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  1. Like
    Jezu reacted to Temtaime in New life for RO   
    I know that much time has passed, but for now i'm getting back on the client.
    Soon aesir.perfontain.ru will be shut down, so, please, stay tuned on aesir.perfontain.cc
    Thanks for your support !
    @banhelba2019For sure, any type of effect you can implement.
  2. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to Rytech in r854 - Renewal Era Status Animations Display Recode   
    *Did a small text update in the skill config file.
    *Changed the packet used for displaying homunculus spirit spheres to ZC_SPIRIT.
    +Added support for these packets.
    *Added the "status_sc2icon" function.
    *Recoded the system that displays status animations for renewal era status's.
    +Status's that were added in during the renewal era don't use OPT3 for resending
    -animation display's to other player's clients around you. Instead they are
    -displayed with a seprate packet called EFST_SET_ENTER.
    +This recode get rid of those 2 huge walls of code that was just temp code and
    -replaces them with much much smaller and more efficent code, along with the
    -adding of support for this packet. This makes it so I don't have to add anything
    -to it when it comes to new skills. The recode also allows these animations to be
    -shown on monsters and homunculus that come into view of a player.
    +Fixed a issue where the status icon would display remaining time when the duration
    -is infinite.
  3. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to Habilis in [Event] Wheel of fortune   
    I've recently got a brilliant idea.
    Why not make my own version of a paid script, sold on rAthena
    and release it to Hercules for free!?

    (Not because I'm banned on rAthena )
    I need a peer review before releasing the whole package.
    @Myriad Did a nice Peer review of my terribel kode...
    If anyone else would like to contribute, feel free.
    Otherwise, it is soon to be released
    UPD : I reDrew the cutins, they don't look like stolen from rAthena


    1) configuration
    there are 2 arrays
        setarray .prize_id[1],-1,31024,31026,31008,31020,31017,31010,31016,0,31009;
        setarray .prize_qty[1],2,1,1,1,3,3,1,3,0,3;
    in prize_id
    if id is > 0, the prize is an item
    if id = 0 , the prize is NOTHING!
    if id = -1, the prizer is free spin (number of free spins set in qty array)
    in array  .prize_qty you setup the quantity won
    //===== Hercules Script ====================================== //= Wheel of Fortune //===== By =================================================== //= Habilis //= Edited by Myriad //===== Description ========================================== //= Wheel of fortune something. //============================================================ - script Wheel_of_Fortune FAKE_NPC ,{ OnInit: disablenpc("Wheel of Fortune#Main"); disablenpc("Hussein#WOF"); .EventName$ = "[Wheel Of Fortune]"; end; OnMinute39: OnStart: query_sql("DELETE FROM `acc_reg_num_db` WHERE `key`='#freewheelfortunespin';"); announce(sprintf("%s : The event will begin in 1 minute, near the center of Prontera.", .EventName$), bc_blue | bc_all); initnpctimer(); end; OnTimer60000: // 1 min enablenpc("Wheel of Fortune#Main"); enablenpc("Hussein#WOF"); announce(sprintf("%s : Come to Prontera and test your luck, everyone got some free spins!", .EventName$), bc_blue | bc_all); end; OnTimer1800000: // 30 mins announce(sprintf("%s : One more minute, do your last spin!", .EventName$), bc_blue | bc_all); end; OnTimer1860000: // 31 mins OnStop: disablenpc("Wheel of Fortune#Main"); disablenpc("Hussein#WOF"); end; } prontera,159,178,3 script Hussein#WOF 1_M_MERCHANT,{ doevent("Wheel of Fortune#Main::OnTalk"); end; } prontera,155,176,3 script Wheel of Fortune#Main 2_SLOT_MACHINE,{ OnTalk: if (#freewheelfortunespin == 0) #freewheelfortunespin = .Free_Spins; if (getd(.Event_Points_Variable$) < .Points_Cost && #freewheelfortunespin < 0) { mesf("[^0055FF ::: %s ::: ^000000]", .EventName$); mes("You are out of points"); mes("and have no more free"); mes("spins! Come back next"); mes("time for more."); close(); } .@mes$ = (#freewheelfortunespin > 0) ? sprintf(", but you, my friend, have %d free spin%s!", #freewheelfortunespin, (#freewheelfortunespin == 1) ? "" : "s") : "."; cutin("aca_salim02", 2); addtimer(1, sprintf("%s::OnEnd", strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME))); mesf("[^0055FF ::: %s ::: ^000000]", .EventName$); mes("Do you want to spin the wheel?"); mesf("It costs ^FF0000%d Event points^000000 to play%s", .Points_Cost, .@mes$); next(); callsub(S_Loop); S_Loop: .@val = getd(.Event_Points_Variable$); if (.@val < .Points_Cost && #freewheelfortunespin < 0) callsub(S_End); switch (select( (#freewheelfortunespin > 0) ? sprintf("Yes! Use free spin! (%d left)", #freewheelfortunespin) : "", (.@val > 0) ? sprintf("Yes! Use Event Points. (%d remaining)", .@val) : "", "No (Leave)" )) { case 1: callsub(S_Pay, 0); case 2: callsub(S_Pay, 1); default: callsub(S_End); } S_Pay: switch (getarg(0)) { // pay with free spin case 0: if (#freewheelfortunespin > 0) { if ((#freewheelfortunespin -= 1) < 1) #freewheelfortunespin = -1; callsub(S_Gamble); } else callsub(S_End); // Pay with points case 1: default: if ((.@val = getd(.Event_Points_Variable$)) >= .Points_Cost) { setd(.Event_Points_Variable$, (.@val -= .Points_Cost)); dispbottom(sprintf("%s : You now have %d event points.", .ServerName$, .@val)); callsub(S_Gamble); } else { cutin("aca_salim02", 2); mesf("[^0055FF ::: %s ::: ^000000]", .EventName$); mes("Awww, you don't have enough to gamble..."); mes(" "); mes("Have you ever heard?"); mes("'Money isn't all that matters' Got it?"); mes("Byeeeeeeeeeeeeee ;)"); callsub(S_End); } } S_Gamble: // Actual Gambling .@sector = rand(.Sector[0], .Sector[1]); .@displayCutin = (.@sector * 2) - 1; .@Speed = .Spin_Speed; for (.@i = 0; .@i < .nbTurns; .@i++) { .@b = .Cutin[0]; while (.@b <= .Cutin[1]) { cutin(sprintf("%s%d", .cutin$, .@b), 4); sleep2(.@Speed); .@b++; .@Speed++; } } .@b = .Cutin[0]; while (.@b < .@displayCutin) { cutin(sprintf("%s%d", .cutin$, .@b), 4); sleep2(.@Speed); .@b++; } cutin(sprintf("%s%d", .cutin$, .@b), 4); if (.prize_id[.@sector] == -1) { // Free spin if (.Sound_Effects) soundeffect("wheel_jackpot.wav", 0); announce(sprintf("[%s] : Wow, %d more Free spins!!!", .EventName$, .prize_qty[.@sector]), bc_blue | bc_self); #freewheelfortunespin = #freewheelfortunespin == -1 ? .prize_qty[.@sector] : #freewheelfortunespin + .prize_qty[.@sector]; } else if (.prize_id[.@sector] == 0) { // nothing if (.Sound_Effects) soundeffect("wheel_lost.wav", 0); announce(sprintf("[%s] : Awwww, No luck in gamble, more luck in love...", .EventName$), bc_blue | bc_self); } else { // item if (.Sound_Effects) soundeffect("wheel_won.wav", 0); announce(sprintf("[%s] : Enjoy your prize!!!", .EventName$), bc_blue | bc_self); getitem(.prize_id[.@sector], .prize_qty[.@sector]); } sleep2(1000); callsub(S_Loop); end; S_End: close2(); OnEnd: cutin("", 255); end; OnInit: .ServerName$ = "[Your boring server]"; .EventName$ = "Wheel Of Fortune"; .cutin$ = "WheelOfFortune_"; .Event_Points_Variable$ = "#LROEVENTPOINTS"; // The name of your event points variable setarray(.Sector, 1, 10); // Sector range setarray(.Cutin, 0, 19); // Cutin range .Spin_Speed = 50; // What is the base spin speed? (ms) .nbTurns = 2; .Points_Cost = 100; // How many 'points' does it cost for a spin? .Free_Spins = 1; // How many free spins does a player get? .Sound_Effects = true; // Enable sound effects? (true/false) setarray(.prize_id[1], -1, 31024, 31026, 31008, 31020, 31017, 31010, 31016, 0, 31009); setarray(.prize_qty[1], 2, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 1, 3, 0, 3); end; }  
  4. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to AnnieRuru in Script Ideas for Request taken from DragonNest   
    yes I saw this topic before, but I don't have moderation power there so ... I'll say it here
    open 1 topic per request ...
    you are asking multiple request in the same topic
    the discussion can go awful if everyone just post up the script and you can't select the best answer for the topic
    yes everything there can be done
    although mostly are just normal instance script
    guild sign-in is daily quest
    world boss ... I'm in the middle of writing it ... with custom hp bar cutin
  5. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to Rytech in r845 - Max Level And Stats Increase For Players And Homunculus / Bonus Stat From Job Levels Updated   
    *Added the "load_custom_exp_tables" config setting in the exp battle file.
    +This sets if the server should load the official exp tables (exp.txt) or custom
    -exp tables (exp2.txt). No more do you have to rename the exp2 file to exp to use it.
    *The "use_renewal_statpoints" config is renamed to "renewal_stats_handling".
    +The function of the config is still the same. Just want to name to better reflect
    -what it does. It is also now on by default for balance reasons. Read the
    -description for the config for more info on what all it does.
    *The following battle config settings defaults are changed....
    +max_homunculus_parameter: Changed from 150 to 175.
    +max_aspd_renewal_jobs: Changed from 190 to 193.
    +max_parameter_renewal_jobs: Changed from 120 to 130.
    +max_baby_parameter_renewal_jobs: Changed from 108 to 117.
    +base_lv_skill_effect_limit: Changed from 150 to 175.
    +job_lv_skill_effect_limit: Changed from 50 to 60.
    -These are the latest official limits for players (RE Era Jobs) and homunculus.
    *Updated the exp_homun file with official exp tables for up to level 175.
    *Updated the statpoint_renewal file with official stat point values for levels
    -up to 175.
    *Renewal Era Jobs (Jobs introduced during RE era)
    +The following caps have been increased....
    -Base Level: 175
    -Job Level: 60 (Except for Summoners)
    -Max Base Stats: 130 (117 for Babys)
    -Max ASPD: 193
    +Stat bonuses for job levels 51 to 60 have been added.
    *Mutated Homunculus
    +The following caps have been increased....
    -Base Level: 175
    -Max Stats: 175
    *Fixed a issue where mutated homunculus were getting a extra skill point.
  6. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to Mystery in Digests Galore 2017-2018   
    January Digest 2018
    The following digest covers the month of January 1st - January 31st 2018

