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  1. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from Kleber Henrique in [DÚVIDA] Colocar habilidades em um item   
    Esqueceu usar o skill script command amigo.
    Acho que isso tira erro:
    CR_ACIDDEMONSTRATION,5; CR_FULLPROTECTION,5; Procure um pouco na documentaçao e tente de arrumar você mesmo. Tenho certeza que você vai aprender muito.
  2. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from Kleber Henrique in [DÚVIDA] Colocar habilidades em um item   
    Smokie Card é um bom exemplo.
    Ou procure o skill script command na documentaçao, ele tem outro exemplo.
  3. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from JulioCF in [DÚVIDA] Colocar habilidades em um item   
    Smokie Card é um bom exemplo.
    Ou procure o skill script command na documentaçao, ele tem outro exemplo.
  4. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from JulioCF in [DÚVIDA] Colocar habilidades em um item   
    Esqueceu usar o skill script command amigo.
    Acho que isso tira erro:
    CR_ACIDDEMONSTRATION,5; CR_FULLPROTECTION,5; Procure um pouco na documentaçao e tente de arrumar você mesmo. Tenho certeza que você vai aprender muito.
  5. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from Zirius in who has AnnieRuru's PVP Ladder with announcement files and SQL queries?   
    Yep, | is bitwise OR operator. Returns 1 on a bit if either A or B bits are set to 1.
  6. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from Zirius in what does comparison "<<" do?   
    I can right now answer you to the first one question (the '&' operator) so that you'll have it nice and clear.
    & is the bitwise AND operator, and it's done between two numbers. This means the operator does a bit-by-bit AND comparing both numbers. AND operator means: something is true (1) if A AND B are both true. Else something is false (0).
    Let's make an example to it. What's 5 & 11?
    First, let's place the numbers in binary form:
    05 is 0101 in binary form;
    11 is 1011 in binary form.
    Now let's compare them bit by bit. A bit result is 1 if that bit from the first operand and from the second operand are both true, so:
    0101 <--- 5
    1011 <--- 11
    0001 <--- 1
    Now you see 5 & 11 = 1.
    Try for example what (4 & 11), (6 & 11) and (7 & 11) operations yield.
    I'll leave the rest of the questions to miss Annie ;P
  7. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from Kleber Henrique in Ajuda com thor Patcher / Noticias   
    Editado: oh, acho que vi o erro!

  8. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from Zirius in Disabled skills via map_zone_db.conf are still allowed to be used   
    It should, but I think it isn't quite wise to add a mapflag that automatically sets other zone. It'd be better to inherit it so that you'll avoid all possibilities of conflicting.
  9. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from Zirius in Disabled skills via map_zone_db.conf are still allowed to be used   
    Oh, you can avoid using mapflag zone pvp if you make your mapflag zone PVP_no_calling inherit the pvp zone.
  10. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from JulioCF in Ajuda com thor Patcher / Noticias   
    Tente accesar a uma pagina não existente no seu navegador. Pode ser a page do erro 404.
  11. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from Kian in [RESOLVIDO]Npc Senhor das Quests   
    O parser tira erros. Voçe pode soluciona-los facilmente devido a que acho que somente tem erros de maiúsculas e minúsculas. Use http://haru.ws/scriptchecker/ como companheiro.
  12. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from JulioCF in [RESOLVIDO]Npc Senhor das Quests   
    O parser tira erros. Voçe pode soluciona-los facilmente devido a que acho que somente tem erros de maiúsculas e minúsculas. Use http://haru.ws/scriptchecker/ como companheiro.
  13. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from ShankS in @hatredreset?   
    Go look in src/map/atcommand.c
    Basically, add it after another atcommand code has finished (for example, after the ACMD(skdebug) code) and you've got to also add a definition.
    For adding an atcommand definition, just search this on the file:
    ACMD_DEF(skdebug), and add an the corresponding definition for the atcommand after it:
    That's it.
