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rathena already has this by default -> https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commit/27a0f3f
someone else has tried to pull request in hercules, -> https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/pull/351
but it was denied, so have to leave this as plugin

UPDATE: rathena has taken out -> https://github.com/rathena/rathena/commit/b65443d8f564175196d57ef9bc1d000a5661fbdc


Download : 2.1


Tested with:


both `@reloadscript` and `@reloadonpcstatcalcevent` command can reload conf\import\OnPCStatCalcEvent.conf file 


`@reloadscript` = reload everything -> cause destruction on live server

`@reloadonpcstatcalcevent` = only reload conf\import\OnPCStatCalcEvent.conf file , combine with `@reloadnpc` command -> not so destructive

script: (
{ // give GM permanent bonus ?
		bonus bVit, 1234;

{ // for xxx event
		skill TF_HIDING, 1;

{ // npc/custom/xxxevent.txt
		if (@a) {
			bonus bStr, 1000;
			skill WZ_ICEWALL, 1;



prontera,158,185,5	script	djk2sfhsd	1_F_MARIA,{
	@a ^= 1;
	mes "hmm...";
	mes "what ?";
	@a ^= 1;
	mes "maybe...";
	@a ^= 1;
	mes "probably...";
	@a ^= 1;
	mes "yeah...";
	@a ^= 1;

yes, this actually works !!


with version 2.0 onwards,

no more spamming <npc name>::OnPCStatCalcEvent !!

and even `*skill` working perfectly fine now


  Reveal hidden contents


Edited by AnnieRuru

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Annie is gone, so I was in doubt about where to post, but here it is.
Note: I updated the plugin for the latest version of hercules.



  Reveal hidden contents




[Error]: --- nullpo info --------------------------------------------
[Error]: hercules\src\map\npc.c:841: 'sd' in function `unknown'
[Error]: --- end nullpo info ----------------------------------------
[Error]: --- nullpo info --------------------------------------------
[Error]: hercules\src\map\npc.c:841: 'sd' in function `unknown'
[Error]: --- end nullpo info ----------------------------------------
[Error]: --- nullpo info --------------------------------------------
[Error]: hercules\src\map\npc.c:841: 'sd' in function `unknown'
[Error]: --- end nullpo info ----------------------------------------
[Error]: --- nullpo info --------------------------------------------
[Error]: hercules\src\map\npc.c:841: 'sd' in function `unknown'
[Error]: --- end nullpo info ----------------------------------------

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- found a way to get *recalculatestat working, although its not thread-safe, but meh ~

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Found an issue. Console getting spammed with this:

[Mar/29 14:50:41][Warning]: npc_event: player's event queue is full, can't add event 'RecalcStat::OnPCStatCalcEvent' !

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  On 3/30/2019 at 12:29 AM, Myriad said:

Found an issue. Console getting spammed with this:


[Mar/29 14:50:41][Warning]: npc_event: player's event queue is full, can't add event 'RecalcStat::OnPCStatCalcEvent' !


this isn't an issue, it just say it runs this event too many times
probably having some scripts runs jobchange + statusup +equip + .... etc stuffs

I remember you said something about having a refiner script runs in loop ... probably caused by that
and even that ... it shouldn't effect anything ... just an error message

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@AnnieRuru I tried to work with more unsuccessful consumables

where am i going wrong?



	Id: 32247
	AegisName: "Dark_Elf_Potion"
	Name: "Dark Elf Potion"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Weight: 100
	BuyingStore: true
	Trade: {
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <" callfunc "Dark_Elf"; ">


function	script	Dark_Elf	{

@a ^= 1;
recalculatestat(); // if player under a dialog, MUST use close2; then only recalculate

	if ( @a )
		bonus bDex, 10;
		bonus bInt, 20;
		bonus bAgi, 5;
		bonus bMatk, 100;



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update to version 1.3



  On 12/23/2019 at 7:38 PM, Mihael said:

@AnnieRuru I tried to work with more unsuccessful consumables

where am i going wrong?

consumables should be done with *sc_start something

	Id: 32247
	AegisName: "Dark_Elf_Potion"
	Name: "Dark Elf Potion"
	Type: "IT_USABLE"
	Weight: 100
	BuyingStore: true
	Trade: {
		nodrop: true
		noselltonpc: true
		nomail: true
		noauction: true
	Script: <" 
      	sc_start SC_INCDEX, 500, 10;
		sc_start SC_INCINT, 500, 20;
		sc_start SC_INCAGI, 500, 5;
		sc_start SC_INCMATKRATE, 500, 10;

seems unrelated to what this modification does ... though

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2.0 - plugin

- overhaul the way how to give player permanent bonus, now no more using npc label, but using an external file

- fix `*skill` doesn't work correctly previously

- `*recalculatestat` no longer using addtimer hack

- no more spamming "<npc name>::OnPCStatCalcEvent" anymore !!! yes tested !!


as like before, `@reloadscript` command can reload conf\import\OnPCStatCalcEvent.conf file



and if you guys didn't know, rAthena removed OnPCStatCalcEvent !!! MUAHAHAHA !!!


why cause headache ? I just live with it



cast blessing will make OnPCStatCalcEvent bonus disappear ?

