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Everything posted by jaBote

  1. Te doy mi garantía de que, de momento, el evento OnPCLoginEvent se ejecuta para cada usuario que inicia sesión y es cargado en el map server independientemente del NPC que lo contenga, aunque la solución más convencional es poner un NPC flotante (sin mapa ni sprite) para ello, de tal modo que no cargas más que el script, sin ningún NPC al hacer click. Un NPC flotante tiene como cabecera la segunda línea en vez de la primera en este código a continuación: <mapa>,<x>,<y>,<dir> script <nombre> <sprite>,{- script <nombre> <sprite>,{
  2. Yo siempre lo hice con una solución poco estilosa, con un script que OnPCLoginEvent lance el atcommand en tu PJ y ya está (estoy desde mi teléfono móvil y no puedo desarrollarlo, aunque el script es de menos de 10 lineas si no activas más cosas con el login). Aun así, el cliente tiene su propio showexp entre los mensajes de cliente, aunque es poco autoexplicativo porque no te da qué % de tu nivel has subido.
  3. I'm right now on my cellphone, but this can be easily sorted out (not in an official manner) via a script and a SQL query that runs OnPCLogoutEvent.
  4. Not currently and I doubt it could be easily implemented. All mobs on a map server exist only in RAM and are destroyed when the server is closed. I guess it's not a good idea to try saving tens of thousands of mobs every time the server closes. For the server, main difference for spawning whether a player or a monster is that the player gets loaded from permanent memory (SQL engine) and the mobs are spawned by scripts.
  5. doc/script_commands.txt You just need to use it like the first example (get the value of other NPC .vars).
  6. jaBote

    Fused Cards

    It's not possible unless the new card item is added on the item DB. In case it is, the code should be like this (change YOUR_CARD_ID to your actual card ID or you'll experience an error ingame: prontera,150,150,4 script Fused Cards seller 60,{ mes "Wanna get a fused card?"; mes "For that, I need:"; mes "1x Red Potion"; // Item ID: 501 mes "1x Blue Potion"; // Item ID: 505 mes "1x Yellow Potion"; // Item ID: 503 mes "1x White Potion"; // Item ID: 504 next; if (select("Yes:No")==2){ // No mes "Get out of here!"; close; } if (countitem(501) && countitem(503) && countitem(504) && countitem(505)){ delitem 501,1; delitem 503,1; delitem 504,1; delitem 505,1; getitem YOUR_CARD_ID,1; mes "There you go!"; } else { mes "You're missing items!"; } close;}
  7. You're using a variable local to other NPC, which means that on the information NPC you just are trying to access a variable that is nonexistent on your NPC, thus 0. Use getvariableofnpc() script command and you could properly access the other NPC's variable. P.S.: moving to script support.
  8. Server side's item DB has no text for the items other than a name that goes unused client side. All seeable item information via the client (except its bonuses) are managed on the client side DB. And why translate mob db?
  9. It's a normal thing. You only get notified of quoted messages and/or private messages. Maybe you could get other notifications for approved files on our downloads system or so, but not sure.
  10. Please remember any .pot files are not for smoking. We at Hercules are always concerned for your health. (Joke based on one Jman told in IRC)
  11. Tiene toda la pinta de que se están perdiendo paquetes entre el cliente y el servidor. ¿Cómo averiguarlo? Prueba por ejemplo abriendo la consola de comandos (ejecutar, ejecuta cmd) y haz ping a la máquina donde el servidor que tengas se hospede (ping paginaweb.com).
  12. jaBote

    IND please!

    Change OP for Ind:
  13. Something like this? - script cutin_announce -1,{OnPCLoginEvent: switch(rand(1,3)){ // You can add more cutins editing second parameter of rand() and adding a new case on the switch case 1: cutin "cutin_1", 3; break; case 2: cutin "cutin_2", 3; break; case 3: cutin "cutin_3", 3; break; } sleep2 5000; // Wait 5 seconds with the cutin open cutin "",255; end;} P.S.: Remember that cutins are .bmp files, placed in datatexture유저인터페이스illust
  14. Probably not, since that's a client command and there may not exist (and I'm pretty certain it doesn't) any serverside packets to change that.
  15. I guess you're trying to import a conf file, which includes links to NPC files, as a NPC file itself. Check what file is trying to load 'npc/06Mapflag/106Fichieracharger.conf' as an NPC (npc: route/to/npc.ext) and try to import that conf instead (import: route/to/conf/file.ext).
  16. Never done anything like this, but if you feel like experimenting try the cursors example here: http://www.databasejournal.com/features/mysql/mysql-cursors-and-loops.html Of course, experiment as much as you want in a backup or a test DB . The query you want to use for each cursor repetition is like this: INSERT INTO `char_reg_num_db` (`char_id`, `key`, `index`, `value`) VALUES (EVERY_CHAR_ID_GOES_HERE, 'limit_var', '0', '1'); Or you could get even smarter and do something like this (totally untested) code: -- Copy structure of char_reg_num_db into a temporary tableCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `temp_table` ( `char_id` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT '0', `key` varchar(32) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_bin DEFAULT '', `index` int(11) unsigned DEFAULT '0', `value` int(11) DEFAULT '0', PRIMARY KEY (`char_id`,`key`,`index`), KEY `char_id` (`char_id`)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1;-- Add all existing char_ids into our tableINSERT INTO `temp_table` (`char_id`) SELECT `char_id` FROM `char`;-- Add the data we want to add for every user (row in the table)UPDATE `temp_table` SET `key` = 'limit_var', `index` = '0', `value` = '1' WHERE 1;-- Insert the temporary data into our char_reg_num_db tableINSERT INTO `char_reg_num_db` SELECT * FROM `temp_table`;-- Drop our temporary tableDROP TABLE `temp_table`; And that's it. Hope it works. You should restart the server or make all your users relog for this to take effect.
  17. Couldn't you add some more information? Have you made any custom changes on the source code or are loading a plugin? What do you do to make this happen? Sadly, we don't have any sort of magical lever to solve these problems, especially if there's a big lack of information out there.
  18. Couldn't you add some more information? Have you installed any custom items or scripts? What do you do to make this happen? Sadly, we don't have any sort of magical lever to solve these problems, especially if there's a big lack of information out there.
  19. Las quests deberían funcionar tal cual sin ningún tipo de problema, aunque el convertidor de las DBs de rAthena a Hercules está demasiado desactualizado y no sé si será muy seguro aplicarlo. En un principio soy yo quien lo mantiene aunque no tengo tiempo de momento para actualizarlo. Un saludo.
  20. Well, this thread was originally on Source Requests and I moved it here since it says script. Sorry if I've moved it by mistake, will move it back when topic starter specifies.
  21. I guess yes since rA's scripting is quite similar to Hercules'. In any case, you can fix most (if not all) errors that could arise when using these scripts by knowing just very little of the scripting language.
  22. I guess they're pretty much the same you get by opening a Bloody Branch, and that Bloody Branch MVP list is located in db/{pre-re or re}/mob_boss.txt
  23. I believe the error is located somewhere else. These debug messages are intentionally sent from the script via the debugmes script command.
  24. The job change to High Novice should be made on the script before issuing the resetlvl(1) script command if you want to make your players rebirth. So, the sequence for getting someone to transcend is like this: jobchange Job_Novice_High;resetlvl(1); resetlvl(1) will automatically give the 100 stat points, First Aid and Trick Dead skills if the new job is High Novice.
  25. Please let me know in case there's any missing bits from Spanish. Not last time I checked but I may have missed out something.
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