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Everything posted by Amalgam

  1. Does this also create a temporary guild? like the Red Team and Blue Team
  2. Conquest, Rush and Team Deathmatch please. Hehehe.
  3. This is nice! Definitely switching to hercules once this release.
  4. Zack, Can you share that aura?
  5. Can anybody help me to setup a proxy server? add me on skype fxedward Thank you!
  6. They are using notepad. ALready tried and it works.
  7. If you set it like that the character name with space will also be denied.
  8. Yeah, they making it on notepad then copy paste. Ohh.. You can't prevent that ATM, if there are mod's that can make a souce to prevent this again, well i'm very very thankful for that :3 How about a script check?
  9. Yeah, I didn't include it also in my diff. I use 2010-07-30RagRE.
  10. Can anybody help me to fix this? I saw some players having only 1 character name. Here is a screenshot How can I fix this?
  11. Hello, Im trying to add it here. can you help me. if ( GetPartyLeader(getcharid(1),2) == getcharid(0)) { mes "Sorry, I cant warp you. You are the party leader."; }else if( !isloggedin( .@party_leader_aid,.@party_leader_cid ) ){ mes "Party Leader not online..."; }else if( strcharinfo(3) == .@party_leader_map$ ){ mes "Both of you at same map."; }else if( !Hp ){ mes "Your party leader is dead. I can't warp you there."; Thank you!
  12. Hello, Can anybody help me. I want a npc to check if party leader is dead. Like when party leader is dead. the npc will say "Your party leader is dead". Thank you.
  13. Currently I don't know how to fix this. I'm willing to pay for the fix. Here is my core dump. #2 0x0819fffb in send_from_fifo (fd=12) at socket.c:345 len = <value optimized out>#3 0x0819ef1b in do_close (fd=12) at socket.c:1137No locals.#4 0x0808cbda in clif_parse (fd=12) at clif.c:17351 cmd = 0 packet_ver = -1215769812 packet_len = 110242374 err = -1073744152 sd = 0xceab790 pnum = 0#5 0x0819e9e6 in send_shortlist_do_sends () at socket.c:1418 fd = 12 i = 0#6 0x0819fc25 in do_sockets (next=50) at socket.c:763 rfd = {__fds_bits = {4096, 0 <repeats 31 times>}} timeout = {tv_sec = 0, tv_usec = 39631} ret = 0 i = 12
  14. //= ---//= MvP Rank Improved v1.0//= ---//= This Rank will count every MvP you kill,//= to be more clear, will count every mob//= defined inside the array ".mobid[0]",//= so, if you add the poring ID will count in the rank//= you can modify and ad miniBoss because this array//= only have all MvPs, that's the idea, only MvPs...//= ---// --- Re-coded by Cookie ---// ===== Functions =====function script mvp_rank { set @mvptotal, getarg(0); set @nomb$, getarg(1); for (set .@c, 0; .@c < $@top; set .@c, .@c + 1) { if (@mvptotal >= getd("$topmvp" +.@c)) { if (strcharinfo(0) == getd("$topmvp" +.@c +"$")) { setd "$topmvp" +.@c, @mvptotal; setd "$topmvp" +.@c +"$", @nomb$; return; } else { if (getd("$topmvp" +(.@c + 1) +"$") == "") { setd "$topmvp" +.@c, @mvptotal; setd "$topmvp" +.@c +"$", @nomb$; return; } else { setd "$topmvp" +(.@c + 1), getd("$topmvp" +.@c); setd "$topmvp" +(.@c + 1) +"$", getd("$topmvp"+.@c+"$"); setd "$topmvp" +.@c, @mvptotal; setd "$topmvp" +.