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  1. is there other donation method? bcoz my paypal didnt verify using my debit card
  2. i try add this for new custom npc.. but didnt work also in gmh_freenpc didnt work i try replace the existing reseter npc script that cost only Z but the probs the npc didnt talk or show anything mes anyone can help me? /*Credit To original Author*/prontera,146,304,5 script Reseter 407,{mes .npcname$;mes "So are you satisfied with your";mes "current stat allocation?";mes "Of course not, if you want to make";mes "a change then listen on.";next;mes .npcname$;mes "I use the power of the";mes "^009900"+getitemname(.stoneid)+"^000000 to help adventurers";mes "reset their stat choices.";mes "Of course the more powerful the";mes "adventurer, the more ^009900"+getitemname(.stoneid)+"s^000000";mes "I need the perform the reset.";next;for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.minrange); set .@i,.@i+1) {if(BaseLevel >= .minrange[.@i] && BaseLevel <= .maxrange[.@i]) {set .@stonesreq,.stones[.@i];}}mes .npcname$;mes "For instance you ["+strcharinfo(0)+"] would require.";mes "["+.@stonesreq+"] "+getitemname(.stoneid)+" to reset all your stats to 1 and get all your status points back.";next;switch(select("Tell me More!","Lets reset NOW","First Time Free Reset","Later")) {case 1:mes .npcname$;for(set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.minrange); set .@i,.@i+1) {mes "Base Lvl ^000099"+.minrange[.@i]+" - "+.maxrange[.@i]+"^000000 ^009900["+.stones[.@i]+" "+getitemname(.stoneid)+"]^000000";}close;case 2:mes .npcname$;mes "Ok let's start checking.";next;if(Weight > 0) {mes .npcname$;mes "Lower your weight to 0";close;}if(checkcart()) { setcart 0; }if(checkfalcon()) { setfalcon 0;}if(checkriding()) { setriding 0;}if(countitem(.stoneid) >= .@stonesreq) {delitem .stoneid,.@stonesreq;resetstatus;close;}else {mes .npcname$;mes "You do not have enough ^009900"+getitemname(.stoneid)+"s^000000";close;}case 3:if( !FreeReset ){set FreeReset,1;mes "Welcome...this is your first character free reset...";resetstatus;}else{mes "You have reset for free already.";}close;case 4:close;}OnInit:set .stoneid,6320; //reset stone id = 6320 ?set .npcname$,"["+strnpcinfo(0)+"]";setarray .minrange[0],1 , 41, 71, 91, 111, 126, 141; // Min Level Requiredsetarray .maxrange[0],40, 70, 90, 110,125, 140, 150; // Max Level Requiredsetarray .stones[0], 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7; // Number of Stonesend;}
  3. Thanks for ur reply im new in dev RO
  4. anyone try to add new CMD @GiveItem [item type] [Player Name] [item ID] [item Type] [Quantity] ???
  5. Hello Guys.. How to remove 3rd Jobs?
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