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Everything posted by x13th

  1. x13th

    FluxCP Help

    flux\lang\en_us.php and it's configure here flux\themes\default\account\create.php
  2. x13th

    Disguise bug.

    Bumping this. Still having the issue and my server files is up to date.
  3. Unfortunately it's just initial released by rAthena. No Alt + G. Only additional stats and emblem
  4. Yeah. Me too love Hercules thats why i didnt switch to rAthena. Finally I converted it to Herc. I want to share it but we have rules we cant share if we're not the author.
  5. Yep, that's how I fixed it.
  6. I'm trying to convert rAthena Clan system to Herc and now after compiling no error shows up until when i run the server the char server stopped. I'm using windows btw. I found what causing it but dont know why. If I add inter_clan->sql_init(); to int inter_init_sql(const char *file) the char server will stopped working so here's the whole code int inter_init_sql(const char *file) { inter->config_read(file, false); //DB connection initialized inter->sql_handle = SQL->Malloc(); ShowInfo("Connect Character DB server.... (Character Server)\n"); if( SQL_ERROR == SQL->Connect(inter->sql_handle, char_server_id, char_server_pw, char_server_ip, (uint16)char_server_port, char_server_db) ) { Sql_ShowDebug(inter->sql_handle); SQL->Free(inter->sql_handle); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } if( *default_codepage ) { if( SQL_ERROR == SQL->SetEncoding(inter->sql_handle, default_codepage) ) Sql_ShowDebug(inter->sql_handle); } wis_db = idb_alloc(DB_OPT_RELEASE_DATA); inter_guild->sql_init(); inter_storage->sql_init(); inter_party->sql_init(); inter_pet->sql_init(); inter_homunculus->sql_init(); inter_mercenary->sql_init(); inter_elemental->sql_init(); inter_mail->sql_init(); inter_auction->sql_init(); inter_clan->sql_init(); geoip->init(); inter->msg_config_read("conf/messages.conf", false); return 0; } here's my int_clan.c http://upaste.me/97313640759e978d3 and my int_clan.h http://upaste.me/f64c36408e18094f3
  7. If you're going in OVH, can you tell me whats the preferred package?
  8. I guess he's just confused between Doram race and Summoner class.
  9. x13th


    What client date are you using?
  10. What client date are you using?
  11. Yea me too, i remember playing this in an old model phone. Cool game
  12. Visit this site http://www.webhostingtalk.com/ if you're looking for better hosting don't pick those ragnarok hosting because most of them are just reseller.
  13. put "end;" below skilleffect prontera.gat,150,170,4 script Full Chem 4_DOG01,{ skilleffect 479,0; sc_start SC_FULLPROTECTION,360000,5; end; }
  14. change to getgmlevel() to getgroupid() in the warper script
  15. What kind of VIP system are you using? Can you show me? It's working fine with me http://upaste.me/9f86360074f715c0e but i guess its in your vip system
  16. add this function below Restrict function function VIP { // getarg(0) is the level of the vip that can access the map if ( getarg(0) > getgmlevel() ) { if (getarg(1,0)) { @vip_block = 0; for (.@i = 1; .@i < getargcount(); .@i++) @vip_block = @vip_block | (1<<getarg(.@i)); } else { message strcharinfo(PC_NAME),"Only VIP have access in this map."; close; } } return; } replace function Pick with this function Pick { .@warp_block = @warp_block; @warp_block = 0; .@vip_block = @vip_block; @vip_block = 0; .@select = select(@menu$); if (getarg(0) == "") { .@i = .@select; .@map$ = getarg(.@i); } else { .@i = .@select-getarg(1,0); .@map$ = getarg(0)+((.@i<10)?"0":"")+.@i; } if (.@warp_block & (1<<.@select)) { message strcharinfo(PC_NAME),"This map is not enabled in "+(RENEWAL?"":"Pre-")+"Renewal."; end; } if (.@vip_block & (1<<.@select)) { message strcharinfo(PC_NAME),"Only VIP have access in this map."; close; } .@x = @c[.@i*2]; .@y = @c[.@i*2+1]; deletearray @c[0],getarraysize(@c); Go(.@map$,.@x,.@y); } How to use? Call the function VIP before the warp function. Example For town warps: VIP(1) = the number 1 is the level that can access the map T1: VIP(1); Go("prontera",155,183); For fields and dungeons: F5: VIP(1,2,9); Restrict("Pre-RE",5); setarray @c[2],180,178,231,160,191,172,228,194,224,203,190,223,234,177,194,175,172,172; Disp("Comodo Field",1,9); Pick("cmd_fild"); As you can see we have 3 argument, ( 1, 2 , 9 ) 1 = the number 1 is the level that can access the map 2 = is the second comodo field that have restriction 9 = is the 9th comodo field that have restriction You can add more arguments. VIP(1, 1,2,3... ) Hope this will fulfill your request
  17. Can you post your warper script so that we can configure it
  18. I forgot about this post. I'm very sorry, hmm. I'll need to re-code the whole function, I coded this for 3 days while having a free time in the office. Edit: deleted git link
  19. This thread is 2 years ago, create a new one.
  20. For the restrictions part, show us or tell us how your vip system works. If its like the others changing group level to 1 you just need to add if statement, e.g if(getgmlevel() >= 1){ // Do this }
  21. This script of yours is not from dastgir's Plugin I refer to the link you gave. Start line 194, I just copied the code. Anyway you said its solved so why bother.
  22. replace this code // Nothing stripped. if (sd && !rate) clif->skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_LEVEL,0); to // Nothing stripped. if (sd && !rate){ int item_id = 7139; // Glistening Coat int ii; ARR_FIND(0, MAX_INVENTORY, ii, sd->status.inventory[ii].nameid == item_id); if (ii < MAX_INVENTORY) { pc->delitem(sd, ii, 1, 0, 0, LOG_TYPE_CONSUME); } clif->skill_fail(sd,skill_id,USESKILL_FAIL_LEVEL,0); }
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