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Help with Race to 99 Script


I got this script from rathena forums but the max in my server is Trans. Can anyone change it to trans? Is it just Job_Lord_Knight or Job_LordKnight?
Also, the clear; function seems to be not supported.

//  ___________               _____.__                
//  \__    ___/__.__.________/ ____\__| ____    ____  
//    |    | <   |  |\_  __ \   __\|  |/    \  / ___\ 
//    |    |  \___  | |  | \/|  |  |  |   |  \/ /_/  >
//    |____|  / ____| |__|   |__|  |__|___|  /\___  / 
//            \/       Scripts             \//_____/  
// Name: Race to Max Level
// Description:
// This NPC allows for Game Masters to set a reward to
// be given to the first player of each 2nd class that
// reaches maximum level (base and class).
prontera,147,180,5	script	Race to Max Level	58,{
	set .@gm_level, 99; // GM level required to set the reward
	set .@maxbase, 99;
	set .@maxjob, 50;
	set .@defaultreward, 510;
	setarray .@rewardablejobs[0], Job_Knight, Job_Alchemist, Job_Assassin, Job_Bard, Job_Blacksmith, Job_Crusader, Job_Dancer, Job_Hunter, Job_Monk, Job_Priest, Job_Rogue, Job_Sage, Job_Wizard;
	mes "[ ^0099ccRace to Max Level^000000 ]";
	mes "Hello, " + ((getgmlevel() >= .@gm_level) ? "master! What do you want to do today?" : "are you here for your reward?");
	switch(select(((getgmlevel() >= .@gm_level) ? "Set Reward:Restart Race" : ":") + ":YES!:...Reward?:Who was rewarded?:Cancel")) {
		case 1:
			goto SetReward;
		case 2:
			goto RestartRace;
		case 3:
			goto GetReward;
		case 4:
			goto ExplainRace;
		case 5:
			goto ShowRewarded;
		mes "[ ^0099ccRace to Max Level^000000 ]";
		if ($reward == 0)
			set $reward, .@defaultreward;
		mes "The reward is " + getitemname($reward) + " (ID: " + $reward + ").";
		mes "Do you want to change it?";
		if (select("Yes:No") == 1) {
			mes "[ ^0099ccRace to Max Level^000000 ]";
			mes "Please enter the new reward item ID.";
			input .@rewardid;			
			mes "[ ^0099ccRace to Max Level^000000 ]";
			mes "Set " + getitemname(.@rewardid) + " as the reward?";
			if(select("Yes:No") == 1) {
				set $reward, .@rewardid;
		goto Begin;
		mes "[ ^0099ccRace to Max Level^000000 ]";
		mes "Are you sure you want to restart the race?";
		if (select("Yes:No") == 1) {
			for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@rewardablejobs); .@i++) {
				set $rewarded$[.@rewardablejobs[.@i]], "";
			announce "The Race to Max Level has begun! Claim a reward once you reach " + .@maxbase + " base and " + .@maxjob + " class!", bc_all;
		goto Begin;
		mes "Let's see... " + strcharinfo(0) + ", huh?";
		set .@competitioner, 0;
		for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@rewardablejobs); .@i++) {
			if (Class == .@rewardablejobs[.@i]) {
				set .@competitioner, 1;
				if (BaseLevel < .@maxbase || JobLevel < .@maxjob) {
					mes "I'm sorry, but you still need to level a bit more.";
				} else if ($rewarded$[Class] == strcharinfo(0)) {
					mes "You have already claimed your reward.";
				} else if ($rewarded$[Class] != "") {
					mes "Too late!";
					mes "The reward for " + jobname(Class) + " was already claimed by " + $rewarded$[Class] + ".";
				} else goto GiveReward;
		if (.@competitioner == 0)
			mes "You need to change your job.";
		set $rewarded$[Class], strcharinfo(0);
		mes "[ ^0099ccRace to Max Level^000000 ]";
		mes "Congratulations! You were the first " + jobname(Class) + " to reach " + .@maxbase + " base and " + .@maxjob + " class!";
		getitem $reward, 1;
		announce strcharinfo(0) + " (" + jobname(Class) + ") reached Max. Level and received " + getitemname($reward) + "!", bc_all;
		mes "[ ^0099ccRace to Max Level^000000 ]";
		mes "Yes! When you reach the maximum level for your class, talk to me and you'll be rewarded with a special item.";
		goto Begin;
		mes "[ ^0099ccRace to Max Level^000000 ]";
		for (.@i = 0; .@i < getarraysize(.@rewardablejobs); .@i++) {
			mes jobname(.@rewardablejobs[.@i]) + ": " + (($rewarded$[.@rewardablejobs[.@i]] != "") ? $rewarded$[.@rewardablejobs[.@i]] : "^ff0000Nobody^000000");
		goto Begin;


Edited by Harmony

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