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add items


hello everyone

can anyone add 2 items + zeny on this script? im really newbie on scripting T.T

would like to add (30555 monkey_fist_orb)  and (30556 bloody_knight_orb) and (400000zeny)

thank you

madropvp,93,89,3    script  XileRO Gear Enchanter   4_F_VALKYRIE2,{
    mes "[XileRO Gear Enchanter]";
    if (Zeny >= 400000) {
        mes "I've been studying ways to enhance a gear to maximize its capability.";
        mes "[XileRO Gear Enchanter";
        mes "Enchanting is an awesome skill that infuses a mysterious status powers into the armor's hidden socket. it will enchant to ^5555ff+1 to +5 all stats^000000.randomly";
        mes "[XileRO Gear Enchanter]";
        mes "If by any chance, you would want to enchant your gear, bring me ^5555ff400,000^000000 zeny and the gear you want to enchant and you are all set to go.";
        mes "Plus 2 extreme orbs , we call them ^5555ff Bloody Knight Orb^000000 and ^5555ff Monkey Fist Orb^000000.";
        mes "You must kill Bloody Knight at ^5555ffgefenia04^000000 for ^5555ff Bloody Knight Orb^000000.";
        mes "and Monkey Fist at ^5555ff um_fild02^000000 for ^5555ffMonkey Fist Orb^000000.";
        mes "Are you ready??.";
        mes "[XileRO Gear Enchanter]";
        mes "In that case, the Enchantment may be applied to an item which you didn't mean to Enchant. So just bring ^5555ffONE Gear^000000 you want enchanted to be safe...";
        mes "And just to warn you that the item can be ^5555ffBREAK^000000 let's see how lucky you are..";
        mes "[XileRO Gear Enchanter]";
        mes "I'm not responsible for what would happen if you have more than one of the same kind in your inventory.";
        mes "So before we start, your gear must be ^5555ff+0^000000 and ^5555ffno card^000000. or else it will remove when the enchants is a success.";
        mes "are you ready?...";
        switch(select("Non Slotted Armor.", "Slotted Armor.", "High Grade Armor.", "Temporal Shoes Slotted.", "Fallen Angel Wings.", "Maybe next time.")) {
        case 1:
            setarray .@items[0],2307,2309,2314,2316,2321,2325,2327,2328,2330,2332,2334,2335,2341,2344,2346,2348,2350,2337,2386,2394,2395,2396;
            .@j = 50;
        case 2:
            setarray .@items[0],2311,2318,2319,2320,2308,2310,2315,2317,2322,2324,2326,2331,2333,2336,2342,2345,2347,2349,2351;
            .@j = 55;
            .@k = 1;
        case 3:
            setarray .@items[0],2364,2365,2391,2374,2375,2376,2377,2378,2379,2380,2381,2382,2387,2388,2389,2357,15147,15146,2390;
            .@j = 60;
        case 4:
            setarray .@items[0],22006,22010,22008,22009,22011,22007;
            .@j = 60;
        case 5:
            setarray .@items[0],2589;
            .@j = 60;
        case 6:
            mes "[XileRO Gear Enchanter]";
            mes "Please come back when you have any interest in enchanting your gear.";
        .@menu$ = "";
        for(.@i = 0; .@i<getarraysize(.@items); ++.@i)
            .@menu$ += getitemname(.@items[.@i])+((.@k)?" [1]":"")+":";
        callsub S_EnchantArmor, .@items[select(.@menu$)-1], .@j;
    mes "I am in charge of Enchanting gears. Simply put, I've been studying ways to power-up gear.";
    mes "[XileRO Gear Enchanter]";
    mes "If by any chance, you would want to enchant your gear, bring me ^5555ff400,000^000000 zeny and the gear you want to enchant and you are all set to go.";
    mes "Plus 2 extreme orbs , we call them ^5555ff Bloody Knight Orb^000000 and ^5555ff Monkey Fist Orb^000000.";
    mes "You must kill Bloody Knight at ^5555ffgefenia04^000000 for ^5555ff Bloody Knight Orb^000000.";
    mes "and Monkey Fist at ^5555ff um_fild02^000000 for ^5555ffMonkey Fist Orb^000000.";
    mes "Are you ready??.";

    .@itemid = getarg(0);
    .@failrate = getarg(1);
    mes "[XileRO Gear Enchanter]";
    if (countitem(.@itemid) == 1) {
        mes "Socket enchant will cost you ^5555ff400,000^000000 zeny. And there will be a random option enchanted. Of course, there is a chance of breaking your gear.";
        mes "[XileRO Gear Enchanter]";
        mes "First and most importantly.";
        mes "^ff5555Existing Refine Level of the Gear";
        mes "and Cards will be GONE.^000000";
        mes "Do you still want to try an Enchant?";
        if(select("Hmm... Let me think it over.", "Go ahead.") == 1) {
            mes "[XileRO Gear Enchanter]";
            mes "Well, I can't blame you. Safety first, eh?";
            mes "Now you have a nice day.";
        mes "[XileRO Gear Enchanter]";
        mes "Quite of an adventurer huh? Well, shall we?";
        specialeffect(EF_MAPPILLAR, AREA, playerattached());
        if (Zeny < 400000) {
            mes "[XileRO Gear Enchanter]";
            mes "Sorry, but you don't have enough zeny.";
        progressbar "ffff00",7;
        Zeny -= 400000;
        delitem .@itemid,1;
        switch (rand(1,.@failrate)) {
            case 1: .@addpart = 30559;break;
            case 2: .@addpart = 30557;break;
            case 3: .@addpart = 30558;break;
            case 4: .@addpart = 30557;break;
            case 5: .@addpart = 30559;break;
            case 6: .@addpart = 30557;break;
            case 7:
            case 8: .@addpart = 30558;break;
            case 9:
            case 10: .@addpart = 30558;break;
            case 11:
            case 12: .@addpart = 30559;break;
            case 13:
            case 14: .@addpart = 30559;break;
            case 15:
            case 16: .@addpart = 30557;break;
            case 17:
            case 18: .@addpart = 30557;break;
            case 19:
            case 20:
            case 21: .@addpart = 30559;break;
            case 22:
            case 23:
            case 24: .@addpart = 30558;break;
            case 25:
            case 26:
            case 27: .@addpart = 30558;break;
            case 28:
            case 29:
            case 30: .@addpart = 30557;break;
            case 31:
            case 32:
            case 33: .@addpart = 30557;break;
            case 34:
            case 35:
            case 36: .@addpart = 30559;break;
                specialeffect(EF_PHARMACY_FAIL, AREA, playerattached());
                mes "[XileRO Gear Enchanter]";
                mes "Well that's too bad.";
                mes "The requested equipment has failed to enchant.";
        getitem2 .@itemid, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, .@addpart;
    else {
        mes "Hmm? There's nothing to be enchanted!";
        mes "Please come back with just ONE equipment to be enchanted.";

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