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  1. Hey i recently purchase a RO host but they are awful in anyway. So i am planning to purchase another one from a real hosting company with a budget of $50 per month. My server are in Asia, but i believe some west coast host should not cost too much trouble. just wonder if any of you have any recommendation on a good vps or dedicated server? thats approx. $50 and can handle no more than 100/200 player in asia...\\\ also, i have found a couple vps. just wondering if those are good for my case.. thanks!!! link : http://imgur.com/a/0DDEt
  2. prontera,148,178,5 script BlessingAngel 501,{ SC_START SC_BLESSING,240000,10; SC_START SC_INCREASEAGI,240000,10; sc_start SC_ASSUMPTIO,240000,5; sc_start SC_MAGNIFICAT,240000,10; percentheal 100,100; end; OnInit: waitingroom "-Blessing Angel-",0; end; } I would like to set a timer to this script that the user can only use this funtion every 10min. the npc will also tell you the time remaining of next use. How should i add to that? function script dayitem { //=======================// setarray .@item[1],668,668,668,668,668,668,668,668,668,668,668,668,668,668,668,668,668,668,668,668,668,668,668,668,668,668,668,668,668,668,668; //=============// setarray .@num[1],1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,10,10,10,10,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15,15; //===================// setarray .@add,5,10,15,20,25; //==============================// setarray .@aitem[0],21600,21600,21600,21600,21600; //===========// setarray .@anum[0],1,1,1,1,1; //================================================// for ( set .@i,0; .@i<getarraysize(.@add); set .@i,.@i+1 ) { if ( getArg(0) == .@add[.@i] ) { set .@j,1; getitem .@aitem[.@i],.@anum[.@i]; break; } } set .@dayn,gettime(5); getitem .@item[.@dayn],.@num[.@dayn]; announce "============================================",bc_self,0xCD1039; announce "== ",bc_self,0xFF7F50; announce "== You have Logged in [ "+getarg(0)+" ] days",bc_self,0xFFDC3C; announce "== ",bc_self,0x80E12A; announce "== The Price for Today is.. !!! ",bc_self,0x00BFFF; announce "== ",bc_self,0x7B68EE; if ( .@j ) { announce "== "+.@num[.@dayn]+" [ "+getitemname(.@item[.@dayn])+" ] and extra "+.@anum[.@i]+" [ "+getitemname(.@aitem[.@i])+" ] ",bc_self,0x00000; } else { announce "== "+.@num[.@dayn]+" [ "+getitemname(.@item[.@dayn])+" ] ",bc_self,0x00000; } announce "== ",bc_self,0x9932CC; announce "== The price can be different every day!>.0 ",bc_self,0xF08080; announce "== ",bc_self,0x00E1F0; announce "============================================",bc_self,0x783C3C; end; } - script daylogin -1,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if( gettime(7)%4==0 ) set .@pr,1; if ( #daytime >= 366+.@pr ) set #daytime,1; if ( #daytime ) { if ( #daytime == gettime(8) ) { set #daytime,gettime(8)+1; set #daylogin,#daylogin+1; callfunc "dayitem",#daylogin; end; } if ( #daytime < gettime(8) && #daytime != 1 ) { set #daytime,gettime(8)+1; set #daylogin,1; callfunc "dayitem",1; end; } end; } set #daytime,gettime(8)+1; set #daylogin,1; callfunc "dayitem",1; end; } This is a daily reward system, but H\how do i add a IP check to this script, so only 1 acct from same ip can get the price?
  3. if (.@i) { morphembryo; hommutate 6047+.@i; set Zeny,Zeny - 50000; } else { set $@humm,rand(5); hommutate 6047+$@humm;}; close; my npc can mutate hom just fine using selection .@i but it i choose random... it wont mutate pls help!!
  4. Where to find latest lua file ? i have found some links through out the forum but its all dead (( please help me!!!
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