    Team Changes
    Development Highlights
    Added support for the AllowReproduce flag in the skill DB. This supersedes the skill_reproduce_db. (#1943) Added support for the ZC_PROGRESS_ACTOR packet. The packet is exposed to the script engine through the progressbar_unit() command (available on PACKETVER 20130821 and newer). (#1929) Added support for the new item drop packet for the Zero clients. The packet is controlled by the ShowDropEffect and DropEffectMode item DB flags and ignored by non-Zero clients. (#1939) Added support for the new Map Server Change packet 0x0ac7. (part of #1948)  
    Developmental Changes
    Removed the skill_reproduce_db, now superseded by the AllowReproduce skill flag. (part of #1943) Always enabled assertions and null pointer checks. In order to disable them (very discouraged, as it may lead to security issues), it is now necessary to edit nullpo.h. (#1937) Disabled the address sanitizer's memory leak detector in the travis builds, since it produced failures in third libraries. (#1949, #1952) Applied script standardization to the Nydhogg's Nest instance script. (#1871) Split packet_keys.h into separate files for main clients and zero clients. (part of #1948) Split packets_shuffle.h into separate files for main clients and zero clients. (part of #1948) Replaced the custom bank unavailable error message with the actual bank check error packet. (part of #1948) Updated and corrected the party member and party info packets. (part of #1948) Updated README.md with more relevant badges and links (added Discord, removed Waffle, added more GitHub information). (#1951)  
    Bug Splat Fixes
    Updated Xcode project to include the RODEX related files. (#1942) Fixed RODEX loading mails when it requires multiple packets. (#1945, issue #1933)  
    December Digest 2017
    The following digest covers the month of December 1st - December 31st 2017

    Team Changes
    Development Highlights
    Implemented Homunculus Autofeeding, available on the 2017 clients. The feature can be disabled by flipping features.enable_homun_autofeed in feature.conf. (#1898) Added support for the newly released Ragnarok Zero clients. The client type is controlled with the --enable-packetver-zero configure-time flag (disabled by default). (#1923)  
    Developmental Changes
    Applied script standardization to the Old Glast Heim instance script. (#1883) Split packets.h into two files: packets.h and packets_shuffle.h. (part of #1923)  
    Bug Splat Fixes
    Corrected a wrong path displayed in an error message pointing to the map-server configuration. (#1913) Fixed the natural expiration of the Poison status when under the effect of Slow Poison. (#1925)  
    November Digest 2017
    The following digest covers the month of November 1st - November 30th 2017

    Team Changes
    Development Highlights
    Added several missing members to the login interface. (Part of #1891) Added support for colored character server population counter in the service selection list. Configurable through users_count in login-server.conf. (#1891) Added top-level command miniboss_monster to label monsters as minibosses, and to send them as such to the client. (part of #1889) Added support for 2017-10-25 - 2017-11-01 clients. (#1889) Added support to display NPCs with player classes, including equipment and styles (best with clients starting from 20170726). This extends getunitdata() and setunitdata() with support for UDT_SEX, UDT_HAIRSTYLE, UDT_HAIRCOLOR, UDT_HEADBOTTOM, UDT_HEADMIDDLE, UDT_HEADTOP, UDT_CLOTHCOLOR, UDT_SHIELD, UDT_WEAPON, UDT_ROBE, UDT_BODY2. (#1893) Added type constants for the getiteminfo() and setiteminfo() script commands. Existing third party code must be updated to use the new constants (see the pull request description and the command documentation for details). (#1902) Added global function F_GetAmmoType(), counterpart to F_GetWeaponType() for ammunitions. Both functions have now been updated to only check the subtype if the item type is correct (IT_AMMO and IT_WEAPON respectively). (part of #1902) Added support for the Skill Scale packet, available in client versions 20151223 and newer. (#1903)  
    Developmental Changes
    The use of numeric type constants with getiteminfo() and setiteminfo() is deprecated. For technical reasons, no deprecation notice is displayed. (part of #1902) The MAX_SKILL constant has been removed, in favor of the more clear MAX_SKILL_DB, to be used in all places that use the compacted Skill DB array. For use with the non-compacted clientside Skill IDs, the MAX_SKILL_ID constant is still available. (part of #1896) Applied script standardization to the Octopus Cave instance script. (#1882) Applied script standardization to the Ghost Palace instance script. (#1879) Applied script standardization to the Sara's Memory instance script. (#1884) Extended the script command setequipoption() with the possibility to remove item options from an equipment piece. (#1865) Updated the QTYPE_* constants (questinfo(), showevent()) to support the new 2017 client icons. (#1894) Applied script standardization to the Orc's Memory instance script. (#1872) Applied script standardization to the Sealed Shrine instance script. (#1873) Extended the global function F_GetArmorType() to support costumes and shadow equipment. (#1836) Extended the script commands has_instance() and has_instance2() with suport to search instances of type IOT_NONE. (#1397) Applied script standardization and improvements to the Endless Tower instance script. (#1862) Cleared some confusion between skill IDs and indexes through the codebase. Rewritten Skill DB accessors in a safer, more readable way. (part of #1896)  
    Bug Splat Fixes
    Fixed compilation warnings when compiling with gcc-7. (#1887) Fixed the display flag for monsters labeled as boss_monster to be that of MVP monsters instead of miniboss monsters. (part of #1889) Fixed a subtle error in case skill->unit_group_newid overflows, causing certain skill unit entries to get stuck and never get deleted correctly. This can manifest itself with some monster spawns becoming immune to certain AoE spells having the UF_NOOVERLAP flag (Storm Gust, Lord of Vermillion, etc). (#1896) Implemented MATK support in the getiteminfo() and setiteminfo(). This functionality was previously advertised as availble in the command documentation, but was not implemented. (part of #1902) Restored View Sprite support in the getiteminfo() and setiteminfo(). This functionality was lost with #1828. (part of #1902, issue #1895) Reimplemented the global function F_GetArmorType() to reflect the fact that ITEMINFO_LOC returns a bitmask. The function now handles multi-slot headgears and other uncommon cases better. (part of #1902) Corrected some incorrect data types passed to the SQL StmtBind functions, causing query errors and data loss. Said functions will now have a runtime assertion to ensure the right data type is passed. Third party code needs to be updated to reflect this stricter requirement. (#1901, issue #1531) Corrected some RODEX related queries in case MAX_SLOTS or MAX_ITEM_OPTIONS are set to custom values. (part of #1901) Suppressed assertions in the Skill DB accessors when called with skill_id = 0 (normal attacks). (#1910, issue #1909) Fixed an item loading failure in RODEX. (#1917, issue #1912) Fixed invisible NPCs (such as FAKE_NPC) being displayed as novices. (#1918, issue #1916)  
    October Digest 2017
    The following digest covers the month of October 1st - October 31st 2017

