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Everything posted by Doch

  1. Como ha quedado el tema este? hay algunas web como por ejemplo la de ragnatop.org que sigue operativa y esta hosteada en españa, no parece que le haya afectado la adquisicion de la licencia por IDC Games, tambien siguen habiendo servidores de RO españoles..
  2. La verdad es que si que es bastante sucio eso de redirigir el trafico a su web, ademas que tienen el google analytics en la web, lo que no se si sera por el copy paste que han hecho o porque realmente lo usen, de todas formas estoy de acuerdo contigo de que hacen un rastreo de a que servidor pretendes ir o hacen algun tipo de rastreo sobre la web, porque el redirect de la web pasa por esta empresa de adversiting http://adschemist.com/, ademas de usar pixel tracking. Vamos si ya estaba mal el RO antes, ahora no se que va a pasar..
  3. As i'm spanish i'm waiting to see what happens with ragnarok in spain, due to all this stuff that is happening with the license to IDC games and the closing of websites that publish private servers, because if i receive some email of them asking me to close the website just like the topsite of rune-nifelheim i think i won't have any other possibility than close.. or stop adversiting private RO servers. Right now i'm paying from my budget the hosting and so, but in long terms I don't see viable don't getting any type of money from the website for pay the hosting.. Will see what happens
  4. You can try to advertise your server on Yourolist when it's finished if you want
  5. Thanks man, I know i'm disappeared, but thats because i have to study for finals exams and also we are in xmas and im not too much in computer if i'm not studying, sry mates
  6. I believe it will come, this error is becasue when Akkarin registered the domain didn't use valid data, look the WHOIS: Admin Name : rAthena DNS here should be placed his real name, so ICANN is asking for that real data, well just what says in the webpage: I don't think it's a payment problem, but who knows (ps: maybe im wrong in all of this )
  7. Hice esta tool para intentar agilizar el proceso de poner objetos custom (esta en fase beta) para clientes 2013: link para clientes 2012: link Espero que os ayude, y si encontrais algun error o algo raro mandadme un PM y lo arreglo
  8. I have got my left hand broken.. YRO again waiting there... *sigh*

  9. I think you are contradicting yourself... you want to be helped and you are asking for a free support community or wth and then you want to copyright/not post the script you are asking for? so why people would help you?
  10. Doch

    Item Search

    Wow, didn't see the update! thanks GmOcean
  11. low rates 4 ever. high rates is stupid (at least for me), and mid rates in my opinion breaks the market (things worth much more less and you can get things easily)
  12. Update: Callback System to assure that the votes has been submitted correctly = no more points to people without vote [ Just need the part of Flux CP for release to people (topic of the paid job) ] Item Creator 2013 [bETA] Item Creator 2012 [bETA] Improvements in SEO stuff Added the possibility to show images of your server in your account Fixed some missing maps Fixed error in the quality graphic images Fixed some bugs Fixed some link errors when view items Item creators may be bugged or not show all the information is needed to insert a custom item, test will be appreciated even rewarded in the future The launch is just in the corner, stay tuned!
  13. People PM me and then disappear for weeks, I don't understand this people

  14. YRO in one week or less...

  15. If you are not busy, consider my PM
  16. Working again in YRO!

  17. show me what are you trying to put in the iframe, but it seems that the CSS loads before the iframe or something, idk PS: the translator you are using isn't too good
  18. could you explain better what are you trying to do?
  19. <iframe src="www.something.com"></iframe> http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_iframe.asp all attributes you can use with iframes ^
  20. Doch

    YRO poll

    i'm glad to see that people votes grow slowly. the votes will be closed in one month more or less till I end some exams that I have soon, later ( if everything it's okay ) i'll make the last update and the official launching of the website, so stay tuned!
  21. Busy one month..

  22. www.yourolist.com

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