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Everything posted by Relzz

  1. Relzz

    New AI

    Does anyone knows.. Anyone got this AI working? It's an updated iRO AI.. But I can't get it to work on kRO clients, but.. Why? Both are the same.. I mean.. Korea sends the client to iRO.. http://www.drazzy.com Does anyone found an AI editor yet?
  2. I got the cash shop open in 2011-11-22aRagexe but.. why it doesn't list items? Please can you put the correct packets for earlier versions? 2011-11-22aRagexe is the most stable client out there at least i've seen for pre-re because it supports Old AI.. so, can you add the cash shop functionality to earlier dates? There's another suggestion: Implement the official cashshop button shop behavior.. Well.. There are 2 Tabs at the top. Called "Popular" and "New" they're obvious These 2 doesn't are modificable, what I mean? Well.. Popular is the "Most Buyed" Tab and "New" are the New items displayed with a limit of 3 or 6 pages I don't remember.. But they slide if a new item is put on the cashshop So the 2 top tabs are not supposed to be Manually Updated
  3. Im blind then xD thanks Yommy
  4. Well this is for novice users that doesn't know what to do if you make a pull on your local directory and all your config get messed up with merge things x.x Can we have a battleimport folder? This can increase the ease of configuring a server.. I think it's possible easly but I mean, enable it by default Because.. I don't like when the updates mess up with my custom values x.x and have to solve merging errors when updating ..
  5. Hmm Este no es mi ultimo cliente.. Pero sigue siendo bueno, pueden despedazarlo y hacer uno nuevo con el :33
  6. Im about to cum.. Oh.. ShEEE)tT !! This is greaaaat !!
  7. Sir.. there's something missing.. the category NEW and POPULAR are self updated.. In NEW appears the new items listed into Limited, Rental, Gear, Buff, Costume automatically.. and in POPULAR the most buyed both from left to right also the LIMITED dissapear automatically in X days but that's not important can be done manually
  8. Well.. I can open it.. and do many things.. but I can't list items.. T.T but .. nvm ill change to 2012-04-10 .. i hate that the 2011-12+? clients doesn't have a custom AI Manager..
  9. Anyone can help me with this client? It is listed on packets.h but.. the cash shop doesn't work properly.. It opens with this packets on 2011-11-02 packet(0x0844,2,clif->pCashShopOpen,0);/* tell server cashshop window is being open */ packet(0x084a,2,clif->pCashShopClose,0);/* tell server cashshop window is being closed */but doesn't list items.. I don't know.. but the packets .. eh.. can you repair this ? I mean, this feature existed on older clients.. and it's a little difficult to use it on newer clients because i prefer stability than newer things .. so i don't like 2012+ clients for now.. This is the default 2011-11-02aRagexe packets.h //2011-11-02aRagexe#if PACKETVER >= 20111102 packet(0x0436,26,clif->pFriendsListAdd,2); packet(0x0898,5,clif->pHomMenu,4); packet(0x0281,36,clif->pStoragePassword,0); packet(0x088d,26,clif->pPartyInvite2,2); packet(0x083c,19,clif->pWantToConnection,2,6,10,14,18); packet(0x08aa,7,clif->pActionRequest,2,6); packet(0x02c4,10,clif->pUseSkillToId,2,4,6); packet(0x0811,-1,clif->pItemListWindowSelected,2,4,8); packet(0x890,8); packet(0x08a5,18,clif->pPartyBookingRegisterReq,2,4,6); packet(0x0835,-1,clif->pReqOpenBuyingStore,2,4,8,9,89); packet(0x089b,2,clif->pReqCloseBuyingStore,0); packet(0x08a1,6,clif->pReqClickBuyingStore,2); packet(0x089e,-1,clif->pReqTradeBuyingStore,2,4,8,12); packet(0x08ab,-1,clif->pSearchStoreInfo,2,4,5,9,13,14,15); packet(0x088b,2,clif->pSearchStoreInfoNextPage,0); packet(0x08a2,12,clif->pSearchStoreInfoListItemClick,2,6,10);#endifI'll post it on Bug Reports because I think it's something that need to be there..
  10. Haha vaya, me gustaria saber quien eres xD bueno al parecer rechazaron o no aceptaron mi solicitud de 2 veces que la mande, pero tienes mucha suerte.. Felicidades
  11. Relzz


    C-C-Combo Breaker ! nah jk xD Hola Yommy, Beret, Judas, Hemagx, Michieru soy M45T3R Hello Yommy, Beret, Judas, Hemagx, Michieru I am M45T3R
  12. lol the last effect 0:D i love it
  13. Yeah! that status .. overlapping status will be great!
  14. We need to make EXBOOST instanceable like sc_start SC_J/BEXPBOOST,<BoostID>,1800000,50; And the rest is only a easy script.. http://herc.ws/board/topic/194-3-things-d/ With this we can also expand EXPBOOST capabilities (?) Sorry for my bad english
  15. We can make this a script .. easy
  16. Awesome work Judas! I think An reload-able items_cash?shop.txt can be more usefull ..
  17. Well, it looks cool o: Plugins Support
  18. Relzz

    3 Things :D

    Stackable EXP SC's .. It already officialy exists, it was mentioned by malufett on the VIP Suggestion in this sub-forum, this can be helpfull for many scripts .. and actually i think we need it for C:PCB (Costume: Polar Bear Cap) with provides 25% more BEXP until 2014.. or before.. i don't remember.. and it is stackable with Battle Manuals and VIP on iRO, i don't really know if it is implemented on kRO.. but i think it's the same for pRO.. also can be helpfull for custom scripts.. Second is Navigation System control script_command. Yes, it exists.. we need this feature because is being used in newer episodes and maybe it will replace the "viewpoint <action>,<x>,<y>,<point number>,<color>;" command.. i have seen this in Ziu's vids =) like 3 times, and even he doesn't know how to control it, maybe someone will. Third is .. I already suggested this but was like 3 or 4 months before. So im posting it again. The cash shop button have 2 tabs in the top called New and Popular, these 2 tabs are auto-updated, in the new tab are the new items added(automatically adds all the new items added to the cash shop) that's why is called "NEW", and Popular are the most buyed, tendencies in buying that's why is called "POPULAR" All those suggestions are official so i don't see why they're not implemented yet..
  19. I really hate when users go and kill many MVP's after reload..
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