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Posts posted by nasagnilac

  1. still nothing happens when I clicked the client. BTW this is the patch I did in the 2019-05-30aRagexe.

    1 Use Tilde for Matk
    258 Enable Shortcut All Item
    9 Disable 1rag1 type parameters (Recommended)
    271 Change MonsterSizeEffect*.lub path
    273 Change PetEvolutionCln*.lub path
    19 Enable Title Bar Menu
    276 Change OngoingQuestInfoList*.lub path
    20 Extend Chat Box
    277 Change RecommendedQuestInfoList*.lub path
    21 Extend Chat Room Box
    278 Change PrivateAirplane*.lub path
    22 Extend PM Box
    23 Enable /who command (Recommended)
    284 Copy patched Cheat Defender Game Guard
    289 Fix Homunculus attack AI
    290 Hide build info in client (Recommended)
    34 Enable /showname (Recommended)
    291 Hide packets from peek (Recommended)
    36 Read msgstringtable.txt (Recommended)
    38 Remove Gravity Ads (Recommended)
    39 Remove Gravity Logo (Recommended)
    296 Force use icons only from stateiconimginfo.lub
    297 Hide keyboard button
    41 Disable Nagle Algorithm (Recommended)
    43 Always Use Email for Char Deletion
    44 Translate Client (Recommended)
    46 Use Normal Guild Brackets (Recommended)
    305 Hide tip button
    63 Use Official Cloth Palettes
    64 @ Bug Fix (Recommended)
    65 Load Custom lua file instead of iteminfo*.lub (Recommended)
    73 Remove Hourly Announce (Recommended)
    84 Remove Serial Display (Recommended)
    90 Enable DNS Support (Recommended)
    200 Enable Multiple GRFs - Embedded
    213 Disable Help Message on Login (Recommended)
    231 Remove hardcoded address/port (Recommended)
    232 Restore old login packet (Recommended)
    235 Enable guild while in clan
    239 Ignore /account: command line argument
    244 Disable Cheat Defender Game Guard (Recommended)
    247 Change new char name field height
    248 Remove wrong chars from cash shop
    253 Skip some hidden menu icon buttons

    maybe you can help me check what is missing or wrong on it.

  2. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="euc-kr" ?>

    Is this correct in my clientinfo.xml? when I use the recommended multiple grf the client open with hotkey errors but when I used the embedded grf client dont open.

  3. 4 minutes ago, 4144 said:

    2015 client too old, probably you using grf or data incompatible with this client. try search old full clients, and check with them.

    also hercules must be compiled for 2015 client for exact version, you can see how compile it on page where you downloaded client exe

    No sir I am using 2019, 2019-05-30aRagexe. I am looking for a new client that will fix the character selection when you have 800x600 resolution. I am having trouble in 2018 and maybe this 2019 client will have a new UI for character selection and can be used in 800x600.


  4. On 7/18/2019 at 5:04 PM, Vietlubu said:

    How about other GRF files and data folder? Just keep that file in original data.grf

    I also got this error before and remove file data/viewpointtable.txt help me resolve the issue.

    Look like this error appear only in RagexeRE

  5. 10 minutes ago, Vietlubu said:

    How about other GRF files and data folder? Just keep that file in original data.grf

    I also got this error before and remove file data/viewpointtable.txt help me resolve the issue.

    Still the same I only got that on my data.grf and deleted it. also dont have data folder. I use 2018-06-21aRagexe client.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Vietlubu said:

    @nasagnilac, If you using a translated data folder. Try to delete file data/viewpointtable.txt and test again.

    I dont have that in my encrypted grf and I use GRF Editor. Im using the same diff before but after updating this error appear now if grf is encrypted.