@c +"$", @nomb$; return; } } } } return;}function script mvp_rank_date { return gettime(7) + "-" + gettime(6) + "-" + gettime(5) + " " + gettime(3) + ":" + gettime(2) + ":" + gettime(1); }// ===== Script ======- script Rank MvP -1,{ OnInit: // Set npc-specific variables setarray .mobid[0],1511,1647,1785,1630,1399,1039,1874,2068,1272,1719,1046,1389,1112,1115,1957,1418,1871,1252,1885,1768,1086,1688,1646,1373,1147,1059,1150,1956,2022,1087,1190,1038,1157,1159,1502,1623,1650,1583,1708,1312,1751,1685,1648,1917,1658,2238,1832,1492,1734,1251,1779,2156,2087; // MvP Ids set .a, 1; // Broadcast who killed the MvP and wich MvP and wick Map [0 Off - 1 On] set $@top, 5; // Max. Top Rank (Hihgly recommended between 5~10, more maybe bug the server (limited variables) end; OnNPCKillEvent: // Script execution for (set .@c, 0; .@c < getarraysize(.mobid); set .@c, .@c + 1) { if (killedrid == .mobid[.@c]) { set .@s, 1; // If a MvP } } if (!.@s) // Indicates if not a MVP; if so, end script execution. end; if (.a) // If announcement is toggled, execute broadcast. //announce "[MVP System] " +strcharinfo(0) +" has killed a MVP [ " +getmonsterinfo(killedrid,0) +" ]",0,0xFFFFFF; // Check if MVP rank date perma-var is same as char var; if not, rank was reset and therefore the character var MvP should be if (mvp_rank_date$ != $mvp_rank_date$) { set mvp_rank_date$, $mvp_rank_date$; set MvP, 0; } set MvP, MvP + 1; callfunc ("mvp_rank",MvP,strcharinfo(0)); end;}fro_town,103,119,4 script MVP Ranking Board 857,{ function checkPerm; // Check GM level; if (checkPerm()) { set .@sel, select ("Show Ranking:^FF0000Reset MVP Ranking^000000"); if (.@sel == 2) { // Reset Ranking mes .npcname$; mes "Are you sure you would like to reset the MVP Ranking?"; next; set .@confirm, select ("Confirm:Cancel"); if (.@confirm == 1) { for (set .@i, 0; .@i < $@top; set .@i, .@i + 1) { setd "$topmvp" +.@i, 0; setd "$topmvp" +.@i +"$", ""; } set $mvp_rank_date$, callfunc("mvp_rank_date"); mes .npcname$; mes "The Ranking has been reset."; close; end; } else { close; end; } } } mes .npcname$; for (set .@c, 0; .@c < $@top; set .@c, .@c + 1) { mes "#^FF0000" +(.@c + 1) +"^000000 [ ^0000FF" +getd("$topmvp" +.@c +"$") +"^000000 ] with ^FF0000" +getd("$topmvp" +.@c) +"^000000 MvP killed."; } close; end; // ========================= // ===== Configuration ===== // ========================= OnInit: set .npcname$, "[ MvP Rankings ]"; setarray .gm_perm[0],99; // Set all of the GMs that can access this if ($mvp_rank_date$ == "") { set $mvp_rank_date$, callfunc("mvp_rank_date"); } end; function checkPerm { for (set .@i, 0; .@i < getarraysize(.gm_perm); set .@i, .@i + 1) { if (getgmlevel() >= .gm_perm[.@i]) // Change this to >= or == dependent on if you're specifically wanting to set individual GM levels (==) or hierarchy (>=) return 1; } return 0; }} Can anybody help me put a chat bubble for the top 1 mvp player. Thank you!
  15. Anyone heard about Gepard Shield?
  16. I think you need to install it first. sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev (ubuntu)sudo yum install curl-devel (centos)pkg_add -r curl (freebsd)
  17. Yes, I know. But I don't want to remove the default one. I want to add new items.
  18. Hello, Is it possible to add custom potion to the skill Potion Pitcher without removing the default potion? Because I have custom potions I want it to also work in Potion Pitcher. Thank you!
  19. Can anyone help me to do this in source? thanks!
  20. Hello, Can anybody teach me how to change the cart termination fee to a item? Also is it possible if the character is in BG map he is required a certain item to use the Cart Termination skills and if he is not in BG Maps he needs Zeny to be able to use Cart termination. BG/PVP Maps = he need specific items Normal Maps = he need zeny I hope someone can help me. Thank you!
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