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Everything posted by Virtue

  1. well, basically thats what* i did, thinking that it would work, but for some reason, when I am trying to launch the second one, it won't open. and i am using two different set of ports for each
  2. Hi, I am setting up two servers in 1 VPS, but apparently it the other server won't open, so upon doing some searching, i came upon this Thanks in advance to those who can help
  3. oh wait, i'll be checking it tanks
  4. Hi, since sql concerns about db, i have a question, is Hercules sql files the same as rathena's? no harmony(3.3.12) support for hercules as of the moment i may use rathena then migrate to hercules when daniel is back. PS : I don't know if this is the right section to post this but, if i did it wrong I am sorry.
  5. oh, i got it to work, thanks and I am using 2012 client
  6. How DO I enable the New Mounts on Pre-Renewal Mechanics? 12622,Boarding_Halter,Reins Of Mount,11,0,,10,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ setmounting(); },{},{}
  7. Really looking forward to this. great!!
  8. Hi Everyone, I am looking for the following scripts. any leads that are related to them will be of help be it paid scripts or not. thanks - Malaya Port iRO Offical Full Quests Script - WoE Update: Hall of the Abyss iRO Offical Full Quest Script & Systems - Many new custom skills, premium skills and rebalance skills for Ninja, Gunslinger, Taekwon Kid & Taekwon Master.
  9. trinity,113,84,3 script Compensation NPC 715,{query_sql("SELECT `last_mac` FROM `login` WHERE `account_id`="+getcharid(3), .@vmacp$);query_sql("SELECT day FROM `virtue_promo` WHERE `last_mac`='"+escape_sql(.@vmacp$ )+"'", .@vmacp2$,.@Dayb);if(query_sql("SELECT day,account_id FROM `virtue_promo` WHERE `day`='"+gettime(4)+"' AND `account_id`='"+getcharid(3)+"'")) { dispbottom "Your already received the items for Today."; end;} else if (query_sql("SELECT last_mac,day FROM `virtue_promo` WHERE `last_mac`='"+escape_sql(.@vmacp$ )+"' AND `day`='"+gettime(4)+"'")) { dispbottom "Your Computer is already registered at our logs. Please Do Not Abuse this System"; end;} else if(.@Dayb != gettime(4)){ query_sql "INSERT INTO `virtue_promo` (last_mac,day,account_id) VALUES ('"+escape_sql(.@vmacp$ )+"','"+gettime(4)+"','"+getcharid(3)+"')"; getitem 14609,100; getitem 12214,20; getitem 30034,20; getitem 30020,10; dispbottom "Enjoy!."; end; }} Hi. this script works fine, but after sometime, something went wrong. nothing is shown at the map_server, but it does not query the sql_queries, i've tried removing all the queries and it works.
  10. What do i need to do to make Reflect Damage not hit the Pink Crystal ( mob id : 1915 )
  11. Virtue


    Hello Yommy & Beret & Judas & Hemagx & Michieru & M45T3R. I am Virtue.
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