    Team Changes
    Development Highlights
    Added the script command getmapinfo(), which allows to obtain misc information about a map. (#1852) Added an option to restrict party leader changes to characters on the same map. Controlled by the setting party_change_leader_same_map (defaults to true). (#1812) Added initial support (shuffle packets, obfuscation keys) for clients 2017-09-27, 2017-10-02, 2017-10-11, 2017-10-18. (#1859) Added the noautoloot mapflag, allowing to disable the @autoloot functionality on a map by map basis. (#1833)  
    Developmental Changes
    Extended the script command logmes() with an option to log to the atcommandlog table. (#1843) Updated RoDEX, with support for packetver 20170419 and newer. (#1859) Updated Exp-related packets and handling functions to support values larger than 2 billions (as seen in packetver 20170830 and newer). (#1859) Changed the diagnostic message in skill_init_unit_layout() to report the skill ID instead of its index. (#1854)  
    Bug Splat Fixes
    Corrected the Kafra dialog in case a Doram without the Summoner's Basic Skill attempts to open the Storage. (#1864) Changed the cell stack counting algorithm to ignore invisible NPCs, improving the Dancer Quest experience as well as other cases of hidden NPCs blocking off certain cells. (#1827) Improved the handling of the cardfix value to make it more resistant to overflows, especially in renewal mode. Simplified the related renewal/pre-renewal conditional code. (#1825) Fixed some compilation warnings occurring in VS2017. (#1870) Fixed a wrong null pointer check in logmes(), which caused the command to never log and instead print debug information.  
  7. Upvote
    Jezu got a reaction from Pravatek in Andro: Ragnarok client emulator for Android - Some help   
    Tried it already but it seems that, it is not the clientinfo were looking for. I tried repacking and sign the APK, install it as local ( but it seems not working. I use AdvanceAPKTool where this tool is used for editing res, modules and other server configs in MuMobile. 
  8. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to Rytech in r838 - Flicker And Bind Trap (Rebellion Complete) / 2017-06-14bRagexeRE Support / Rune Knight Alt Outfit   
    *Added support for the 2017-06-14bRagexeRE client.
    -Note: Support for the 2017-03-29dRagexeRE is removed since it
    -was used for development purposes.
    *Enabled support for the Rune Knight's alternate outfit.
    -Make sure to have the dress pack V1.12 installed.
    *Updated character size data to support fall 2017 and newer clients.
    -Updated bonus stats to official.
    -Note: Bonus stats for job level 51 to 60 are added as well.
    -Will update the bonus stats for other jobs soon.
    -Added support for these skills.
    -Mines stuck to enemy's can now be detonated with the Flicker skill.
  9. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to Mystery in Ragnarok Zero - Pre-Renewal (kRO)   
    If some of you haven't been keeping up with the news, I post a lot of it on MC (for this news, you can see more info here: https://www.midgard-community.com/information/ragnarok-zero-new-adventures-begin-r25/). 
    kRO has announced a new Ragnarok.... Ragnarok Zero. What is Ragnarok Zero? Basically put, Ragnarok Zero is going to be a new beginning... back to when it wasn't Renewal! With this in mind, they want you to remember the olden day memories we all have bundled in our heads. They are also doing a lot of new UI changes and adding tons of new content... of course keeping everything Trans-based and no Third Jobs.  We all remember those days of playing RO before renewal... and well, kRO wants to make sure we keep them and relive them through Ragnarok Zero.
    Here are some infographics that I translated to give us more of a sense of what's in store for us. 

    What are you thoughts? I really love that new navigation interface along with the character creation... and glad they are putting the random options enchantments in this mode.
    Here is their opening animation for Ragnarok Zero:
    PS: You'll see the Doram Race as well.
    Correction: The navigation UI isn't -new-. It may have just been slightly modified a tad (according to the translation). 
    Topic Updated: November 29th 2017
    kRO has released more information about Ragnarok Zero. Here is a low down:
    Ragnarok Online ZERO will be using a pre-renewal status system. They believe having a random item options for equipment will make it beneficial to farm equipment (as oppose to the way it use to be). There will be an increase in armor resistance by 3x compared to previously. Experience based on level difference and Drop Penalty have been adjusted. Global cooldown of the skills have been limited to a maximum of 0.3 seconds.
    Change to the Quest Structure:
    Levelling up and farming in the new system makes it easier to progress through various quests.
    1) Quest rewards
    This system that has been added provides a certain amount of quest rewarded experience towards a certain overall experience gained. As a result, if you continue you complete various quests, you can obtain a ton of equipment easily and you can also find various items such as consumables.

    2) Tips Box Reorganization:
    Normally, the Tipbox offers a variety of information. There are tons of quests throughout Midgard and this tipbox will provide you a vast amount of information pertaining to various quests you can do throughout Midgard. You will be able to search for information.

    3) Change the UI Structure and the structure of Quests
    A lot of information and the UI of the Quest system has been changed. Everything has been adjusted so that it's easier to navigate through quests by selecting on options. Doing so will open up the navigation window. 

    Billing System
    This part doesn't really pertain much to private servers... but overall: 
    Ragnarok Online: ZERO offers partial subscription services like Ragnarok Online. 
    This is to allow more Ragnarok users to enjoy the game. 
    In addition, Ragnarok Online: ZERO will sell the monthly premium service and character premium service, which 
    will change the billing system by introducing a new product called "gelstar".   > Premium Service Products Ragnarok Online: ZERO offers a wide range of premium services.   1) Account Premium Service: Account Package The monthly premium service is a service that increases experience, drop rate, death penalty, and warehouse capacity. 
    This service applies to all characters in your account at the time of purchase.   2) Character Premium Service: Essential Package The Essential Package is a character premium service that adds convenience to the progress of the game. 
    This product has a 20% increase in experience and drop rate, and it also provides a limited number of 10 [Dew Water of the World] with some functions of Gelstar every day. (Please be aware that the dew of the world number will be redeemed every time you receive the remainder of the world.) 
    Through the dew of the world number, you can conveniently use the world map transfer service or receive special buffs.   3) Character Premium Service: Hunting Package The hunting package is a character that can receive 50% experience and 100% increase in drop rate twice daily for 1 hour each day. Premium package. 
    Ragnarok Online: At ZERO, you can sell or combine the effects of an existing combat manual or bubble gum as a separate item. This is a very attractive premium item for users who want to nurture quickly.   4) About PC room premium service We will inform you about PC room premium service. Ragnarok Online: ZERO no longer offers 
    experience points and drop rates, death penalty effects, and proverbial buffs on PC room premium services . 
    The main effect is transferred to "Essential Package", and only "PC room mileage" is served in PC room. 
    "PC room mileage" through the special toolbox coupon and costume helmet replacement coupon can be used to exchange.  
    Fiver Field:
    In Ragnarok Zero, they are introducing a new field titled "Fiver Field". This field will contain stronger monsters compared to normal monsters. Killing these strong monsters will provide you a chance to obtain powerful equipment / items (better random options).   
    Item Farming Structure:
    1) Random Option: Ragnarok Zero provides players with random option for dropped equipment. It is more vast which allows items to be more specialized towards short range, ranged, and magical weapons. There are also options such as HP/SP absorption, fixed casting reduction, and some options that are exempt from all in-game equipment.  2) Specialized Equipment Upgrade: Players will now be able to get occupational specialized gear when completing Memorial Dungeons. These gears can be upgraded based on your level. 3) Advanced Equipment Combination: You will be able to collection various items / materials throughout Midgard to help you upgrade certain equipment. These items collected must be given to an NPC to upgrade your gear. The material needed is Mithril.  4) The Flame: Torre, the ruler of Ore Beside every refiner NPC, Torre, the ruler of Ore, will also be there. He is able to exchange ores you find into other various ores. He will also be able to refine Mithril Ores you find into Mithril Gemstones. 
    it's basically renewal with a level cap and 0.9% base exp rates and you lose 10% base/job exp on death instead of 1%. you reach job lv.50 at base lv.30. it's likely p2w with those random box buff potions (it may be removed on official release but i doubt it) these retards aren't even up to date with how much lootboxes are hated right now.
    drop table is different, it's infested with quests and half of them don't even work.. despite having a new client they haven't addressed the cell lag. the episodes will basically be the same. all of this can be done from a day of scripting, many koreans were enraged and disappointed.
    they claimed in the interview that they won't include cash items that directly effect the gameplay but they added a npc in izlude that sells random boxes that give upto 18 different buff potions. jelstar will be the token currency like silvervine in re:start to open these boxes / warp to a certain map (not released yet) 
    players hoped  it to be far from p2w but it seems to be clear at this point.. and i haven't even got to the part that the game has 3 different vip systems.

    the status formula will be the same as the renewal.
    shadow equipment will not be included in this version.
    they are considering not to implent rerolls on random options from dropped items, there can be upto 3 options and the drop effect colors are (white for 1 option, blue for 2 options, gold for 3 options) mp regen % is extremely common and i've seen stats like 164 defense on tights.
    their goal is to implent upto trans lv.99 their cash shop / random box idea is directly from lineage m. their plan is to reach top 1 in sales (LOL)
    the dynamic field which has a trigger that must be met to spawn a certain boss monster. (example: kill 200 poring 100 lunatic 50 pupa to spawn a eclipse. (example2: examine (click) a certain object(s) to spawn a boss)
    the exp penalty for fighting monsters +15 levels higher than you will be removed (-15 levels lower will still remain) - this may be wrong, it's confusing.
    overpowered cards like golden thief bug or trash boss cards will have their card stats changed or swap their equip slot
    they are using a new engine so we might get some bugs fixed. ie: cell bug
    it will also not be possible to run multiple clients.
    the after delay for skills will be limited to a maximum of 0.3 seconds so it will likely be easier to spam skills.
    there will be some craftable costumes like this one at lv.30 and wings (some are afraid it may require cash ingredients)

