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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/18/21 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Hello Herc, I hope you enjoy testing out my Farm Zone Instance creator script. Here's some information about the script: It is a Beta Build. I will be updating this script frequently. So be on the lookout for my GitHub updates. IMPORTANT: Player cannot access until you setup and enable farm zones Edit .GMList$ array for certain GM names to use GM menu When creating Farm Zone instance you: 1) Create total amount of Farm Zones you want (Say you make Elunium, Oridicon, Dead Brach, Bloody Branch, and EXP Farming) when clicking [First Click] in npc Menu you would make 5. This is just an example 2) Type out names of instances 2) Input delay time (this was working and now it's randomly not) 3) Input item ID 4) Input Max amount of items 5) Input rate at which you want player to receive item You can either download it directly from an upload I did on Hercules, or download directly from my GitHub. GitHub Link: https://github.com/Aeromesi/AeromesiCodes/blob/master/Instances/Hercules/CopyPaste/npc/custom/custom_instances/farm_creator_instance_Herc.txt farm_creator_instance_Herc.txt
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