  7. Quote

    1 Use Tilde for Matk
    258 Enable Shortcut All Item
    8 Custom Window Title
    9 Disable 1rag1 type parameters (Recommended)
    268 Restore chat focus
    271 Change MonsterSizeEffect*.lub path
    273 Change PetEvolutionCln*.lub path
    18 Skip Service Selection Screen
    19 Enable Title Bar Menu
    276 Change OngoingQuestInfoList* path
    20 Extend Chat Box
    277 Change RecommendedQuestInfoList* path
    21 Extend Chat Room Box
    278 Change PrivateAirplane*.lub path
    22 Extend PM Box
    279 Fix item description bug
    23 Enable /who command (Recommended)
    280 Change guild exp limit
    24 Fix Camera Angles (Recommended)
    28 Increase Headgear ViewID
    285 Fix act delay for act files with many frames
    286 Hide zero date (1969-01-01) in guild members window
    287 Change character display deletion time from actual date to relative date
    288 Draw shield on top of other player sprites
    289 Fix Homunculus attack AI
    290 Hide build info in client (Recommended)
    34 Enable /showname (Recommended)
    291 Hide packets from peek (Recommended)
    35 Read Data Folder First
    36 Read msgstringtable.txt (Recommended)
    38 Remove Gravity Ads (Recommended)
    39 Remove Gravity Logo (Recommended)
    40 Restore Login Window (Recommended)
    297 Hide keyboard button
    41 Disable Nagle Algorithm (Recommended)
    43 Always Use Email for Char Deletion
    44 Translate Client (Recommended)
    46 Use Normal Guild Brackets (Recommended)
    48 Use Plain Text Descriptions (Recommended)
    305 Hide tip button
    53 Use Ascii on All LangTypes (Recommended)
    63 Use Official Cloth Palettes
    64 @ Bug Fix (Recommended)
    65 Load Custom lua file instead of iteminfo*.lub (Recommended)
    69 Extend Npc Dialog Box
    73 Remove Hourly Announce (Recommended)
    74 Increase Screenshot Quality
    75 Enable Flag Emoticons
    84 Remove Serial Display (Recommended)
    86 Only First Login Background
    88 Allow space in guild name
    90 Enable DNS Support (Recommended)
    91 Disconnect to Login Window
    97 Cancel to Login Window (Recommended)
    105 Hide Nav Button
    106 Hide BG Button
    108 Hide Booking Button
    111 Hide Rec Button
    200 Enable Multiple GRFs - Embedded
    212 Restore Roulette
    213 Disable Help Message on Login (Recommended)
    215 Increase Map Quality
    216 Hide Cash Shop
    218 Show Exp Numbers
    223 Move Item Count Upwards [Experimental]
    225 Show Register Button
    230 Always load Korea ExternalSettings lua file
    233 Hide SNS Button
    235 Enable guild while in clan
    239 Ignore /account: command line argument
    240 Load custom ClientInfo file
    247 Change new char name field height
    248 Remove wrong chars from cash shop
    249 Change minimal screen resolution limit
    250 Allow leader to leave party if no members on map
    251 Allow close cutin by pressing esc key
    253 Skip some hidden menu icon buttons
    254 Change Max Items in inventory
    256 Use Default Web Browser In Cashshop


    I encountered error when encrypting the client.

    I tested it also in non gepard client and still receiving the same error. when removing the encryption it works.



  8. On 10/21/2017 at 2:39 AM, Effas said:

    You need to update your mapcache, if it's not works - use GAT edit in Browedit. 


    On 10/21/2017 at 0:31 AM, Habilis said:

    Looks like halloween prontera or something....

    While changing Prontera map, did you update mapcache?

    Any of you knows how I can flatten the gat?Untitled.thumb.png.49fce97c78d4f6b400460f931133dda4.png

  9. On 4/9/2017 at 6:57 PM, Mikegyver said:

    Try use 2014-10-22bRagexe or 2015-05-13aRagexe..use older client perhaps u may trouble with the client crash to certain map as mostly player now using 2016 Full kRO client..

    Do you have idea where I can get 2015-05-13aRagexe.