  10. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to Ridley in [Collection] Official Full Clients + latest kRO   
    - Updated all Clients
    - Updated twRO BGMS (3 new ones)
    NOTE: to disable the Snow effect in Prontera, open your grf and navigate to data/etcinfo.txt
    Then add (or edit) the following:
    weather# //prontera.rsw# //snow# Collection of official Full Clients. Those are vanilla, not modified in any way or whatever. They are patched up to date. Let me know if I've missed something.
    Server Name
    With BGM
    Without BGM
    BGM only
    South Korea (kRO)
    21. Dec. 2018
    2,70 GB
    2,42 GB
    294 MB
    South Korea (Ragnarok Zero)
    21. Dec. 2018
    2,22 GB
        Taiwan and Hongkong (twRO)
    21. Dec. 2018
    2,24 GB
    1,95 GB
    310 MB
    Japan (jRO)
    21. Dec. 2018
    2,23 GB
    1,93 GB
    311 MB
    Thailland (tRO)
    21. Dec. 2018
    1,67 GB
    1,41 GB
    272 MB
    International (iRO)
    21. Dec. 2018
    2,42 GB
    2,14 GB
    294 MB
    Philippines (pRO)
    21. Dec. 2018
    1,5 GB
    1,25 GB
    272 MB
    Indonesia (idRO)
    21. Dec. 2018
    1,88 GB
    1,61 GB
    282 MB
    Brazil (bRO)
    21. Dec. 2018
    1,95 GB
    1,69 GB
    273 MB
    France, Europe (fRO, euRO) 21. Dec. 2018
    1,85 GB
    1,59 GB
    273 MB
  11. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to Rytech in r836 - Sera Skills Added / FAW Skills Recoded / Map Cache Update   
    *Added the "monster_mobid" enum.
    -This is to set monster ID's for skill related stuff more easly.
    *Added the "menuskill_val2" value.
    -Using menuskill_itemused for certain things just lost me too easly.
    *Added the "skill_check_condition_mob_master_mer_sub" function.
    -Works just like the skill_check_condition_mob_master_sub, but
    -for homunculus and mercenary's.
    *Added a safety check to prevent the chance of a status activating
    -from going below 0.
    *Updated the map cache since prontera was reverted back to the old one.
    *Updated listing for conditions.
    -I found these in the source code and they are used by some monsters.
    -Felt they should be listed here even tho their rarely used.
    -Recoded the skill.
    -Updated the monster's database entry.
    -Updated the skill entry's for silver sniper.
    -No longer able to heal itself.
    -Updated the ATK bonus from used skill level.
    -MaxHP now affected by skill level and caster's BaseLV/MaxHP.
    -Recoded the skill.
    -Updated the monster's database entrys.
    -Updated the skill entry's for the magic decoys.
    -No longer able to heal itself.
    -MaxHP now affected by skill level and caster's BaseLV/MaxSP.
    -Updated the monster's database entry.
    -Corrected the AI type on the spawning of shadow clones.
    -Added support for these skills.
  12. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to Alayne in Bunch of PvP scripts   
    Hello peoples,
    This post is more a "link to others" than a post in itself.
    As I stated some ago that I never really wrote a script for PvP (in the most basic meaning of it), I decided last week-end to start writing some.
    But as I'm a bit...let's say 'mad', I didn't wrote one or two, but 15.
    This includes a non exhaustive list of:
    -8 PvP scripts (Battle Royal, Royal Rumble, Deus Ex, PvPvM, Vampire Bal, Clone Defense, Rotative Hunt and Mistery Case)
    Battle Royal Vampire Bal PvPvM Deus Ex -5 Battle ground scripts, based over the games in S4 League (Captain, Death Match, Captain, Siege, TouchDown)
    Captain Death Match TouchDown -1 Reaper, based over the game of the same name in S4 League too.
    -1 'improved' battleground, as it's a 4 team fight.
    I'll start to release those scripts in the week end (need some time for small edits before releasing them), and I'll all the scripts in this one and only topic, to ensure the access will be centralized for those who may want to get several.
    I don't know yet if I'll make it paid scripts, as the initial goal was to provide it for free, but the hardest took me a bunch of time to write and debug. So I guess some will be free, and some will be paid ones.
    Hope you'll like it, peoples!
    Edit: Here we go, first link added
  13. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to Alayne in Alayne's Scripts Collection   
    < Alayne's Script Collection >
    After several asks, here's a link to my github
    Feel free to comment or add anything that might be usefull and that I won't think of
    I've decided to release my scripts here, it'll be easier to me so I can duplicate it on hercules and rathena rather than uploading twice. So sorry for multiple upload between there and download section
    Don't mind the name Nyliar in the git, that's me too ^^
    < Instances >
    < Quests >
    < Event >
    < PvP Content >
    < Utilities >
    < Full Systems >
    < Dungeons >
    < Raid >
    < Battleground >
  14. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to malufett in Official VIP System   
    Hi everybody..
    sorry for being in hiatus mode..I just got busy in real life this past years for me having hard time to insert RO dev thingy on my schedule..
    I'm sad since I became busy, Herc RE development(SRC) halted upon my leave...so I guess should come back? however if I come back I will only implement this in partial meaning only basic features (due to this reason "Its sole purpose is to monetize (which certainly isn't what players are looking for).")...

  15. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to Sephus in Hercules Battlegrounds   
    Hercules Battlegrounds
    A full conversion and enhancement of eAmod's Battlegrounds system into a easy-to-install Hercules plugin library.
    Version: 1.0a (alpha)

    Repository @ https://github.com/Smokexyz/HerculesBG

    1) Place plugin files in plugin directory. (If you wish to re-compile the code, please do so the standard way.)
    2) Place all script files in the default directory provided in the repository (or your own).
    3) Place all database and config parts in their respective files.
    4) in conf/plugins.conf add "hBG".
    Instructions on installing Plugins - http://herc.ws/wiki/HPM#Building_a_plugin
    Battleground Modes
    Capture the Flag Eye of Storm Triple Inferno Team DeathMatch Bossnia Conquest Stone Control Domination Rush Free For All Why use it?
    1) Prevents conflicts when updating Hercules.
    2) Easy to install.
    3) Can be easily modified for more functions/features in the future.

    For contributors
    If you wish to add a free BG script to the list of available battleground modes, please contact me.
    Bug Reporting
    Please feel free to open an issue on the repository and I'll get to it as soon as I can.

    Donate to support the project and motivate updates.

  16. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to Mystery in April & May Digest 2016   
    April & May 2016
    The following digest covers the month of April 1st - April 30th 2016 & May 1st - May 31st 2016.
    Team Changes
    skyleo has joined as a Script Developer  
    Development Highlights
    Unittalk script cmd shouldn't display the hidden name of npc Added support for private headers to the HPMDataCheck/HPMHooking HPM Hooks Update Added const qualifier to the input parameter of bin2hex Rewriting of Client Interface for Login Server (Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) Moved packet_db to the private interface of lclif Added --enable-Werror option to the configure script Removed some code duplication in chat processing functions Improved parsing of the server name/port in the irc bot configuration Reduced the MAX_MAP_SERVERS setting to 1  
    Scripting Highlights
    [Wizard Jobquest] Fixed getting stuck when failing 2nd Wave of Earth Room  
    April Statistics
    During the period there were 58 Commits. 13 Commits from Pull Requests.  

    May Digest
    Team Changes
    Development Highlights
    Fixed truncation of `@request` messages Removed some old MySQL 4 compatibility code Removed dead leftover code from some testing a while ago  
    Scripting Highlights
    Fixed a bug where you'd skip quest 8102 in rachel sanctuary  
    May Statistics
    During the period there were 25 Commits. 0 Commits from Pull Requests.
  17. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to Rytech in r810 - 2016/08/02   
    *Fixed a error that appears on certain setups for the packet_ver_flag
    -setting. Guess its set as a signed int. So that means only 2 slots
    -are left for newer clients?

    *Updated the item_db perl script.

    *Updated the item_db, item_db_3ceam, and item_db_custom files to
    -set the equip_locations as int(11) as its needed to properly store
    -the equip location values for shadow equips. This is needed to
    -properly show the shadow equips equip locations in flux control
    -panel. User's will need to rebuild their item databases as the
    -old int(4) setting causes equip locations values for shadow equips
    -to be set to the old max value of 65535.

    *Updated the Global_Functions weapon and armor values.