  14. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from JulioCF in [AJUDA] Estilista   
    Todos os comandos de scripting devem ficar em minúsculas sempre. Mude "Case" para "case" e tudo outro comando de scripting que tire erros.
  15. Upvote
    jaBote reacted to Helfgar in Visualizando sprites no windows explorer   
    Andei observando que alguns estão/estavam procurando por um programa para visualizar sprites (assim como eu). Mas são tantos sprites e visualizar um a um dá um certo trabalho. Que tal visualizar vários de uma vez só? Pois o WeeThumbnail é uma dll que faz com que isso aconteça no próprio Windows Explorer, como na imagem abaixo.

    Muitos não estão conseguindo fazer o processo no Windows 7/8/8.1. Bem, eis o que fazer para que funcione:

    1º Baixe a dll de acordo com a base do seu windows (32 bits ou 64 bits)


    2º Coloque o arquivo WeeThumbnail.dll na pasta c:windowssystem32
    3º Execute o prompt de comando como Administrador
    4º Digite (copie e cole) o seguinte comando: regsvr32 /s "%SystemRoot%system32WeeThumbnail.dll"

    Pronto. Seus problemas se acabaram.
  16. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from Zirius in Guildmate position on minimap lags?   
    Check conf/battle/party.conf at line 13:
    // Interval before updating the party-member map mini-dots (milliseconds)party_update_interval: 1000
  17. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from Zirius in Usable item effects?   
    specialeffect2 219;
  18. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from THPO in Official Item Group/Package/Chain   
    You can't make a pet egg other way than issuing the makepet script command, it's docummented here:
    doc/script_commands.txt, line 7870:
    This means that you should have your package yield an intermediate item that will make the pet once used. If got via getitem, packageitem or getrandgroupitem you'll get an empty egg.
    Another approach you can do is using the groupranditem script command to get an item ID, then check if that one is a pet egg ID and make the according pet for the player.
  19. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from Zirius in @recallall includes vendors @autotrade   
    Or you can source edit it (or overwrite with a plugin)
    find on src/map/atcommand.c the @recallall command:
    /*========================================== * Recall All Characters Online To Your Location *------------------------------------------*/ACMD(recallall){ struct map_session_data* pl_sd; struct s_mapiterator* iter; int count; memset(atcmd_output, '0', sizeof(atcmd_output)); if (sd->bl.m >= 0 && map->list[sd->bl.m].flag.nowarpto && !pc_has_permission(sd, PC_PERM_WARP_ANYWHERE)) { clif->message(fd, msg_txt(1032)); // You are not authorized to warp someone to your current map. return false; } count = 0; iter = mapit_getallusers(); for( pl_sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit->first(iter); mapit->exists(iter); pl_sd = (TBL_PC*)mapit->next(iter) ) { if (sd->status.account_id != pl_sd->status.account_id && pc_get_group_level(sd) >= pc_get_group_level(pl_sd)) { if (pl_sd->bl.m == sd->bl.m && pl_sd->bl.x == sd->bl.x && pl_sd->bl.y == sd->bl.y) continue; // Don't waste time warping the character to the same place. if (pl_sd->bl.m >= 0 && map->list[pl_sd->bl.m].flag.nowarp && !pc_has_permission(sd, PC_PERM_WARP_ANYWHERE)) count++; else { if (pc_isdead(pl_sd)) { //Wake them up pc->setstand(pl_sd); pc->setrestartvalue(pl_sd,1); } pc->setpos(pl_sd, sd->mapindex, sd->bl.x, sd->bl.y, CLR_RESPAWN); } } } mapit->free(iter); clif->message(fd, msg_txt(92)); // All characters recalled! if (count) { sprintf(atcmd_output, msg_txt(1033), count); // Because you are not authorized to warp from some maps, %d player(s) have not been recalled. clif->message(fd, atcmd_output); } return true;}  
    Change line 3343 from:
    if (sd->status.account_id != pl_sd->status.account_id && pc_get_group_level(sd) >= pc_get_group_level(pl_sd)) {  
    if (sd->status.account_id != pl_sd->status.account_id && pc_get_group_level(sd) >= pc_get_group_level(pl_sd) && !sd->state.autotrade) {  
    Then recompile (or make a plugin that overloads it). Haven't tested but should work. This way, you won't recall anyone on autotrade state.
