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  1. <URL><INFO> is the client method to give you a link, maybe you have to inject some dll to client which when received a specific signal, will open webpage, (Other than that, can't think of any other way) ok i try to make it. thank alot
  2. Atm i have to click on the link when i see the npc to start teamspeak..
  3. This script can join teamspeak3 when you click on Teamspeak after u do @joints. You join teamspeak3 with your char name.
  4. Hi guys, - script Join Ts -1,{Oncommande: mes "[^6600CC Join Teamspeak ^000000]"; mes "<URL>Teamspeak.<INFO>"+ (.link$) + strcharinfo(0) +"</INFO></URL>"; close; OnInit:bindatcmd "joints",strnpcinfo(3)+"::Oncommande";do {.link$ = "ts3server://IPSERVER?port=PORTSERVER&password=PASSSERVER&nickname="; sleep 1000; } while(1);end;} Someone know how to joints without click on link? > if someone want, you can use this script ^^
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