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Everything posted by Emistry

  1. there is no need to use array... and much the script so complicated. this is sufficient. - script sample#ip_mac -1,{ OnInit: .useLastMAC = 1; end; OnPCLoginEvent: @accinfo_aid = getcharid(3); query_sql("SELECT `"+( ( .useLastMAC )?"lasp_mac":"last_ip" )+"` FROM login WHERE account_id = "+ @accinfo_aid , @accinfo_ip_mac$ ); dispbottom "Account ID : "+@accinfo_aid ; dispbottom "Last "+( ( .useLastMAC )? "MAC":"IP" )+" : "+@accinfo_ip_mac$; end;} just save the variable in a char temporary variable that last until your char logout. @accinfo_aid @accinfo_ip_mac$ these 2 variable could store the IP/MAC and AccountID that you need. (accountID is alway available using the [wiki=getcharid](3) tho.)
  2. did u set it with nightenabled mapflag?
  3. https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/issues/240 https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/issues/241 https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/issues/243 https://github.com/HerculesWS/Hercules/issues/302
  4. well... it's possible to make it lower than 0.01% if you do it using NPC script with some work around ... if using database ... probably 0.01 is the lowest ...
  5. @@Tokeiburu If you dont mind, can you create an option that allow user to set a custom directory as default file extracting location ? Sometime feel kinda lost to find the files I extracted when I opened more than 1 GRF to extract files.
  6. yuno_fild02,0,0,0 script setwallcake -1,{ end;OnInstanceInit: setwall strnpcinfo(4),89,185,7,6,false,"cakewall"; end;}
  7. { name: "Zone Name" disabled_skills: { RG_INTIMIDATE: "PLAYER" AL_TELEPORT: "PLAYER" SC_FATALMENACE: "PLAYER" SC_DIMENSIONDOOR: "PLAYER" } disabled_items: { Wing_Of_Fly: true } // Expansion of Classes limitation... (perhap based on BaseLevel would be good too?) disabled_classes: { Job_Knight: True Job_Blacksmith: True Job_Novie: True Job_Clown: True } // Expansion of Battle Conf settings ... battle_conf: { multi_level_up: yes base_exp_rate: 100000 job_exp_rate: 100000 mvp_exp_rate: 100000 quest_exp_rate: 100000 death_penalty_base: 100000 death_penalty_job: 100000 rare_drop_announce: 100 } }, I would like to suggest for map zone supporting these battle_conf and disabled_classes I think it's good to further customize settings and entry of a map. Example : Map A cant multi level up higher exp rate disabled novice enter etc Example : Map B can multi level up low exp rate only novice enter etc And yeah, some of these settings can be done by using mapflags, but some are not or it would be end up harder way to do it using npc script.
  8. what is the point of having 2 selection when you insist the server to auto select one of it ?? no point of having 2 server in the listing when you only want the server to auto select 1 out of it. just diff your client read different clientinfo.xml and skip server selection patch.
  9. why not just use a addtimer or sleep2 here ? just delay the execution of next script/command .... so that it will prompt out the message after they warped to the map...
  10. this way is better http://herc.ws/wiki/Permanent_Monster_Spawn
  11. https://rathena.org/wiki/Adding_new_bonuses
  12. Monster command would make them enemy, while @summon spawns them as friend. so that's why it was called "Friend" ... didnt notice this xD if ( .@is_all ) for ( .@i = 0; .@i < .mob_list_size; .@i++ ) summon "--ja--",.mob_list[.@i]; else summon "--ja--",.mob_list[.@i-1];
  13. If you could list out what have done / not yet done , I could try to help during weekend. If this is for public, why not just release the github link let everyone help too instead of only those who are tagged. Things get faster and develop faster if you get more people helping on it.
  14. add the prontera map to the mapcache add to db/map_index.txt add to conf/maps_athena.conf add a new entry in mapresnametable.txt prontera2.gnd#prontera.gnd#prontera2.gat#prontera.gat#prontera2.rsw#prontera.rsw#유저인터페이스mapprontera2.bmp#유저인터페이스mapprontera.bmp#
  15. i think the last line shouldn't have "comma" at the end.
  16. Emistry

    GM Shop

    create a loop...and loop through all the items.
  17. Emistry

    GM Shop

  18. Emistry

    GM Shop

  19. Emistry

    GM Shop

    change query_sql( "INSERT INTO `gm_shop_log` ( `account_id`,`char_id`,`name`,`item`,`reason`,`time` ) VALUES ( "+getcharid(3)+","+getcharid(0)+",'"+strcharinfo(0)+"','"+@bought_quantity[0]+"x "+getitemname( @bought_nameid[0] )+"',"+.@reason$+",NOW() ) " ); into query_sql( "INSERT INTO `gm_shop_log` ( `account_id`,`char_id`,`name`,`item`,`reason`,`time` ) VALUES ( "+getcharid(3)+","+getcharid(0)+",'"+strcharinfo(0)+"','"+@bought_quantity[0]+"x "+getitemname( @bought_nameid[0] )+"','"+.@reason$+"',NOW() ) " );
  20. I think you're using langtype 0 or 1 right ? just change to other langtype and it will turn back to black and white. i think kRO used this to allow players easy to spot a slotted and un-slotted items. anyway, the coloring is suck, it would be great if there are some way to change it. through hexing the client i guess.
  21. it is *bindatcmd "command","<NPC object name>::<event label>"{,<group level>,<group level char>,<log>}; LOL... seem like I am still using a super old version of script_command.txt haha my bad.
  22. if you dont mind , add the "log" option as well .. I think this isnt included right ?
  23. Emistry

    GM Shop

    something like this I guess. http://upaste.me/r/074dfa i didnt test the script, just simply sketch one.
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