTANT: This was originally made for an rAthena server, but aside from the slightly changed monster format (which i have accounted for), everything else should work like this. If not, please reply and we'll see if we can get this heap working properly. DISCLAIMER: You may not sell this script or any part of it, nor release it as your own or remove the credits or commented sections of the code. You are however allowed make modifications for your servers usage. QUICK OVERVIEW: This package includes a custom MVP, custom items, a custom map (tiny one. don't be disappointed) and the actual script. I will try to describe what i did, but each server setup varies, so you might have to get your hands dirty, if my instructions doesn't line up with your setup properly. DIFFICULTY: 3/10 if your server works like mine. 7/10 if you need to adjust the instructions, and figure out how to add all this on your own. You will learn/need to know how to add custom monsters, custom items, custom maps and custom scripts. DESCRIPTION: This will introduce a fishing minigame to your server. You will have to talk to Old Fisherman Kingle, who will start you on the "quest" towards great fishing glory. Once equipping a fishing rod and talking to him, the player will be presented with an introduction to how the minigame is played. At the special fishing spots scattered throughout the entire world, the player can sit down, let out their lines, and try to fish up all the rare fish. Once all rare fish have been caught, the player can ask Kingle to let him face off against the custom MVP, the Lord of the Sea (Leviathan). Statistically, the player can reach the MVP at around 6 hours gameplay (not counting having to actually FIND all the fishing spots), but the main goal is supposed to be a minigame, with the MVP being the cherry on top. INSTALLATION: Right then, the attached file is an archive (you will need WinRAR or equivalent software to unpack it), with a long list of files. There is the "fishing_minigame.txt" file, which is the actual script. It's roughly 2300 lines of code, so it might seem overwhelming to both scripters and non-scripters alike. It is however very well commented, explaining the parts that needs describing. Following the instructions inside the script should make it easy to add new fishing spots or other small modifications/additions. Then there's a folder called "client". In there you'll find the "/data" folder, containing sprites, textures and the custom map files. This should all line up perfectly for you to simply merge it with your own grf or data folder. Additionally, there is a "/System" folder, with an ItemInfo.lua file, that you'll need to properly integrate with your own ItemInfo.lua. It contains all the items i added, both for custom fish and custom drops for the MVP. Finally there's the "server" folder, which houses all the large amounts of text, needed to add to your servers existing files, to add the custom mvp and the custom items. NOTE: The files there are NOT all the modifications you need to do on your server, to finish the install. So to do a proper step-by-step list of instructions: 1: Merge the "client/data/" folder with your clients "/data/" folder OR your grf file OR make another grf file and link it. 2: Install the custom map by: 2.1: In your "<server>/conf/maps.conf" file, add "map: fishmvp_dun" at the bottom, along with your other custom maps. 2.2: In your "<server>/db/map_index.txt" file, add "fishmvp_dun" at the bottom, along with your other custom maps 2.3: Rebuild your mapcache. You do this by backing up your "<server>/db/(pre-)re/map_cache.dat, and then running your "<server>/mapcache.exe" program. Make sure you open a separate cmd first, and navigate to it, to run it, so you can see its output in case it doesn't finish properly. 2.4: <optional> in your "<client>/data/mapnametable.txt" file, add "fishmvp_dun.rsw#Lair of the Lord#" at the bottom 3: Install the custom mvp by: 3.0: <important> The custom monster will need an ID not already in use. In this case, my mvp uses the custom ID 2900. If this ID is already in use on your server, you will need to replace the ID with an appropriate ID instead. This will is for both the mob declaration as well as the related skills. 3.1: Check your downloaded files, in the "/server/db" folder, you'll find "mob_db2.txt". It contains a single line of text, that needs to be copied to the bottom of your "<server>/db/mob_db2.txt" file. Remember to change the ID if it doesn't work for you. 3.2: The same way as before, you need to take everything in the "mob_skill_db2.txt" file, and copy it to the bottom of your "<server>/db/mob_skill_db2.txt" file. Remember to change the IDs if they don't match the one you gave your monster in the previous step. They must be the exact same or your mvp will do nothing at all. 3.3: You now need to add it to your client. In the "<client>/data/luafiles514/lua files/NPCIdentity.lub", you need to add "JT_LEVIATHAN = 2900," near the bottom of the file, among your other custom mobs. make sure the ID is the same as the ID you gave it on the server earlier. 3.4: The same way as before, in the "<client>/data/luafiles514/lua files/jobname.lub", you need to add "[jobtbl.JT_LEVIATHAN] = "leviathan"," near the bottom of the file, among your other custom mobs. 3.5: <notice> This mvp is scaled to be moderately strong, on an advanced server. Therefore you might want to test the mvp's strength and adjust to work with your own servers relative strength. The idea is to make it roughly the same challenge level as Drake. <important> Players WILL face this mvp ALONE; so if your server balance makes significantly weaker characters, you will need to scale back very much. If your low/mid tier mvps require a full team of players, you should consider lowering both its amount of slaves, as well as its base stats and spell levels. Balancing is up to you. 4: Install the custom items by: 4.0: <important> All the custom items added here, are added with the ID i gave them when adding this whole deal. If these conflict with your server setup, you will need to alter all the ids, making sure they are the same both serverside and clientside. 4.1: In your downloaded archive file, you need to find "server/db/item_db2.conf". The full contents of this file needs to be added to your "<server>/db/item_db2.conf" among your custom items. <notice> If you add them as the last items on the list, make sure you remove the trailing "," at the end of my file, and add an extra "," before it, so the syntax fits with the rest of the file, so there's a "," between each item, and none after the last one in the list. 4.2: In your downloaded archive file, you need to find "client/System/ItemInfo.lua". The whole content of that file needs to be added to your "<client>/System/ItemInfo.lua" file, among your other custom items. <notice> If you add them as the last items on the list, make sure you remove the trailing "," at the end of my file, and add an extra "," before it, so the syntax fits with the rest of the file, so there's a "," between each item, and none after the last one in the list. 4.3: <IMPORTANT> <warning> If you change any of these id's, you will need to change the related ID's in all other parts of the package as well. First off, if you change the item ID's for the three mvp drop items or the mvp card, you need to go back to step 3.1, and alter that line to use the new item ids for the drops. If you change the IDs for any of the fish, you'll need to open the actual main script and change the ID throughout the entire script. There will be the ID listing in the comment, and 5 other occurances in the related fishing spot duplicate names, for each rare fish with a changed ID. On top of that, non-rare id's changed will have 3 occurances, the ID listing in the top comments, and two separate for the drop-list. 5: Install the actual minigame script by: 5.1: In the downloaded archive, find the "fishing_minigame.txt" file, and copy it to your "<server>/npc/custom/" folder. 5.2: In your "<server>/npc/scripts_custom.conf" file, near the bottom, add "npc: npc/custom/fishing_minigame.txt" among your other custom scripts. 6: With all your new client edits, make a patch and let all your players update. 7: restart your server. And with that overly lengthy list of things to do, we should be done! I sure hope i remembered everything. It gets easy to overlook a detail when you do so many different things at the same time. Feel free to reply with questions, complaints, errors or everything else related. Hopefully it works, but if not, a couple of edits and iterations should iron out any residing bugs/oversights. Good luck with it, and happy fishing! fish.rar
  25. Olá meus amigos da comunidade hercules. Estou tendo uma série de problemas com meu hexed de 20100730! Gostaria de saber se é possível o uso da aba quests nesse client, pois estou tentando e não consigo! Já procurei alterar o quest_db.txt e o questid2display.txt O que será que estou deixando passar? Obrigado!
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