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Everything posted by Garr

  1. Go into friend window options, and uncheck opening 1:1 chats.
  2. You can just use Act Editor from Tokei, it has built-in magnify under Scripts tab.
  3. Well, either src editing or plugin. I don't remember any commands that let you check player's elemental resistances.
  4. Hmm. That depends on the client you're using. If I remember correctly latest ones have a table that lets you increase size of monster sprite. Iirc it's the one in system called monster_size_effect.lub (or lua). But I'm not sure starting which client it works. Otherwise I don't know any options besides resizing sprite itself, sorry.
  5. ** Create a permanent monster spawn: <map name>,<x>,<y>,<xs>,<ys>%TAB%monster%TAB%<monster name>%TAB%<mob id>,<amount>,<delay1>,<delay2>,<event>{,<mob size>,<mob ai>} ... There are two optional fields for monster size and AI. Size can be 0 (medium), 1 (small), or 2 (big). AI can be 0 (default), 1 (attack/friendly), 2 (sphere), 3 (flora), or 4 (zanzou). Also *monster "<map name>",<x>,<y>,"<name to show>",<mob id>,<amount>{,"<event label>"{,<size>{,<ai>}}}; *areamonster "<map name>",<x1>,<y1>,<x2>,<y2>,"<name to show>",<mob id>,<amount>{,"<event label>"{,<size>{,<ai>}}}; ... <size> can be: 0 = medium (default) 1 = small 2 = big From doc/script_commands.txt
  6. What if you just remove sample plugin from compiling? Will the next one error? (I mean, it's not needed anyway. It's just a sample on how to write/compile/use plugins)
  7. You have @set/#set. Why'd you need an NPC?
  8. Garr

