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Everything posted by hadiesyafiq

  1. hi @Neo-Mind when i use WARP the title icon is not show..how to show the icon? here some picture to refer...on the red mark
  2. Have other way?/sob...my vps 2core 1gbram
  3. Hi..i install all from dockerfile...all 243 of 244 success but just one error how to fix this error? /swt
  4. hi @L1nkZ i got this error while cargo build..how to fix this?
  5. Thanks sir...it really nice launcher Thanks @Ai4rei im
  6. i will try..but how to make it use windows title bar menu?
  7. Can it customize to have login panel like launcher?
  8. hi all just want to ask, how to get the launcher like this?how to create it?
  9. solve thanks guys.. just drop # on #dailymercenary to get per character...
  10. i all ready success to make it give 24hours per reward but it only work per account not per character here my script function script getmercenary { set .Hour,24; if( #dailymercenary < gettimetick(2) ) { mes "Here your Mercenary Contract for today."; set #dailymercenary,gettimetick(2) + ( .Hour * 3600 ); getitem 12160,5; //set the price here }else{ set .@last,#dailymercenary - gettimetick(2); set .@hour, .@last % ( 24 * 3600 ) / 3600; set .@min, .@last % ( 24 * 3600 ) % 3600 / 60; set .@sec, .@last % ( 24 * 3600 ) % 3600 % 60; mes "You have to wait ^FF0000"+.@hour+":"+.@min+":"+.@sec+"^000000 countdown to get next Mercenary Contract"; } close; } how to make it give per character?
  11. i sir thanks for reply...can you make one npc that can i use for example?
  12. hi all i just want make npc that give item/exp per day for character how to make it? i try use daily supply but it for an account and 12hours per claim i want make it 24hour per claim and make it per character thanks in advance
  13. Hi dev...how to set player get group id 10 when login for temporary and will be group id 0 when logout example i put this script on headgear if player wear it get group id 10 when take off it will be group id 0 is the script will be @ajgroup?
  14. if (!quest_random) { mes "[Swordman Guildsman]"; mes("Last Question."); mes("If....."); next(); } switch(quest_random) { case 1: mes "[Swordman Guildsman]"; mes("1+3+5 = ???"); next(); input(.@guess); if (.@guess == 9) { mes "[Swordman Guildsman]"; mes "Then I'll end your training process and send you to the Swordman Guild."; callfunc "F_NvErase",1; close2; savepoint "izlude",128,98; // Old coordinates: (95,104) warp "izlude_in",74,167; close(); } else { mes("[Swordman Guildsman]"); mes("Sorry."); close(); } case 2: mes "[Swordman Guildsman]"; mes("5+9+5 = ???"); next(); input(.@guess); if (.@guess == 19) { mes "[Swordman Guildsman]"; mes "Then I'll end your training process and send you to the Swordman Guild."; callfunc "F_NvErase",1; close2; savepoint "izlude",128,98; // Old coordinates: (95,104) warp "izlude_in",74,167; close(); } else { mes("[Swordman Guildsman"); mes("Sorry."); close(); } } } } } is this right way to make npc ask random different kind of questions? not only 1 questions but many
  15. hello hercules How to make npc just for novice,baby novice and high novice? here some of my script if(Class !=0) || Class !=4001 || Class !=4023) goto Lnotnovice; mes "Hi novice"; Lnotnovice: mes "you are not novice"; i try this but still not work only novice can access high novice and baby novice cannot? how to fix this?
