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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/15/17 in all areas

  1. 2 points

    Back from the Dead

    It's been a couple of years and for my absence, I want to apologize to those that knew me. I unfortunately went completely MIA. A lot has happened in the last couple of years, and I figured I owed it to some of you for just taking off the way I did. For the past couple of years, I have been going through a custody battle with my ex wife and it finally came to a close about a year ago. Work has been strenuous and I haven't really been able to do anything. I am finally to a point where I have stability in my life and things are finally looking up rather than down. I know I probably left many of you hanging and wondering... Where did Z3R0 go? I didn't die, I didn't leave, and I definitely missed RO. I'm coming back to study, to mentor, to help and support. I hope that you guys can forgive me for bum rushing out of here like I did, but I have always thought about the RO Community. I miss all of you, and I am so glad to be back. Z3R0
  2. 1 point

    Savior Damage Font

    Version 1.0


    SaviorDamageFONT modification I've been trying hard to create content that bring a fresh new look to our old and loved Ragnarok Online. After lot's of failures(like my old font upload '^^) I end up with this design, that was actually based on the game Tree of Savior.( btw a very good game ) It comes with some other little things like a better resolution sprite to the critical hit background, as it was kinda glitchy with the new font. I know it is all experimental and yes, I still love the old pixelated font of RO but feel free to use it in your server, i'm getting used to it and it's giving me a feeling of nostalgia(as seeing something new things on old stuffs) ;D Hope to hear some feedback to improve it as much as I can. cYA link: MEGAlink
  3. 1 point

    New life for RO

    Allez vous faire foutre tous ceux qui m'disent que c'est mort. Are you really think that it's so easy to write a game from scratch on one's own ? I am working and i have my life, and with all those things i am continuing write this client. There will be first public beta release in 1-2 weeks with new features, of course.
  4. 1 point
    Too much work to do over the summer ;(
  5. 1 point

    Official VIP System

    Hi everybody.. sorry for being in hiatus mode..I just got busy in real life this past years for me having hard time to insert RO dev thingy on my schedule.. I'm sad since I became busy, Herc RE development(SRC) halted upon my leave...so I guess should come back? however if I come back I will only implement this in partial meaning only basic features (due to this reason "Its sole purpose is to monetize (which certainly isn't what players are looking for).")...
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