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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/20 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Probably not xD. Anyways, I am working on development of a new patcher as a successor to the original aka NEMO. Initially, I was planning to just release the source for NEMO but is quite outdated. So I decided to just start off fresh utilizing concepts from the original along with new ideas (Already have some implemented, which I will explain later) Also this time, I will be keeping it open source. I will publish to Github once there is a solid foundation. I am building it using the latest version of Qt (5.15) and utilizing QML for creating the GUI. I want to give it a more modern appearance, however, I am a "novice" on this front. So I am inviting suggestions for the UI from the talented individuals here.
  2. 1 point
    Hello everyone, now we can decompile 5.1.4 lub files to lua file by ourslaves. LuaDec for Lua 5.1.4, it's a easy and super powerful Lub->Lua decompiler, and it's a offline tool not like this one http://herc.ws/board/topic/2241-lub-lua-decompilernow-online/. step 1: Copy you lub file to the root directory. step 2: Using the notepad to edit “RUN ME.bat”, change the lub file's name as you copyied example: luadec accessoryid.lub > accessoryid.lua step 3: Save “RUN ME.bat” and close the notepad, run “RUN ME.bat”, you can find a decompiled lua file appear in the root directory. Download link: http://herc.ws/board/files/file/52-luadec-for-lua-514-a-easy-and-super-powerful-lub-lua-decompiler/ Source code: http://code.google.com/p/luadec/
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