  16. hi all how to make this message to be broadcast message? on message.conf (1229 message) i want it be broadcast here on atcommand.c clif->message(sd->fd, msg_fd(fd,1229)); // Your group has changed. here is example broadcast message.conf (896 message) on clif.c safesnprintf(output, sizeof(output), msg_sd(sd, 896), sd->status.mod_exp, sd->status.mod_drop, sd->status.mod_death); clif->broadcast2(&sd->bl, output, (int)strlen(output) + 1, 0xffbc90, 0x190, 12, 0, 0, SELF); can someone help me change clif->message(sd->fd, msg_fd(fd,1229)); // Your group has changed. to be broadcast message? thanks in advance
  17. hi all i would to request annoucement (not for all server just for character) and disbottom will show when we login and change map {its mean we enter portal).. the message i like to show is current rates like this - script current_rate FAKE_NPC,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if (countitem(VIP_Card) > 0) { announce "E X P 120% ( basic 100% new 20%)"; announce "DROP : 120% ( basic 100% new 20%) "; announce "DEATH : 50% ( basic 100% new -50%) "; dispbottom "E X P 120% ( basic 100% new 20%)"; dispbottom "DROP 120% ( basic 100% new 20%)"; dispbottom "DEATH 50% ( basic 100% new -50%)"; } else { announce "E X P 100% ( basic 100% new 0% )"; announce "DROP 100% ( basic 100% new 0% ) "; announce " DEATH 100% ( basic 100% new 0% ) "; dispbottom "E X P 100% ( basic 100% new 0% )"; dispbottom "DROP 100% ( basic 100% new 0% )"; dispbottom "100% ( basic 100% new 0% )"; } end; } the annoucement is like @broadcast yellow color font but only show on the character not on whole server the disbottom orange color font.. will show when login and change to any map.. thanks in advance
  18. yes @AnnieRuru i use your charms plugins thats script above is just example...i made new item use charms plugins vip will bind to item its mean only the character have it will get vip bonus...the item can be store but cannot trade or drops...but have 3 item to get same script effect like 3day/7day/30day with rental script here like this - script VIP FAKE_NPC,{ OnInit: // Players Exp rate (Base and Job Experience) // 0 = No Exp // 1 = Normal Exp // 2 = 2x Exp .exp_rate = 2; // Players Drop rate // 0 = No Drop // 1 = Normal Drop // 2 = 2x Drop .drop_rate = 3; end; OnPCLoginEvent: if (countitem(newitem1) > 0) { setparam(125, 55 * .exp_rate); // SP_MOD_EXP setparam(126, 40 * .drop_rate); // SP_MOD_DROP //setparam(127, 0); // SP_MOD_DEATH } else { setparam(125, 100); // SP_MOD_EXP setparam(126, 100); // SP_MOD_DROP //setparam(127, 100); // SP_MOD_DEATH } end; OnPCLoginEvent: if (countitem(newitem3) > 0) { setparam(125, 55 * .exp_rate); // SP_MOD_EXP setparam(126, 40 * .drop_rate); // SP_MOD_DROP //setparam(127, 0); // SP_MOD_DEATH } else { setparam(125, 100); // SP_MOD_EXP setparam(126, 100); // SP_MOD_DROP //setparam(127, 100); // SP_MOD_DEATH } end; OnPCLoginEvent: if (countitem(newitem1) > 0) { setparam(125, 55 * .exp_rate); // SP_MOD_EXP setparam(126, 40 * .drop_rate); // SP_MOD_DROP //setparam(127, 0); // SP_MOD_DEATH } else { setparam(125, 100); // SP_MOD_EXP setparam(126, 100); // SP_MOD_DROP //setparam(127, 100); // SP_MOD_DEATH } end; } Thanks sir @gantz
  19. hi i want make this script will work if we have just one of 3 different item 1 got 3 kind of item apple,meat and orange...this script will be use if we have one of the item.. example - script VIP FAKE_NPC,{ OnPCLoginEvent: if (countitem(apple) > 0) { setparam(125, 55 * .exp_rate); // SP_MOD_EXP setparam(126, 40 * .drop_rate); // SP_MOD_DROP setparam(127, 0); // SP_MOD_DEATH } else { setparam(125, 100); // SP_MOD_EXP setparam(126, 100); // SP_MOD_DROP setparam(127, 0); // SP_MOD_DEATH } end; OnPCLoginEvent: if (countitem(meat) > 0) { setparam(125, 55 * .exp_rate); // SP_MOD_EXP setparam(126, 40 * .drop_rate); // SP_MOD_DROP setparam(127, 0); // SP_MOD_DEATH } else { setparam(125, 100); // SP_MOD_EXP setparam(126, 100); // SP_MOD_DROP setparam(127, 0); // SP_MOD_DEATH } end; OnPCLoginEvent: if (countitem(orange) > 0) { setparam(125, 55 * .exp_rate); // SP_MOD_EXP setparam(126, 40 * .drop_rate); // SP_MOD_DROP setparam(127, 0); // SP_MOD_DEATH } else { setparam(125, 100); // SP_MOD_EXP setparam(126, 100); // SP_MOD_DROP setparam(127, 0); // SP_MOD_DEATH } end; } not work like above..i forgot how to make script if and else...can someone show me the script?
  20. hi @AnnieRuru sorry ask again..but can the script make like this? kill 10poring kill 10drops and kill 10poporing will spawn angeling? i mean need to kill 3 different monster to spawn 1 boss...how to do it? and can the script summon boss on the location last kill? For example, angeling will spawn on the character who kills the 10th poring.
  21. hi @AnnieRuru i've test the script several time..there is nothing error on map-server but nothing happen when i kill 100 poring..no mastering spawn and no map announcement..
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