  10. void mapif_parse_accinfo2(bool success, int map_fd, int u_fd, int u_aid, int account_id, const char *userid, const char *user_pass,
    		const char *email, const char *last_ip, const char *lastlogin, const char *pin_code, const char *birthdate,
    		int group_id, int logincount, int state)
    	if (map_fd <= 0 || !sockt->session_is_active(map_fd))
    		return; // check if we have a valid fd
    	if (!success) {
    		inter->msg_to_fd(map_fd, u_fd, u_aid, "No account with ID '%d' was found.", account_id);
    	inter->msg_to_fd(map_fd, u_fd, u_aid, "-- Account %d --", account_id);
    	// VIP Information
    	if (SQL_ERROR == SQL->Query(inter->sql_handle, "SELECT `group_id`"
    		"FROM login WHERE `account_id` = '%d'", account_id)
    		|| SQL->NumRows(inter->sql_handle) == 0) {
    		if (SQL->NumRows(inter->sql_handle) == 0) {
    			inter->msg_to_fd(map_fd, u_fd, u_aid, "This account is invalid");
    		else {
    			inter->msg_to_fd(map_fd, u_fd, u_aid, "An error occurred, bother your admin about it.");
    	else {
    		while (SQL_SUCCESS == SQL->NextRow(inter->sql_handle)) {
    			char *data;
    			int group_id;
    			SQL->GetData(inter->sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); group_id = atoi(data);
    			if (group_id == 1) {
    				inter->msg_to_fd(map_fd, u_fd, u_aid, "-- VIP Status: %s", "Bronze");
    			else if (group_id == 2) {
    				inter->msg_to_fd(map_fd, u_fd, u_aid, "-- VIP Status: %s", "Silver");
    			else if (group_id == 3) {
    				inter->msg_to_fd(map_fd, u_fd, u_aid, "-- VIP Status: %s", "Gold");
    	inter->msg_to_fd(map_fd, u_fd, u_aid, "User: %s | GM Group: %d | State: %d", userid, group_id, state);
    	if (*user_pass != '\0') { /* password is only received if your gm level is greater than the one you're searching for */
    		if (pin_code && *pin_code != '\0')
    			inter->msg_to_fd(map_fd, u_fd, u_aid, "Password: %s (PIN:%s)", user_pass, pin_code);
    			inter->msg_to_fd(map_fd, u_fd, u_aid, "Password: %s", user_pass );
    	inter->msg_to_fd(map_fd, u_fd, u_aid, "Account e-mail: %s | Birthdate: %s", email, birthdate);
    	inter->msg_to_fd(map_fd, u_fd, u_aid, "Last IP: %s (%s)", last_ip, geoip->getcountry(sockt->str2ip(last_ip)));
    	inter->msg_to_fd(map_fd, u_fd, u_aid, "This user has logged %d times, the last time were at %s", logincount, lastlogin);
    	inter->msg_to_fd(map_fd, u_fd, u_aid, "-- Character Details --");
    	if ( SQL_ERROR == SQL->Query(inter->sql_handle, "SELECT `char_id`, `name`, `char_num`, `class`, `base_level`, `job_level`, `online` "
    	                                         "FROM `%s` WHERE `account_id` = '%d' ORDER BY `char_num` LIMIT %d", char_db, account_id, MAX_CHARS)
    	  || SQL->NumRows(inter->sql_handle) == 0 ) {
    		if (SQL->NumRows(inter->sql_handle) == 0) {
    			inter->msg_to_fd(map_fd, u_fd, u_aid, "This account doesn't have characters.");
    		} else {
    			inter->msg_to_fd(map_fd, u_fd, u_aid, "An error occurred, bother your admin about it.");
    	} else {
    		while ( SQL_SUCCESS == SQL->NextRow(inter->sql_handle) ) {
    			char *data;
    			int char_id, class;
    			int char_num, base_level, job_level, online;
    			char name[NAME_LENGTH];
    			SQL->GetData(inter->sql_handle, 0, &data, NULL); char_id = atoi(data);
    			SQL->GetData(inter->sql_handle, 1, &data, NULL); safestrncpy(name, data, sizeof(name));
    			SQL->GetData(inter->sql_handle, 2, &data, NULL); char_num = atoi(data);
    			SQL->GetData(inter->sql_handle, 3, &data, NULL); class = atoi(data);
    			SQL->GetData(inter->sql_handle, 4, &data, NULL); base_level = atoi(data);
    			SQL->GetData(inter->sql_handle, 5, &data, NULL); job_level = atoi(data);
    			SQL->GetData(inter->sql_handle, 6, &data, NULL); online = atoi(data);
    			inter->msg_to_fd(map_fd, u_fd, u_aid, "[Slot/CID: %d/%d] %s | %s | Level: %d/%d | %s", char_num, char_id, name, inter->job_name(class), base_level, job_level, online?"On":"Off");

    On this code I want to add the group of the account. But can find how to reproduce the code. Anyone can help me?

  11. I need someone help. I am receiving a client error in hair color and hair style. I want to bring it back to default. But Im not sure what are the hex that I need to replace. It will take a long time if I am going to make a new client again because it already had a gepard configuration and it hard to contact functor. Im not sure if patch 104 Increase Hair Style & Color Limits did it.


  12. Hi, I need suggestion where I can get stable client for latest herc emulator today. Can you please send me link or date of the client. Thank you in advance. I am having trouble with 2012-04-10aRagexe client using NEMO so that's why I need your help.



    Getting error if I disable the buttons like battle/record/booking.

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