I just tested on version 2.0, no problem :hum:



2.1 - plugin

- add `@reloadonpcstatcalcevent` to safely reload only OnPCStatCalcEvent.conf file without using the destructive `@reloadscript`

Edited by AnnieRuru

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  On 11/29/2015 at 5:07 PM, AnnieRuru said:

script: ( { // give GM permanent bonus ? OnPCStatCalcEvent: <" bonus bVit, 1234; end; "> }, { // for xxx event OnPCStatCalcEvent: <" skill TF_HIDING, 1; end; "> }, { // npc/custom/xxxevent.txt OnPCStatCalcEvent: <" if (@a) { bonus bStr, 1000; skill WZ_ICEWALL, 1; } end; "> }, )

Is there still support on this? How do i access them separately? let's say i decalred 3 OnPCStatCalcEvent here and i need 1 npc to just access 3 of those 6? 

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nvm, I fixed mine.


hello can anyone help me decode which part when I relogin/logout the OnPCStatCalcEvent bonus stats disappear? I want to turn that off.


//===== Hercules Plugin ======================================
//= OnPCStatCalcEvent
//===== By: ==================================================
//= AnnieRuru
//= originally by QQfoolsorellina
//===== Current Version: =====================================
//= 2.0
//===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
//= Hercules 2020-11-12
//===== Description: =========================================
//= give player permanent bonus
//===== Topic ================================================
//= http://herc.ws/board/topic/11292-onpcstatcalcevent/
//===== Additional Comments: =================================  
//= fix `*skill` doesn't work correctly by using an external file

#include "common/hercules.h"
#include "map/pc.h"
#include "map/script.h"
#include "map/status.h"
#include "common/conf.h"
#include "common/memmgr.h"
#include "plugins/HPMHooking.h"
#include "common/HPMDataCheck.h"

HPExport struct hplugin_info pinfo = {

VECTOR_DECL(struct script_code *)statcalcevent;

int read_onpcstatcalcevent(void) {
	const char *confpath = "conf/import/OnPCStatCalcEvent.conf";
	struct config_t onpcstatcalcevent_conf;
	if (!libconfig->load_file(&onpcstatcalcevent_conf, confpath)) {
		ShowError("can't read %s, file not found !\n", confpath);
		return -1;

	struct config_setting_t *config_db = libconfig->setting_get_member(onpcstatcalcevent_conf.root, "script");
	if (config_db == NULL) {
		ShowError("can't read %s\n", confpath);
		return -1;

	struct config_setting_t *config = NULL;
	int i = 0;
	struct script_code *tmp;
	const char *string = NULL;
	while ((config = libconfig->setting_get_elem(config_db, i++))) {
		if (libconfig->setting_lookup_string(config, "OnPCStatCalcEvent", &string)) {
			tmp = script->parse(string, "OnPCStatCalcEvent", 0, SCRIPT_IGNORE_EXTERNAL_BRACKETS, NULL);
			VECTOR_ENSURE(statcalcevent, 1, 1);
			VECTOR_PUSH(statcalcevent, tmp);
			ShowError("Invalid Type on entry no."CL_WHITE"%d"CL_RESET" in '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"'.\n", i, confpath);

//	ShowDebug("%d\n", VECTOR_LENGTH(statcalcevent));
//	for (i = 0; i < VECTOR_LENGTH(statcalcevent); i++) {
//		ShowDebug("%s\n", VECTOR_INDEX(statcalcevent, i));
//		ShowDebug("%s\n", VECTOR_INDEX(statcalcevent, i)->script_buf);
//	}

	ShowStatus("Done reading '"CL_WHITE"%d"CL_RESET"' entries in '"CL_WHITE"%s"CL_RESET"'.\n", VECTOR_LENGTH(statcalcevent), confpath);
	return VECTOR_LENGTH(statcalcevent);

void status_calc_pc_additional_post(struct map_session_data *sd, enum e_status_calc_opt opt) {
	if (sd == NULL)
	for (int i = 0; i < VECTOR_LENGTH(statcalcevent); i++)
		script->run(VECTOR_INDEX(statcalcevent, i), 0, sd->bl.id, 0);

BUILDIN(recalculatestat) {
	struct map_session_data *sd;
	if (script_hasdata(st,2)) {
		if (data_isstring(script_getdata(st,2)))
			sd = map->nick2sd(script_getstr(st,2), true);
			sd = map->id2sd(script_getnum(st,2));
		sd = script->rid2sd(st);
	if (sd)
		status_calc_pc(sd, SCO_FORCE);
	return true;

void clean_onpcstatcalcevent(void) {
	for (int i = 0; i < VECTOR_LENGTH(statcalcevent); ++i) {
		VECTOR_CLEAR(VECTOR_INDEX(statcalcevent, i)->script_buf);
		aFree(VECTOR_INDEX(statcalcevent, i));

int script_reload_post(int retVal) {
	return retVal;

HPExport void plugin_init(void) {
	addHookPost(status, calc_pc_additional, status_calc_pc_additional_post);
	addScriptCommand("recalculatestat", "?", recalculatestat);
	addHookPost(script, reload, script_reload_post);

HPExport void server_online(void) {

HPExport void plugin_final(void) {
Edited by Louis T Steinhil

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