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Like it~*

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Everything posted by Like it~*

  1. Hello, sorry for the delay. Thank you very much for your help so far. See the errors shown on the map-server.
  2. I tested, but don't work master.
  3. Thank you, sir. I am waiting.
  4. I took the space out and even then there are still errors and nothing changes in the appearance of the monster. - script HALL FAKE_NPC,{ OnInit: query_sql( "select sex, class, hair, hair_color, char_id from `char` where online = 1 order by name asc limit 128", .@sex, .@class, .@hairstyle, .@haircolor, .@haircolor); query_sql( "select clothes_color, name, char_id from `char` where online = 1 order by name asc limit 128", .@cloth, .@name$, .@char_id ); //monster <"map name">, <x>, <y>, <"display name">, <mob id>, <amount>[, <"event label">]; .@mobGID = monster("prontera", 157, 167, ".@name$", 2266, 1); // prevent from attacking & moving setunitdata(.@mobGID, UDT_MODE, getunitdata(.@mobGID, UDT_MODE) &~ (1 | 128)); setunitdata(.@mobGID, UDT_SCOPTION, 1); setunitdata(.@mobGID, UDT_MASTERCID, .@char_id); setunitdata(.@mobGID, UDT_LOOKDIR, 0); //appearance setunitdata(.@mobGID, UDT_SEX, .@sex); setunitdata(.@mobGID, UDT_CLASS, .@class); setunitdata(.@mobGID, UDT_HAIRSTYLE, .@hairstyle); setunitdata(.@mobGID, UDT_HAIRCOLOR, .@haircolor); setunitdata(.@mobGID, UDT_HEADTOP, 2235); setunitdata(.@mobGID, UDT_CLOTHCOLOR,.@cloth); end; } [Debug]: Source (NPC): HALL (invisible/not on a map) [Warning]: buildin_setunitdata: Character ID 0 not found for master change! [Debug]: Source (NPC): HALL (invisible/not on a map) [Error]: status_set_viewdata (MOB): No view data for class 0 @meko
  5. Working perfectly. I already said that, but I must repeat, your tool is incredible! Thank you, master!
  6. Thks @meko, you forgot to quote episode 14.2 which is not yet complete, with the implementation of WOE TE.
  7. It stayed that way, but it still does not work. - script HALL FAKE_NPC,{ OnInit: query_sql( "select sex, class, hair, hair_color, char_id from `char` where online = 1 order by name asc limit 128", .@sex, .@class, .@hairstyle, .@haircolor, .@haircolor); query_sql( "select clothes_color, name, char_id from `char` where online = 1 order by name asc limit 128", .@cloth, .@name$, .@char_id ); //monster <"map name">, <x>, <y>, <"display name">, <mob id>, <amount>[, <"event label">]; .@mobGID = monster ("prontera", 157, 167, ".@name$", 2266, 1); // prevent from attacking & moving setunitdata(.@mobGID, UDT_MODE, getunitdata(.@mobGID, UDT_MODE) &~ (1 | 128)); setunitdata(.@mobGID, UDT_SCOPTION, 1); setunitdata(.@mobGID, UDT_MASTERCID, .@char_id); setunitdata(.@mobGID, UDT_LOOKDIR, 0); //appearance setunitdata(.@mobGID, UDT_SEX, .@sex); setunitdata(.@mobGID, UDT_CLASS, .@class); setunitdata(.@mobGID, UDT_HAIRSTYLE, .@hairstyle); setunitdata(.@mobGID, UDT_HAIRCOLOR, .@haircolor); setunitdata(.@mobGID, UDT_HEADTOP, 2235); setunitdata(.@mobGID, UDT_CLOTHCOLOR,.@cloth); end; } Map-server errors: [Debug]: Source (NPC): HALL (invisible/not on a map) [Warning]: buildin_setunitdata: Invalid data type '(null)' for mob unit. [Debug]: Source (NPC): HALL (invisible/not on a map) [Error]: status_set_viewdata (MOB): No view data for class 4065 [Error]: buildin_setunitdata: Invalid value 150005 for argument #3. (min: 0, max: 8) [Debug]: Source (NPC): HALL (invisible/not on a map)
  8. My item_db.conf is the Hercules original.
  9. I just updated and the error is the same. Enter Item Range to start item_name copying: 501 Enter Item Range to end item_name copying: 29027 Enter item_db.Conf FileName: item_db.conf Enter idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt/iteminfo.lua/iteminfo.lub FileName: itemInfo.lua Output File Name: item_db2.conf ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- itemName to item_db.conf -------------------- ------------------- By Dastgir[Hercules] ------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------------------- -- Putting ItemDB Items into Memory lua53.exe: common.lua:397: [string "{..."]:1: unexpected symbol near '{' stack traceback: [C]: in function 'assert' common.lua:397: in function 'get_itemdb' conf2db.lua:176: in main chunk (luac): in main chunk [C]: in ? Pressione qualquer tecla para continuar. . .
  10. Error lua: eXtract.lua: bad header in precompiled chunk Press any key to continue. . . @edit I tried to change the file extension eXtract.lua to eXtract.lub, then opened the file and changed @eXtract.lua to @eXtract.lub and another message appears. lua: can not open eXtract.lua: No such file or directory Press any key to continue. . NOTA: I am using Windows 10 64 bit.
  11. There really is no connection of this error with the script. I'm sorry, I got confused. In fact there are no errors presented in the map-server. I'll update the main post.
  12. Hi. I'm having trouble with this script. It's really cool though, it does not work properly, I just modified the summoned monsters, it's practically the original script of the author. The problems are: When you kill all the monsters, the event does not end. When killing the winning monsters, the item configured(7711) in the NPC is not being received. @edit No errors presented in the map-server
  13. Hello, Dastgir. All right? I'm getting in touch because I'm expecting your response on four topics and as I know you're very busy, I believe you will not notice. I tried to send a message, but your PM box is full. I ask you to help me resolve these issues as soon as I can. And I would also like to thank you for being such a nice person who helps everyone.

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