    *Updated the item_db document.
  18. Upvote
    Jezu got a reaction from Rai in INSTANT JOB CHANGER   
    I suggest not to use instant job as it will give incorrect distribution of skill points, use this instead. This will turn them to instant max level, then use Custom Job changer NPC that is available on the hercules emulator.
    Change the Baselevel == 160 to your Max Base Level.
    prontera,158,187,5 script Instant-Leveler 899,{  if (Baselevel == 160) { mes "[ ^000cff "+strcharinfo(0)+" ^000000 ]"; mes "You are maxed out already!";  close;  } else{ Baselevel = 999; Joblevel = 999; end; }OnInit:waitingroom "Instant Leveler",0;}
  19. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to Rytech in Things To Do   
    This is a list of planned tasks I need to do for 3CeAM. There's also some code im placing here to remind me of efficient ways to code certain things. Finally, notes and references to certain official updates is listed to remind me of when this and that was made official.
    List of Things To Do
    Redo status SC's tags and IDs arrangement. <-- DONE
    Rename config names to reflect what they do. <-- DONE
    Switch renewal skill timers to the new file and format. <-- DONE
    Note: These are for optimizing

    Change Super Novices back to 2nd job and Extended version to 3rd. <-- DONE
    Add support for mounting on different colored dragons. <-- DONE.
    Check all IsMount and CheckMount coding. Warg and Falcon for sure. <-- DONE
    Add support for all of the latest costume outfits. <-- DONE
    Check the sex change code. <-- DONE.
    Check Elemental Spirits cast targeting animation code.
    Note: Got 3 of these things to add in. Oh boy.
    Note To Self: Best to group all the costume outfit masks into one like
    how the dragons were done.

    Work on Sura combo skills. <-- DONE
    Check if any exploits exist in the Sura combo system.
    Make Hundred Spear cancel on weapon switch. <--DONE
    Update Hells Plant damage formula. <-- DONE
    Recode Dragon Breath to its new official behavior.
    Recheck Self Destruction to make sure its official.
    Redo White Imprison. <-- DONE
    Check Tiger Cannon's code. <-- DONE
    Check Strip Accessory code.
    Redo the entire skill restriction file. <-- DONE
    Update the list of skills usable by Rangers when riding a warg. <-- DONE
    Update the list of skills usable by Mechanics when riding in a mado. <-- DONE
    Note: Current skill bugs I want to get fixed.
    Note To Self: Check eAthena for updates for optimizing the current combo
    system and add a certain needed packet to make it much easier to add the
    Sura combo skills.

    Fix select cart glitch. <-- DONE
    Added support for the 10k range NPC ID's. <-- DONE
    Recode the SUMMER2 outfit to use the DRESS_UP status.
    Add support for headgears with special effects animations.
    Note 2: SUMMER2 is confirmed to use a status to appear instead of a OPTION.
    Works just fine as is but a official coding is best for future outfits.

    Code in player killer ranking.
    Note: Feature I want to add in. Im sure many users will enjoy this.
    Note To Self: Must code in a 2nd fame point tracker seprate from the
    regular one to allow ranking on more then one fame list.

    Add falcon flute. <-- DONE
    Redo all Genetic foods and potions. <-- DONE
    Recheck all items and update things as needed. <-- DONE
    Add new Rebellion items. <-- DONE
    Recheck Rebellion items.
    Add Doram's Summoner items.
    Note: Finally got fuly accurate details on each of the potions and need
    to redo them all to fix things.

    Code Insignia skills. <-- DONE
    Code remaining mutated homunculus skills.
    Code Oboro exclusive skills.
    Code 3rd job level expansion skills.
    Code Rebellion skills.
    Code Summoner skills
    Note: Lots and lots of skills to code in. This is goina be fun.

    Fix Dark Claw and Unlimit visuals. <--DONE

    Add Unlimits block on PVP maps and turbo room. <--DONE

    Make Hundred Spear cancel out when switching weapons. <--DONE

    Fix visual for Millennium Shield and Force of Vanguard's rage counters.

    Add hidden NPC fix. <--DONE.

    Complete Full Throttle. <-- DONE
    Note: Rebound's movement speed reduction and sweat animation added.
    Still needs more work, but didn't have internet to look up other info.

    Fix ASPD and Movement Speed calculations. <-- DONE

    Fix Genetic's potions. <-- DONE

    Update Rune Knight and Genetic crafting animations.

    Fix Chaos Panic, Maelstorm, and Bloody Lust.

    Fix Pinpoint Attack and Warg Rider. <-- DONE

    Check Minstrel/Wanderer sex exclusive skills. <-- DONE
    The check on learned lesson level might be applied on other players.
    Note: Job level check is being done incorrectly.

    Make Guillotine Cross poisoning weapon status not dispellable. <-- DONE

    Fix Highness Heal or recode it completely. Also check skill_calc_heal code.
    Also make it fail if Heal isnt learned for fail reason 16.

    Test Camouflage on official and code in officially.
    Also test Stealth Field to see if it affects caster.

    Fix Unlimited Humming to make casting uninterruptable. <-- DONE
    Use a card, skill, or equip for a code example.

    Make Hell Inferno a 2 hit skill.
    Once for fire and once for shadow.

    Fix Ray of Genesis damage formula. <-- DONE

    Fix positioning issues with skills that warps the player to the target.
    Example being Phantom Spear, Pinpoint Attack, Knuckle Arrow, Cross Cut.

    Fix sitting glitch for force sit from banana bombs.
    Checked it and its working properly but not working
    on IntenseRO for some reason.

    Fix change cart glitch. <-- DONE

    Fix Hovering not blocking Quagmire.

    Fix White Imprison. <-- DONE

    Fix OP issue with homunculus. <-- DONE

    Fix runes to be usable while silenced.

    Add list of skills not castable on players in a mado. <-- DONE

    Fix Reading Spellbook to its official possible max spell storage cap. <-- DONE
    Its set to 10 and im seeing only 7 slots.

    Added common status support for Guillotine Cross poisons.
    Poisons are grouped into a handicap state called NEW_POISON.
    Note: Done and treated as common, but monsters arnt aware of this.

    Recheck status defense code.

    Add Shield Spell Lv 3 status resistance effect. <-- DONE

    Recode Reverberation and Poem of The Netherworld. <-- DONE

    Fix Severe Rainstorm to now show dmotion repeatly. <-- DONE

    Fix refine effects for items. <-- DONE

    Update list of status's blocked by GTB.

    Optomize status display code for all renewal skills.

    Optomize code for skills that removes status's.

    Recheck all Minstrel/Wanderer's status AoE's skill success chances.
    Some of the success are for the status, not for the casting of the skill.

    Fix Maelstorm to remove AoE's.

    Fix AB_SILENTIUM duration.

    Merge Spirit Sphere and Charms systems together.
    Note: Aegis appears to use spheres and charms on the same system.
    This means the spirit sphere system was updated to support types which
    effects a number of things, including what packet to send to display the spheres.

    Important Codes
    Remember This. This Is Important!!!!
    if( tsc && dstmd->status.mode&MD_BOSS )
        for (i = SC_COMMON_MIN; i <= SC_COMMON_MAX; i++)
            if (tsc->data) status_change_end(bl, (sc_type)i, INVALID_TIMER);
        for (i = 0; i < ARRAYLENGTH(scs); i++)
            if (tsc->data[scs]) status_change_end(bl, scs, INVALID_TIMER);

    for( i = SC_COMMON_MIN; i <= SC_COMMON_MAX; i++ )
        status_change_end(bl, (sc_type)i, INVALID_TIMER);

    Extra Info, References, And Notes
    Stealth Field
    SP cost is changed (80/100/120).
    Variable cast time is removed.
    Skill reuse delay is changed.
    Skill area of effect is changed (3x3 cells -> 5x5 cells).
    The SP cost over time is changed (3 seconds 1% / 4 seconds 1% / 5 seconds 1%).
    Ranged damage reduction is changed from 30% to 20%.
    ^^^--Think it means movement reduction.

    Thorn Wall
    - Thorn Wall changed to deal a maximum of 16 hits.
    - Thorn Wall will now disappear properly when its health hits 0.

    8/14/2012 Skill Balance Update

    - Changed Warlock skill: White Imprison to trigger skill re-use delay even when the skill fails.
    - Changed Giearth card to properly provide immunity to chaos status from Shadow Chaser skill: Chaos Panic.
    - Fixed an issue with Dark Priest monster where the blind status effect inflicted by the monster did not dissipate properly.
    - Due to an issue with NPC, character movement changes have been reverted back until it's fixed.

        Clicking on a dead cell would result in the character not moving at all previously. With the character movement update, clicking on a dead cell will result in the character moving towards the dead cell until it is stopped by an obstacle or dead cell.

    - Changed Banana bomb to reduce target's LUK instead of STR.
    - Fixed skill description error with Wanderer/Maestro skill: Reverberation where the skill AoE was incorrectly stated as 3x3 instead of 5x5.
    - Adjusted some 3rd class skill balance and errors.

    Rune Knight

    Death Bound - For 2 seconds after using the skill, teleport skill or items with similar effect will have 1 second fixed cast time.

    Rune Mastery - Rune creation method has been simplified. Deleted the interface window that pops up after clicking on the rune material.

    Asir rune: Fighting Spirit - Fixed a bug where the rune stone effect would give additional bonus to a rune knight in a 1 person party compared to a rune knight that's not in a party.

    Nosiege rune: Refresh - Changed the rune stone to be usable while in Frozen, Stun, Deep Sleep, Sleep, Petrification and Crystallization status.


    Warg Bite - Adjusted SP cost to 40/42/44/46/48.

    Camouflage - Fixed a bug where a ranger in camouflage state could be targeted by single target skills.