    Array help

    Replace .itemname$[ .@k ] = getitemname( .itemid[ .@k ] ); with .itemname$[ .@k ] = (getitemname( .itemid[ .@k ] ) != "null")?getitemname( .itemid[ .@k ] ):""; That way nothing will be altered, client doesn't show empty options (""), but still counts them in when returning chosen index.
  9. That's exactly what I gave you, locations of all the pictures client uses. It's called "skin", since it can be selected. I'd advice you check if it works better with other skins (those can be places inside "skin" folder near client), if so then your current one is the problem, otherwise problem might be in exe itself, and then probably only @Neo can help you out.
  10. There's no other way I know but manually adjusting them. I'd advice you to get SDE to work with server files, it saves so much time. @True Zeal Last client that reads idnum files is 2012-04-10 iirc.
  11. Everything, and I mean *EVERYTHING* graphic related is client-side only. Server mostly works only with logic. Iirc only ever exception are guild emblems. And only because it needs to send them to other people. And, as far as I know, basic skin is located inside data.grf, "data\texture\À¯ÀúÀÎÅÍÆäÀ̽º". But i'd put my finger on skins, they should be in skin folder near your client.
  12. 1) Just open SDE 2) Open item db 3) Use "[type] 6" as filter 4) Select 1 card, then ctrl+A 5) Edit sell & buy price on the right window (it will edit ALL selected items) 6) Save 7) ... 8) Profit!
  13. I'd say it'd be way faster to change it in the db unless you want to randomize the price once in a while. And if you're using SDE, editing all cards in db directly would be pretty simple.
  14. *setiteminfo(<item id>,<type>,<value>) This function will set some value of an item. Returns the new value on success, or -1 on fail (item_id not found or invalid type). Valid types are: 0 - Buy Price; 1 - Sell Price; 2 - Item Type; 3 - maxchance (Max drop chance of this item e.g. 1 = 0.01% , etc.. if = 0, then monsters don't drop it at all (rare or a quest item) if = 10000, then this item is sold in NPC shops only 4 - sex; 5 - equip; 6 - weight; 7 - atk; 8 - def; 9 - range; 10 - slot; 11 - look; 12 - elv; 13 - wlv; 14 - view id Example: setiteminfo Stone, 6, 9990; // Stone now weighs 999.0
  15. Yup, I'm pretty sure I saw a thread about eamod being on github somewhere, didn't check it out though.
  16. By the looks of it there should be extra file with functions/routines, namely mission_settime and mission_sethunting. ETA: Try this one, don't forget to load the file I mentioned before this script. prt_in,90,72,4 script Zeph::HuntingSystem 4_M_JOB_HUNTER,{ mes "[^FFA500Zeph^000000]"; if( Mission_Tick < gettimetick(2) ) { if( Mission_Tick == 0 ) { mes "Hello..."; mes "Are you interesting in a job?"; next; next; mes "[^FFA500Zeph^000000]"; mes "I've to explain, I find many peoples interesting in ^0000FFHunting Missions^000000 every day."; mes "The missions consist of monsters to kill."; next; mes "[^FFA500Zeph^000000]"; mes "There are different difficulty Missions."; mes "But don't worry, you can work with your friends in groups or in any team."; next; mes "[^FFA500Zeph^000000]"; mes "You will have exactly 24 hours to complete a mission, if you finish in time then come back to me for the premium."; } else if( Mission_Ended ) { mes "Your new mission is ready, and I've looked over the documents."; mes "Are you ready to take on it?"; } else { mes "You've failed your last mission, you didn't finish within 24 hours or doesn't eliminated the total requested monsters."; next; mes "[^FFA500Zeph^000000]"; mes "There is your today's Mission."; mes "Are you ready to take on it?"; } next; if( select("Yes, what is my job?:No thanks, not today.") == 2 ) { mes "[^FFA500Zeph^000000]"; mes "Okay, come back if you've changed your mind."; close; } mes "[^FFA500Zeph^000000]"; mes "I let you reading..."; next; // Building Mission... // ======================================================================================================= callfunc("mission_settime",gettimetick(2) + 86400); // Mission Difficulty .@Mission_Rank = ((Mission_Rank % 45) * 2) + 1; // Bonus Difficulty .@Mission_Bonus = (Mission_Rank / 45) * 5; // Final Difficulty .@Mission_Rank = min(.@Mission_Rank + .@Mission_Bonus,99); Mission_Ended = 0; for( .@i = 1; .@i < 6; ++.@i ) { .@MobID = getmobrandid(.@Mission_Rank, 14); // Mission Index - Mob ID - Mob Amount callfunc("mission_sethunting",.@i, .@MobID, 75 - (.@Mission_Rank / 2) + (.@Mission_Bonus / 2)); } callfunc "MissionInfo"; next; mes "[^FFA500Zeph^000000]"; mes "Good luck, and remember that you have 24 hours to complete it."; mes "Come back if you're finished."; close; } else { mes "Hello, already here?"; mes "Let's see how you completed the mission..."; next; if( Mission_Count1 + Mission_Count2 + Mission_Count3 + Mission_Count4 + Mission_Count5 < 1 ) { mes "[^FFA500Zeph^000000]"; if( Mission_Ended == 0 ) { mes "Great! You did it ahead of schedule."; mes "Let me pay you for the job."; next; .@Mission_Lvl = 0; .@Mission_Exp = 0; .@Mission_Job = 0; for( .@i = 1; .@i < 6; ++.@i ) { .@MobID = getd("Mission_ID" + .@i); .@Mission_Lvl = .@Mission_Lvl + strmobinfo(3, .@MobID); .@Mission_Exp = .@Mission_Exp + (strmobinfo(6, .@MobID) * 10); .@Mission_Job = .@Mission_Job + (strmobinfo(7, .@MobID) * 10); } .@Mission_Zeny = .@Mission_Lvl * 150; if( .@Mission_Lvl < 125 ) .@Mission_Points = 5; else if( .@Mission_Lvl < 250 ) .@Mission_Points = 10; else .@Mission_Points = 15; // Mission Rewards... // ===================================================================== getexp .@Mission_Exp, .@Mission_Job, 100; Zeny += .@Mission_Zeny; Mission_Points += .@Mission_Points; if( Mission_Rank < 449 ) ++Mission_Rank; ++Mission_Completed; if( Mission_Completed > $TMission_Score ) { npctalk "Congratulations, you're the new Top Hunter of the day!!"; $TMission_Score = Mission_Completed; $TMission_CharID = getcharid(0); $TMission_Name$ = strcharinfo(0); $TMission_Job$ = jobname(Class); } if( $TMission_CharID == getcharid(0) ) #CASHPOINTS += 100; else #CASHPOINTS += 75; getitem 8996,1; // ===================================================================== // Clear Mission Data for( .@i = 1; .@i < 6; ++.@i ) callfunc("mission_sethunting",.@i,0,0); Mission_Ended = 1; } mes "[^FFA500Zeph^000000]"; mes "Your today's Mission is now complete."; set .@Time_Left, Mission_Tick - gettimetick(2); if( .@Time_Left > 3600 ) mes "You can get a new mission in ^0000FF" + (.@Time_Left / 3600) + " hours^000000."; else if( .@Time_Left > 60 ) mes "You can get a new mission in ^0000FF" + (.@Time_Left / 60) + " minutes^000000."; else if( .@Time_Left > 0 ) mes "You can get a new mission in ^0000FF" + (.@Time_Left) + " seconds^000000."; else mes "Let me sort out my papers to your new assignment."; close; } mes "[^FFA500Zeph^000000]"; mes "You're still not completed the mission, your missing monsters will be removed."; mes "Look at the poster on my left to see the status of your job."; close; } }
  17. Umm, iono where you got that info, but bubblegum doesn't give 2x chances, it actually doubles rate (just check its script, it gives SC status that multiplies current item rates). But iirc it's capped at 90% for non-guaranteed drops (>90% stayes unchanged, 90%~45% becomes 90%, <45% becomes 2x)
  18. It's patch/client-side error. It was reported to Neo here, I took what screenshots I could, is it the same for you?
  19. And how are you checking? Iirc it's *not* shown in the stat window.
  20. Well, probability works as follows: each card has 99% chance to fail (0.99), so there's a 0.99^4 = ~0.9606 (96.06%) chance that not a single card will hit. Rest (0.0394/ 3.94%) is the chance that *at least one* card effect will proc. ETA: Seems like file itself is deleted, I think? I can't get access to it as well.
  21. ^ I just composed a test case script and it worked calling cutin with both name in variable, or composed right on the spot. prontera,151,151,0 script VarTest 2_BULLETIN_BOARD,{ cutin "kafra_07",2; mes "Hello!"; next; cutin "",255; mes "Where'd my pic go?"; next; .@var = 7; //.@var$ = "kafra" + "_" + "07"; cutin "kafra" + "_0" + .@var,2; mes "Is it here?"; close; }
  22. Try removing russian characters off the folder path.
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