    P.S.: Angelmelody's answer works too, but I didn't like this one because this makes you deal with it by a big workload and will make you compile at least the plugins and create a script from scratch; my answer is a 1-line edit or just making a plugin. Much simpler ;P
  20. Upvote
    jaBote reacted to Garr in Help increasing damage to specific monster   
    I'd say create race2 for them? Like in Orc Lady card. But that needs a little editing of src.
    Add your chosen monsters to db/(pre-)re/mob_race2_db.txt.
    Add script to needed item: bonus2 bAddRace2,<Group number>(RC2_<GROUP NAME>),<Damage Bonus>;
    Open map.h and find:
    enum { RC2_NONE = 0,... RC2_MAX} And add your race2 name before RC2_MAX.
    Also add RC2_<GROUP NAME> <Group number> to db/const.txt
    I think that should do the trick.
  21. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from Kleber Henrique in Como Bloquear X item em X mapa   
    Crie uma nova zona restringida. Você pode criar uma nova zona si necessário (eu nunca tentei de criar mais que apenas una).
    Adicione os mapas arriba na nova zona restringida:
    mapa mapflag restricted 8  
    Leia atentamente o texto de db/item_noequip.txt:
    // The equipment/items/cards restriction file// here you define which items may not be used at PvP / GvG// format: <item id>,<mode>// mode// 1 - restricted in normal maps// 2 - restricted in PVP// 4 - restricted in GVG// 8 - restricted in Battlegrounds// Restricted zones - they're configured by 'restricted <number>' mapflag// 32 - restricted in zone 1// 64 - restricted in zone 2// 128 - restricted in zone 3// 256 - restricted in zone 4// 512 - restricted in zone 5// 1024 - restricted in zone 6// 2048 - restricted in zone 7  
    Você pode adicionar a seguinte linha se quiser para esclarecer:
    // 4096 - restrito em zona 8  
    Adicione ao final do arquivo:
    // Zona 8 - Custon20027,4096 //Greed Scroll  
    E pronto.
    P.E.: Se issos são tudos os mapas de GvG que você usa no seu servidor não é necessario adicionar uma nova zona, somente restrinja o modo 4 (GvG).
  22. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from mybitch in Pre-Renewal Setup   
    Yes, to the best of my knowledge.
  23. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from Kleber Henrique in Como clonar um MOB?   
    Whops, eu errei o mob id, sua id é 1401, desculpe.
    Para dar delay ao item você tem a opção no item dB, mas eu penso a sua versão de Hercules tem alguns meses. Adicione o delay no db/re/item_delay.txt nesse caso
  24. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from Kleber Henrique in Como clonar um MOB?   