    Shadow Chaser

    Man Hole - Fixed a bug where man hole skill could be placed to overlap with eachother.


    Song of Despair - Fixed a bug where song of despair skill could be placed to overlap with eachother.

    Destruction Song - The following additional skills will be removed from targets affected by Destruction song: Song of Despair, Lerad's Dew, Infinite Humming.

    Saturday Night Fever - Added additional conditions to the skill. This skill works against Players and Monsters only. Targets in Cloaking or Hiding status will not be affected by the skill.


    Lion's Howling - Fixed Fear status chance on skill activation. The following additional skills will be removed from targets affected by Lion's Howling: Song of despair, Lerad's Dew, Infinite Humming.


    Demonic Fire - Fixed a bug where a character sometimes could not move to another cell within the skill's AoE.

    Sling Item
    - Fruit bombs will only take effect if the target takes damage.
    - Banana bomb's LUK decrease will only take effect if target takes damage.
    - Coconut bomb's Stun and Bleeding status will only take effect if target takes damage.
    - Melon bomb's movement and attack speed reduction will only take effect if target takes damage.

    Royal Guard

    Shield Spell - Fixed an issue where level 3 shield spell's status resistance option was not applied.


    The status icon (such as burning or freezing) will no longer be visible to other players when the target is in Hiding or Cloaking status.

    Balance Update iRO (Appears to be from past kRO fixes and stuff)

    Alchemist class

        [biochemist] Acid Bomb damage is now properly reduced by Crusader skill [Defending Aura]
        [biochemist] Acid Bomb will no longer hit a mechanic when he is in Neutral Barrier
        [Genetic] Cannon Ball will not de-equip when killed
        [Genetic]Cart Cannon changed, when used with a cannon ball with a non neutral element the skill will use that element in its attack.
        [Genetic]Blood Sucker damage fix
        [Genetic] When knockback is disabled (either by map or item), thorn wall will no longer deal rapid consecutive hits.
        [Genetic]Fixed a bug with skill: Sling Item where certain fruit bombs would cause damage to the Genetic
        [Genetic]Skill Sling Item will no longer work on other players in town

    Blacksmith Class

        [Mechanic] Pile Bunker range distance fixed
        [Mechanic] (Madogear) Fixed a problem where Burning status was not applied when using FlameLauncher.
        [Mechanic] Silver Sniper Mechanics skill attack damage to monsters (Plants)
        [Mechanic] Fixed a bug with FAW: Silver Sniper where it would deal an abnormal damage to plant monsters.
        [Mechanic] skill: Pile Bunker now has 3 cell range regardless of skill level.

    Sage Class

        [sorcerer]Fixed an issue where the sorcerer skill 'Psychic Wave' would deal damage to targets on magnetic earth.
        [sorcerer] Killing Cloud damage is no longer reflected by Shield Reflect.
        [sorcerer] Extreme Vacuum skill fixed so that the skill will always execute properly.

    Wizard Class

        [Wizard] Fixed an issue where ice walling the spawn point of a map would cause the person to teleport to a random tile on that map.
        [Warlock]Stasis skill effect to be removable by certain skills (Status Recovery, Dispell and Clearence. ).
        [Warlock] Earth Strain no longer divests units which are in White Imprison.
        [Warlock]Fixed a bug where Marsh of Abyss would not remove Increase Agility buff from the target(s)
        [Warlock]Fixed a bug with Recognized Spell where the increased SP cost of skills was not working properly.
        [Warlock]Fixed a bug with skill 'Earth Strain' where players killed by the skill would experience the strip effect persist past its skill duration.
        [Warlock]The Wizard Soul buff now removes the gemstone requirement for the Warlock skill Sienna Execrate

    Priest Class

        [Priest]Fixed an issue where the sanctuary effect would display when a sorcerer summoned spirit enters a sanctuary.
        [Archbishop] Fixed skill: Clearance to properly remove the following effects.
        Genetic - Blood Sucker
        Guillotine Cross - Venom Impress
        Rune Knight - Isia rune, Urj rune
        Hallucination and Fear status
        [Archbiship] Fixed a bug where the Arch Bishop skill Expiatio could not be usable in towns and general fields.

    Monk Class

        [sura]Changed Sura skill: Lion Howling to also remove de-buffs inflicted by friendly targets.
        [sura] Lightning Walk skill attack range change
        [sura] Knuckle Arrow skill's Knockback damage applied to Boss monsters.
        [sura]Increased the Stun chance for Sura skill: Dragon Combo.

    Assassin Class

        [Guillotine Cross] Fixed an issue where cloaking Exceed where casting Hiding or Cloaking while under the effect of Cloaking exceed would temporarily reveal the Guillotine Cross.

    Rogue Class

        [Chaser]When casting 'Chaos Panic' skill while the maximum number of allowed instances of the skill are active, it will replace the earliest instance of the skill.
        [Chaser]Changed Shadow Chaser skills: 'Maelstrom' and 'Chaos Panic' to no longer be usable near portals.

    Hunter Class

        [Hunter] Fixed an issue with trap using classes where traps were not always visible when being placed.
        [Hunter] Fixed an animation bug with hunter-class companions (Falcon and Warg)
        [Ranger] Camouflage now ends when the ranger uses any skill.
        [Ranger] Cluster Bomb damage to be affected by Trap Research skill.
        [Ranger] Fixed a bug with skill 'Verdure Trap' where element change was not working properly.
        [Ranger] Corrected a damage issue with the Ranger Skill 'Warg Strike'.
        [Ranger] Fixed a bug where skill name and animation would not show when using Ranger skills: Electric Shocker, Magenta Trap, Cobalt Trap, Maze Trap, Verdure Trap.

    Performer Class

        [bard/Dancer] Fixed a bug where using Bard/Dancer skill: Harmonic Lick and Battle Theme would consume incorrect amount of SP.
        [Maestro/Wanderer]Changed Maestro/Wanderer skill: Saturday Night Fever to deal random damage when more than 7 people are affected by the skill.
        [Maestro/Wanderer] If target has no frenzy status, wanderer,minstrel can reuse saturdaynightfever skill state

    11/08/2011 kRO
    Changed the number of Mora coins awarded by Mora quests and the number of coins needed to exchange for equipments.
    Fixed an error with Kagerou/Oboro skill: Overthrow where it would not correctly target players in skill range.
    Changed to no longer allow Oboro skill: Ominous Crimson Moonlight to be cast on friendly targets.
    Changed to no longer allow Kagerou/Oboro skill: Illusion - Shock to be cast on friendly targets.
    Fixed an issue with Seal Release skill where it would use an incorrect element when activated.
    Changed to no longer allow Kagerou/Oboro skill: Illusion - Killing Curse to be cast on monsters.
    Implemented Skill balance for Kagerou and Oboro.

    * Illusion - Afterimage: Adjusted image's Max HP.
    * Illusion - Attraction: Adjusted success rate.
    * Shadow Step: Adjusted to only affect targets in hiding/cloaking status. Duration adjusted.
    * Illusion - Killing Curse: Adjusted success rate.
    * Illusion - Shock: Adjusted success rate.
    * Makibishi: Changed skill Area of Effect to only spray caltrops near the Caster's cell.
    * Overthrow: Changed to Area of Effect skill. Skill hit chance is adjusted and it deals splash damage.
    * Exploding Kunai: Adjusted Aftercast Delay. Changed skill targeting to ground target.
    * 16th Night: Duration adjusted.

    12/07/2011 kRO

    Adjusted Kagerou and Oboro skill balance

        Exploding Kunai: Damage formula changed. It is now considered splash attack. This skill will no longer be affected by caster's weapon element.
        Fire Seal - Scorching Fire: Flaming Petal and Blaze Shield bonus damage option has been changed. Exploding Dragon bonus damage added.
        Water Seal - Snow Storm: Freezing Spear and Snow Flake Draft bonus damage option has been changed.
        Wind Seal - Turbulent Air: Added Wind Blade bonus damage option. Changed Lighting Jolt and First Wind bonus damage option.
        Release Seal: Increased damage formula.
        Shadow Warrior: This buff is no longer removed after taking certain amount of damage.
        Distorted Crescent Moon: Target's Current HP and SP value effects the ATK/MATK change instead of target's base level.
        Fading Moonlight Illusion: Target's Current HP and SP value effects HP/SP increase or decrease. Now reflects both magic and physical damage, and the skill level determines the amount of damage reflected.
        16th Night: Adjusted MATK increase.

