Issue information

Issue ID
Needs more Info
Hercules Elf Bot
Jun 7, 2008 10:23
Last Post
Hercules Elf Bot
Dec 20, 2011 13:57

Hercules Elf Bot - Jun 7, 2008 10:23

Originally posted by [b]Brainstorm[/b];postcount=9
Dispell can't remove critical wounds. To the best of my knowledge, you cannot cure critical wounds, it lasts 30 seconds. It may not even be removed even if you die. There are three known counters.

1) % recovery items. You can still use items that recover a % of your max HP effectively. Not practical, but still possible (our first beelzebub run we used 50 green ales on the hell fly tank).
2) Haahi. Players affected by critical wounds will still receive healing from kaahi. Requires a rather advanced setup and probably not useful beyond tanking critical wounds using bosses.
3) Sacrifice. Indirect, but if the player with critical wounds is under sacrifice from a crusader or paladin, the sader who is taking the damage can still be healed as normal.

Marked in red are behaviors not supported on eA right now.

On same topic:
What the hell... you can't remove the Critical Wound using BC
As well as slow casting...

Currently Battle Chant removes about everything on eA.

SA_DISPEL probably cant remove SC_SLOWCAST too, if that statement is correct.

This post has been edited by Brainstorm: Jun 7 2008, 03:26 AM

Hercules Elf Bot - Dec 20, 2011 13:57

Originally posted by [b]Ind[/b]
need confirmation / source. thanks!