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  1. The script will let a GM send invitation to all player, the player has a choice if he will decline or participate.Its working somehow and you can optimized or change it as much as you want to make it better. The thing I want is, I want it to be an array so that all gm can use this. If you can see it only works to GM Maynard. I want it to be 3 people or more, GM Maynard,name1,name2,name3,,,,; I will edit the name. Actually I dont know how to script, I just copy paste part of different script and paste it together. Im using rathena. - script event_inviter -1,{ OnInit: bindatcmd "gmevent",strnpcinfo(3)+"::OnTest",10,99; end; OnTest: addrid(0); .@gm_name$ = "GM maynard"; if( getgmlevel() > 1 || (checkvending() >= 1 || checkchatting() == 1) ){ dispbottom "You really did it :D"; end; }else{ mes "^FF0000"+strcharinfo(0)+"^000000,You are being summoned by: ^0000FF" + .@gm_name$; next; .@i = select("Decline:Warp to GM."); if (!getcharid(0,.@gm_name$)) { mes .@gm_name$ + " is not online."; close; } getmapxy(.@map$,.@x,.@y,0,.@gm_name$); if (.@i == 1) mes "Ok if you say so"; else warp .@map$,.@x,.@y; close; } } [*]Reply [*]Report [*] [*]
  2. An array of custom head gear equipments my custom head gear id = 6900,6901,6902,6903 Lord knight card can not be compounded or disabled the effect of the card on my custom head gear if you insert it. You can compound the Lord knight card normally on other head gear except from the Head gear that listed in the array. Then for easy use maybe a callfunc will do. 4357,,,,,,,,,{callfunc "prevent_compound";skill "LK_BERSERK",1; bonus bMaxHPrate,-50;}{}{}
  3. maynard

    goldroom party

    can you edit this script by emistry, I want the player to have 1 gold if the party member is offline. My problem with this script is they can abuse it because if you invite 5 people on a party, You will get 5 gold everytime you kill a monster and that is what it should be but if the player is offline you still get 5 even if all the remaining player log out or offline. prontera,155,181,5 script Sample 757,{mes "Enter Gold Room?";if( select( "Yes","cancel" ) == 1 ){ warp .map$,0,0;}close;OnMobKill:.@party_id = getcharid(1);if( !.@party_id ){ .@gain_gold = 1;}else{ .@aid = getcharid(3); getpartymember .@party_id; getpartymember .@party_id,2; .@gain_gold = ( ( $@partymembercount > 5 )? 5:$@partymembercount ); for( .@i = 0; .@i < $@partymembercount; .@i++ ) if( $@partymemberaid[.@i] != .@aid && isloggedin( $@partymemberaid[.@i] ) ){ getmapxy( .@map$,.@x,.@y,0,$@partymembername$[.@i] ); if( .@map$ == .map$ ) getitem 969,1,$@partymemberaid[.@i]; }}getitem 969,.@gain_gold;end;OnInit:.map$ = "guild_vs5";end;}guild_vs5,0,0 monster Poring 1002,100,0,0,"Sample::OnMobKill"
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