    12/14/2011 kRO

    - Kagerou & Oboro skill balance is implemented

        Illusion: Afterimage - Adjusted image's HP, duration and skill re-use delay.
        Illusion: Attraction - Success rate adjusted.
        Shadow Step - Changed to affect targets under special conditions. Duration changed.
        Illusion: Killing Curse - Success rate adjusted.
        Illusion: Shock - Adjusted success rate, stat reduction, and duration.
        Makibishi - Cast range changed to ground near caster's vicinity.
        Overthrow - Changed to AoE attack, and skill HIT rate. Now deals splash damage.
        Exploding Kunai - Adjusted cast time and damage formula. and changed skill targeting to 1 cell ground target. No longer affected by weapon's element (Forced Neutral). Now correctly affected by Weapon ATK and Cards.
        Izayoi - Adjusted skill duration and MATK increase.
        Fire Seal - Scorching Fire: Flaming Petal and Blaze Shield bonus damage option has been changed. Exploding Dragon bonus damage added.
        Water Seal - Snow Storm: Freezing Spear and Snow Flake Draft bonus damage option has been changed.
        Wind Seal - Turbulent Air: Added Wind Blade bonus damage option. Changed Lighting Jolt and First Wind bonus damage option.
        Release Seal: Increased damage formula
        Shadow Warrior: This buff is no longer removed after taking certain amount of damage.
        Distorted Crescent Moon: Target's Current HP and SP value effects the ATK/MATK change instead of target's base level.
        Fading Moonlight Illusion: Target's Current HP and SP value effects HP/SP increase or decrease. Now reflects both magic and physical damage, and the skill level determines the amount of damage reflected.

    12/28/2011 kRO

    - Added Saturday Night Fever skill balance change.

        Before: De-buff duration: 20/30/40/50/60 seconds, 1% HP/SP drain every 3 seconds.
        After: De-buff duration: 10/15/20/25/30 seconds, 1% HP/SP drain every 10/8/6/4/2 seconds.

    6/26/2012 kRO
    - Changed the damage formula for Kagerou/Oboro skill: Mucha Nage.

        If the caster has not learned Dagger Throwing Practice, maximum damage output will be decreased by 50%.

    - Changed the Warlock skill: Stasis skill effect to be removable by certain skills.
    - Fixed a bug with Genetic skill: Sling Item where certain fruit bombs would cause damage to the Genetic.
    - Fixed a bug with Guillotine Cross skill: Cloaking Exceed where casting Hiding or Cloaking while under the effect of Cloaking exceed would temporarily reveal the Guillotine Cross.
    - Fixed a bug with Sorcerer skill: Extreme Vacuum where its effects would sometimes not work.
    - Changed Sura skill: Lion Howling to also remove de-buffs inflicted by friendly targets.
    - Changed Cluster Bomb damage to be affected by Trap Research skill.

    10/28/2009 kRO
    White Imprison

    The skill success rate is influenced by your JOB level.
    When White Imprison ends, it now deals Skill Level * 400 damage.
    When used on yourself, the skill lasts 5 seconds.
    The duration of white imprison is no longer decreased by the targets stats.
    When cast on monsters, it will last a minimum of 10 seconds.

    12/22/2010 kRO

    - Fixed Lightning Walk working off of area of effect magic instead of just targeted magic.
    - Corrected it so that a target that is in White Imprison cannot be damaged with Gravitation Field.
    - Applied a fix to the issue where Golden Thiefbug Card users would still be affected by the status effects of Frost Misty and Marsh of Abyss.

    4/21/2010 kRO

    - Changed resistance to status ailments.
    The resistance formulas for Stun, Poison, Bleeding, Sleep, Silence, Blind, Freezing, Curse, Petrification Chaos, and the new statuses Burning and Fear statuses are updated.
    Status resistance is based off the characters stats, base level, and additional items, cards, and skills.
    Resistance provided by items/cards/skills remains the same.

    The stats which affect status ailments are listed below.

    STR : Imprison
    AGI : Bleeding, Sleep, Burning
    VIT : Stun, Poison, Deadly Poison
    INT : Silence, Blind, Freezing, Fear
    LUK : Curse, Petrification, Chaos

    4/13/2011 kRO
    - Instead of breaking on magic ghost damage, breaks on any ghost damage.
    - Can be removed with the priest skill 'Status Recovery'.

    6/15/2011 kRO

    When used on yourself, white imprison will always succeed 100% of the time. Additionally, white imprison can no longer be cast on a target already in white imprison.
  20. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to Dastgir in Follow some rathena stuff   
    Anyone want to list the commits?
  21. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to 15peaces in 15peaces 3CeAM Patches   
    Some of you allready know it through facebook.
    I've created some patches for 3CeAM in past. I want to share them here. Also I'll give you support for these patches in this topic.
    If you're missing some features in 3CeAM you can also ask me to create a patch file for it.
    However, I cannot guarantee for every requested feature to be implemented...
    You can find all patches on my GitHub page: https://github.com/15peaces/3ceam-Patches/
    Feel free to report all bugs you'll find. I'll try to fix them ASAP. ^^
  22. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to Emistry in Usable Enchant Item   
    File Name: Usable Enchant Item
    File Submitter: Emistry
    File Submitted: 18 Jan 2016
    File Category: Utility
    Description :
    Players are able to click on the Enchant items to provide custom bonus to the selected equipment.
    Varies of bonus could be done especially use together with a *getequippedon script command to provide a wide range of bonuses.
    The current items and bonuses display in the video is just a sample for demo.
    The origin of the idea come from Diablo and 張阿神.
    Preview :

    Click here to download this file
  23. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to Emistry in Usable Refinery Ores   
    File Name: Usable Refinery Ores
    File Submitter: Emistry
    File Submitted: 18 Jan 2016
    File Category: Utility
    Players are able to click on the Ores items to refine the selected equipment. They can refine their Equipment at anywhere anytime they want.
    Based on requirement of Weapon Level and Type, different ores might be needed as well as Zeny.

    Click here to download this file
  24. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to AnnieRuru in MaxLvExpGain   
    I saw a lot of methods on how to stop players from gaining exp after certain level
    but all of them have flaws, so I release mine, its from my google drive
    Download: 1.3
    Full Description of what this plugin DO
    stop players gain exp through killing monsters, mvp exp, or share party experience allows to gain exp by *getexp script command or BaseExp++ / JobExp++ allows players to pay guild tax exp after they hit your capped level value if your server has heal_exp, resurrection_exp or shop_exp enable,
    they will stop gain exp from these action after they hit your cap level if the player do SA_LEVELUP ( a random skill from Hocos-Pocus ) after the cap level, they can't gain exp if it doesn't follow this list, then this is bug
    there is a small issue with this plugin,
    everything else in the above list will still works, don't worry, tested
  25. Upvote
    Jezu reacted to Mystery in October & November Digest 2015   
    October & November Digest 2015
    The following digest covers the month of October 1st - October 31st 2015 and November 1st - November 30th 2015.
    October Digest
    Team Changes
    [*]@Aeromesi has joined the team as a Support Leader. [*]@Frost has joined the team as a Script Developer.

    Development Highlights
    [*]Add support for mob_db in conf format [*]Add Mob_db converter from txt to conf [*]Convert mob_db to new format [*]Add new config to allow player vend/chat room nearby hidden npc [*]Updated libconfig to GNU Bison 2.5 [*]Fixed message ID to a lower value [*]Error message when talking to a pre-defined channel

    Database Highlights
    [*]Converted all the commented out mob_db/mob_db22 entries to the new format [*]Update the Status Icons based in kRO Update 10-21-2015 [*]Missing Teleport Skill in RMSC2012 Headgears

    Script Highlights
    [*]Added Items needed in eden_iro.txt

    October Statistics
    [*]During the period there were 56 Commits. [*]Of these 56 commits, 1 included bug-fixes. [*]15 Commits from Pull Requests.


    November Digest
    Team Changes [*]None

    Development Highlights
    [*]Fixes missing new RC_ constants in some bonuses [*]Split the source path reference retain mechanism out of npc_parsename [*]Updated items trade restriction [*]Fixed a crash in some skills' multi-hit code [*]Renamed hQueue/hQueueIterator/hQueueOpt to latest standards [*]Refactored the script queue system [*]Fix @QMapChangeTo$ not usable when HQO_OnMapChange triggered [*]Fixed too-generic constant names of gettime() types [*]Fix npc initialisation in first map (m == 0) [*]Add option for fix hit after warp [*]Moved class and dir initializers to npc_create_npc [*]Added subtype initializer to npc_create_npc [*]Split frequently repeated code to add/register new NPCs [*]Split npc_duplicate_sub into separate functions [*]Fixed a compilation error when the memory manager is disabled [*]Split the duplication logic away from the parsing logic in NPC duplicates

    Scripting Highlights
    [*]Fixes Chance of Comodo Gambling [*]Converted some dealers to new trader format