    (Utilize a pasta db/re para servidores renovaçao e db/pre-re para pré-renovaçao. Eu utilizarei a pasta db/re como exemplo)
    Abra o seu arquivo mob_db.txt e procure o mob Shinobi:
    // Monster Database//// Structure of Database :// ID,Sprite_Name,kROName,iROName,LV,HP,SP,EXP,JEXP,Range1,ATK1,ATK2,DEF,MDEF,STR,AGI,VIT,INT,DEX,LUK,Range2,Range3,Scale,Race,Element,Mode,Speed,aDelay,aMotion,dMotion,MEXP,MVP1id,MVP1per,MVP2id,MVP2per,MVP3id,MVP3per,Drop1id,Drop1per,Drop2id,Drop2per,Drop3id,Drop3per,Drop4id,Drop4per,Drop5id,Drop5per,Drop6id,Drop6per,Drop7id,Drop7per,Drop8id,Drop8per,Drop9id,Drop9per,DropCardid,DropCardper// Note: Keep the Sprite_Name field as it is in the game client.(...)1401,SHINOBI,Shinobi,Shinobi,95,8000,1,1691,1902,2,441,492,49,45,71,70,55,30,69,30,10,12,1,7,67,0x3695,150,1003,1152,336,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,7156,5335,2337,2,6214,700,2654,100,2336,1,7157,2000,13013,5,0,0,0,0,4230,1  
    Também procure um Mob ID livre (sem uso). Ele será o Mob ID que utilizaremos, por exemplo 2500 (Issa ID é temporariamente não utilizada no emulador). Colaremos no arquivo db/mob_db2.txt mudando a Mob ID e o Sprite_Name (Eu mudarei Sprite_name para SHINOBI_CUSTON como exemplo). Eu recomendo eliminar os drops e modificar os parâmetros a seu gosto, mas somente mudare o Mob ID e Sprite_name.
    Para evitar erros no cliente devido a sprite inexistente, devemos adicionar dados para fazer que o cliente creia que o novo mob é SHINOBI. Adicione o seguinte no db/mob_avail.txt:
    Faltam as skills: procure elas no SHINOBI originário mob_skill_db.txt (ID# 1501) e cole no db/mob_skill_db2.txt, mudando a ID pela a nova Mob ID: 2500.
    E pronto.
  25. Upvote
    jaBote got a reaction from JulioCF in Como clonar um MOB?   
    (Utilize a pasta db/re para servidores renovaçao e db/pre-re para pré-renovaçao. Eu utilizarei a pasta db/re como exemplo)
    Abra o seu arquivo mob_db.txt e procure o mob Shinobi:
    // Monster Database//// Structure of Database :// ID,Sprite_Name,kROName,iROName,LV,HP,SP,EXP,JEXP,Range1,ATK1,ATK2,DEF,MDEF,STR,AGI,VIT,INT,DEX,LUK,Range2,Range3,Scale,Race,Element,Mode,Speed,aDelay,aMotion,dMotion,MEXP,MVP1id,MVP1per,MVP2id,MVP2per,MVP3id,MVP3per,Drop1id,Drop1per,Drop2id,Drop2per,Drop3id,Drop3per,Drop4id,Drop4per,Drop5id,Drop5per,Drop6id,Drop6per,Drop7id,Drop7per,Drop8id,Drop8per,Drop9id,Drop9per,DropCardid,DropCardper// Note: Keep the Sprite_Name field as it is in the game client.(...)1401,SHINOBI,Shinobi,Shinobi,95,8000,1,1691,1902,2,441,492,49,45,71,70,55,30,69,30,10,12,1,7,67,0x3695,150,1003,1152,336,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,7156,5335,2337,2,6214,700,2654,100,2336,1,7157,2000,13013,5,0,0,0,0,4230,1  
    Também procure um Mob ID livre (sem uso). Ele será o Mob ID que utilizaremos, por exemplo 2500 (Issa ID é temporariamente não utilizada no emulador). Colaremos no arquivo db/mob_db2.txt mudando a Mob ID e o Sprite_Name (Eu mudarei Sprite_name para SHINOBI_CUSTON como exemplo). Eu recomendo eliminar os drops e modificar os parâmetros a seu gosto, mas somente mudare o Mob ID e Sprite_name.
    Para evitar erros no cliente devido a sprite inexistente, devemos adicionar dados para fazer que o cliente creia que o novo mob é SHINOBI. Adicione o seguinte no db/mob_avail.txt:
    Faltam as skills: procure elas no SHINOBI originário mob_skill_db.txt (ID# 1501) e cole no db/mob_skill_db2.txt, mudando a ID pela a nova Mob ID: 2500.
    E pronto.
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