    Database Highlights
    [*]Update new NPC ID's [*]SC Update (Added 'Eden Crystal Synthesis' statuses and added 'Geffen Magic Tournament' statuses) [*]Several item Updates [*]Part 1 [*]Update Geffen Scrolls to its official behavior and effect. [*]Added Official item effect of Mental Potion. [*]Fixed Chinese Pestel item effect. [*]Fixed Vitata500 not giving 5% sp. [*]Added 'Costume: Time Accessory'.
    [*]Part 2
    [*]Update the item 'Acaraje' to its official effect. (Ref: http://herc.ws/board/tracker/issue-7773-acaraje-12375/) [*]Fix 'Vitata500' not giving additional % in sp. (Thanks to Haru) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/12436) [*]Fix Ljosalfar and Mermaid Bubbles disappear its effect when died / dispell and etc.
    [*]Part 3
    [*]Update Flame Stone, Ice Stone, Wind Stone, and Shadow Orb selling price base on kRO. [*]Update 'Mother_Heart' item effect. (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/2885) [*]Update 'Fools_Day_Box' and 'Fools_Day_Box2' based on Aegis. [*]Update some item scripts based on Aegis. [*]Changed some ItemID into Constants, Partial commit of my ItemID to Constant assignment. [*]Added New items and its effect and trade restrictions:
    • Mercenary_Casting_ (ID# 12807) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/12807)
    • Mother_Love_Box (ID# 12808) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/12808)
    • Level_Up_Box (ID# 12809) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/12809)
    • Zherlthsh_Tck_Box_ (ID# 12819) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/12819)
    [*]Part 4
    [*]Change the effect of 'Devil Morocc Card' from MaxHP to MaxSP (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4559) [*]Change the behavior of 'Fools Day Box' and 'Fools Day Box2'. (Thanks to Haru and Emistry) [*]Added the combo effect script of 'White Knightage Card' and 'Khalitzburg Knightage Card'. (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4608) [*]Fix 'Birdcage Of Paradise' where the skill bonus is not working in Ranger Job and seperate its combo effect.
    - Added 54 New Cards up to the latest kRO Sakray Update (November 18, 2015)
    • Infinite Toad Card (ID#4642) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4642)
    • Infinite Vagabond Card (ID#4643) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4643)
    • Infinite Vocal Card (ID#4644) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4644)
    • Infinite Eclipse Card (ID#4645) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4645)
    • Infinite Chimera Card (ID#4646) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4646)
    • Infinite Osiris Card (ID#4647) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4647)
    • Infinite Eddga Card (ID#4648) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4648)
    • Infinite Phreeoni Card (ID#4649) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4649)
    • [WIP] Infinite Infinite Orc Hero Card (ID#4650) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4650)
    • Infinite Tao Gunka Card (ID#4651) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4651)
    • Nightmare Amon Ra Card (ID#4652) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4652)
    • Nightmare Arclouse Card (ID#4653) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4653)
    • Nightmare Mimic Card (ID#4654) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4654)
    • Nightmare Minorous Card (ID#4655) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4655)
    • [WIP] Nightmare Mummy Card (ID#4656) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4656)
    • [WIP] Nightmare Ancient Mummy Card (ID#4657) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4657)
    • Nightmare Verit Card (ID#4658) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4658)
    • Eggring Card (ID#4659) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4659)
    • Scout Basilisk Card (ID#4660) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4660)
    • Charge Basilisk Card (ID#4661) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4661)
    • Big Eggring Card (ID#4662) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4662)
    • Leaf Lunatic Card (ID#4663) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4663)
    • Grass Fabre Card (ID#4664) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4664)
    • Wild Honet Card (ID#4665) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4665)
    • Sweet Roda Frog Card (ID#4666) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4666)
    • Hunter Wolf Card (ID#4667) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4667)
    • Trance Spore Card (ID#4668) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4668)
    • Jungle Mandragora Card (ID#4669) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4669)
    • Fruit Pom Spider Card (ID#4670) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4670)
    • Sorcerer Celia Card (ID#4671) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4671)
    • Sura Chen Card (ID#4672) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4672)
    • Minstrel Alphoccio Card (ID#4673) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4673)
    • Guillotine Cross Eremes Card (ID#4674) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4674)
    • Arch Bishop Magaleta Card (ID#4675) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4675)
    • Ranger Cecil Card (ID#4676) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4676)
    • Mechanic Howard Card (ID#4677) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4677)
    • Warlock Kathryne Card (ID#4678) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4678)
    • Rune Knight Seyren Card (ID#4679) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4679)
    • Royal Guard Randel Card (ID#4680) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4680)
    • Genetic Flamel Card (ID#4681) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4681)
    • Shadow Chaser Gertie Card (ID#4682) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4682)
    • Wanderer Trentini Card (ID#4683) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4683)
    • True Eremes Guile Card (ID#4684) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4684)
    • True Margaretha Sorin Card (ID#4685) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4685)
    • True Kathryne Keyron Card (ID#4686) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4686)
    • True Cecil Damon Card (ID#4687) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4687)
    • True Howard Alt-Eisen Card (ID#4688) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4688)
    • True Seyren Windsor Card (ID#4689) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4689)
    • True Randel Lawrence Card (ID#4690) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4690)
    • True Flamel Emure Card (ID#4691) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4691)
    • True Celia Alde Card (ID#4692) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4692)
    • True Chen Liu Card (ID#4693) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4693)
    • True Gertie Card (ID#4694) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4694)
    • True Trentini Card (ID#4695) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4695)
    • True Alphoccio Card (ID#4696) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/4696)
    [*]Part 5
    [*]Fix 'Light Concentration Potion', 'Light Awakening Potion' and 'Light Berserk Potion' not giving additional ASPD when used. Thanks to Emistry. (Ref: http://herc.ws/board/tracker/issue-8482-light-centerawakeningbersek-potion/) [*]Change the 'Fools Day Box' and 'Fools Day Box2' variable from .@i to .@temp. [*]Added 9 New Items and its trade restriction based on itemmoveinfov5.txt of kRO.
    • Infinite Concentration Potion (ID#12884) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/12884)
    • Infinite Awakening Potion (ID#12885) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/12885)
    • Infinite Berserk Potion (ID#12886) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/12886)
    • Infinite Fly Wing (ID:12887) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/12887)
    • Infinite Concentration Potion Box (ID#17226) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/17226)
    • Infinite Awakening Potion Box (ID#17227) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/17227)
    • Infinite Berserk Potion Box (ID#17228) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/17228)
    • Infinite Fly Wing Box (ID:17229) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/17229)
    • Infinite Fly Wing Box 3Days (ID:17251) (Ref: http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/17251)
    [*]Part 6
    [*]Fixes http://herc.ws/board/tracker/issue-8592-mega-resist-potion/, where the SC_TARGET_BLOOD is not working properly. Thanks to kyeme. [*]Adjust some whitespaces.
    [*]Part 7
    [*]Fixes http://herc.ws/board/tracker/issue-7330-halohalo/ where Item 'Halohalo' will not stack together w/ other Status Foods. [*]Change the Status Food Behavior based on Aegis: (NOTE: ID# 12202, 12203, 12204, 12205, 12206, 12207 and 12247) [*]Removed when the player dies. [*]Update its HP/SP percentheal based on Aegis script.
    - Follow up e511dcf#commitcomment-14500629. Thanks to AnnieRuru.
    - Follow up d9ad1cc#commitcomment-14502822. Thanks also to AnnieRuru.
    - Change the sequence of our current Trade Restriction based on kRO's itemmoveinfov5.txt
    [*]Part 8
    [*]Implemented the Geffen Scrolls and Mental Potion official effects. Thanks to Kyeme. (Ref: http://herc.ws/board/topic/1125-please-implement-the-magic-scroll-mental-potion-etc/)
    [*]Part 9
    [*]Fixed 'Black Thing' not decreasing Stats and Movement Speed. [*]Fixed 'Enriched White Potion Z' no HP regeneration.
    [*]Part 10
    [*]Fix some item behavior that should not stack w/ other stat foods.
    • Tyr's Blessing - http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/14601
    • Internet Cafe1 -
    • Internet Cafe2 -
    • Internet Cafe3 -
    • Internet Cafe4 -
    • Luxurious Western Food - http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/14607
    • Manchu-Han Imperial Feast - http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/14608
    [*]Part 11
    [*]Fix some item behaviors based on Official Servers.
    • Str_Dish10 (Healing percent)
    • Citron
    • Meat Skewer
    • Mre_B
    • Mre_C
    • Spray Of Flowers
    • Strawberry Cake
    • Pineapple Juice
    • Spicy Sandwich
    • Grilled Corn [*]Implemented the follow SC:
    [*]Part 12
    [*]Fix some item behavior based on Official Servers.
    • Lucky Rice Cake
    • Charm Of Luck
    • Charm Of Happiness
    • Rune Kn Test Int
    • Takoyaki
    • Evasion Scroll
    • Concentration Scroll
    [*]Part 13
    [*]Added new official cash shop usable items and it's boxes:
    • STR Biscuit Stick - http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/14616
    • VIT Biscuit Stick - http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/14617
    • AGI Biscuit Stick - http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/14618
    • INT Biscuit Stick - http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/14619
    • DEX Biscuit Stick - http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/14620
    • LUK Biscuit Stick - http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/14621
    • STR Biscuit Stick Box - http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/17270
    • VIT Biscuit Stick Box - http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/17271
    • AGI Biscuit Stick Box - http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/17272
    • INT Biscuit Stick Box - http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/17273
    • DEX Biscuit Stick Box - http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/17274
    • LUK Biscuit Stick Box - http://www.divine-pride.net/database/item/17275
    [*]Part 14
    [*]Added new official item status effect, 'SC_CUP_OF_BOZA'.
    - Follow up f512a0b.
    - Follow up ce33936.
    - Follow up d8909d9.
    - Follow up f65e032.
    - Some white spaces adjustments.

    November Statistics
    [*]During the period there were 82 Commits. [*]Of these 82 commits, 5 included bug-fixes. [*]7 Commits from Pull Requests.

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