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Everything posted by raPalooza~

  1. It's not only data modification but a whole lot of code behind it ^^ just to clarify. Forgot i posted this here. Ive done a bunch of iterations on this project. The coding part is very easy, You could just change the clif_ where the original HP is updated checking for mob hp and load the hateffect id on the mob.... I think the most dificult part is .lua + design of the bars itself.
  2. Nice analysis for my random question xD. Thanks for all the informations ^^. I think you can reverse the development process and see where the "playable" treshold stands at. For example blocking all the packet and then enabling back, while doing some kinda of perfomance test to see the hit on memory. You would probably need to setup a test environment, eg, 1,4,8,20 players in the area. But that's a lot of work xD And afterall the project already stants on a very awesome state so congratz again.
  3. @AnnieRuru I knew about the woe hiding the damage, but I was wondering if hiding everyones damage but yours would reduce bandwidth and memory. Example: If tou have 20 player hiting a worldboss for 123456789(damages are high nowadays) That wouldbe 20 x 12356789 packets sent with that value per player... If it shows only your (self) damage there would be 1 x 123456789 damage packet and 19 x -1 for the damage animation. (Hope its clear) Do you think It would improve performance?
  4. I've never seen this kinda of modification and i think its very neat one to maybe put as a forced settings via mapflag. Maybe the ability to only see the damage you deal and recieve, the packet would still be sent anyway because I think it's bounded to "receive damage" animaiton effect, but might reduce image cluster when maps are crowded. Maybe if passing it as 0 would reduce memory? noidea Not sure what else could we block from been area sent ^^ Gratz on the project
  5. Its using KRO and if i'm not mistaken, at least 2018 files.
  6. Loved your modernization on the skill effects! And i felt honored by the 'Modern' as I always use this term for my uploads ;] hope you edit more effect to this degree of quality so you can maybe compile it all on a "modern pack" All the best!
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Hello once again... ;] Here to bring you guys this GR2 edit of the old guild flag that i've made years ago. This release features a more high resolution mesh with a 2 sided flag, showing the emblem in both sides. It means that you can overlap 2 flags with 2 oposite directions to generate a cool effect. You can do what you want. The instalation: - at jobname.lua/lub: -- [jobtbl.JT_GUILD_FLAG] = "rapa_flag.gr2", note that you cannot have the _1 at the end of de .gr2 filename since it brings the 3dmob_bones into action and we dont want that. some cons: - since it is a high res model it takes longer to load ( affects map loading time ) - the positioning of a 3D gr2 mob is always very glichy, for example the final position after movement is diferent from deafault 8 directional.. so you can come up with some ideas to position it right. For example, doing a OnInit: walknpc... to make it walk to the direction you want it to face... Video: ( Was recording other stuff but the model appear on screen, don't mind what i'm doing... )
  8. View File Custom Flag GR2 Hello once again... ;] Here to bring you guys this GR2 edit of the old guild flag that i've made years ago. This release features a more high resolution mesh with a 2 sided flag, showing the emblem in both sides. It means that you can overlap 2 flags with 2 oposite directions to generate a cool effect. You can do what you want. The instalation: - at jobname.lua/lub: -- [jobtbl.JT_GUILD_FLAG] = "rapa_flag.gr2", note that you cannot have the _1 at the end of de .gr2 filename since it brings the 3dmob_bones into action and we dont want that. some cons: - since it is a high res model it takes longer to load ( affects map loading time ) - the positioning of a 3D gr2 mob is always very glichy, for example the final position after movement is diferent from deafault 8 directional.. so you can come up with some ideas to position it right. For example, doing a OnInit: walknpc... to make it walk to the direction you want it to face... Video: ( Was recording other stuff but the model appear on screen, don't mind what i'm doing... ) Submitter raPalooza~ Submitted 05/02/19 Category Other Graphics
  9. With the usage of HatEffects(.str files) and source editing I was able to create a new mob HP bar with a more modern look to it. ;] Even add different color and effects to MVP and Minibosses... Since it uses hateffect lua files i found some limitations regarding the ID(dunno if client locked)... wich is bad ;/ it also uses a huge amount of str effects since you need 1 for each hp stage... I did mine with 20 different bar %...
  10. View File Town of Beginnings from SwordArtOnline Town of Beginnings from SAO I'm releasing this map that I made a while ago for a SAO-RAG project that has been put on hold, and i felt like it's too good of a map to put it on a shelf ;] Hope you guys enjoy the release. ;] Some files inside include the color changes on some texture files, so keep that in mind, and delete them if you want. Here is a video that I also posted in my showcase topic Submitter raPalooza~ Submitted 04/16/19 Category Maps & Textures  
  11. Version 1


    Town of Beginnings from SAO I'm releasing this map that I made a while ago for a SAO-RAG project that has been put on hold, and i felt like it's too good of a map to put it on a shelf ;] Hope you guys enjoy the release. ;] Some files inside include the color changes on some texture files, so keep that in mind, and delete them if you want. Here is a video that I also posted in my showcase topic
  12. It's an issue that i know exists, since it's an old cursor file. I myself use my cursor on 06-20 without this sprites and it is indeed very annoying not seeing the cursor when hovering unwalkable cells. I'll try find some time to update it in the next few days... Thanks @Emistry
  13. @vykimo NICE! keepup the good work! everthing is looking awesome, im very curious on how it all done, lets hope it goes full realease ;] cant donate via paypal ;/
  14. As an enthusiast of modifying the visual features from the original client, just the idea of a full open client brings tears to my eyes ;]]], so many possibilities, even creating a near complete different game. All the best to you and this project mate. I'll be soon donating you some coffee cuz this seems like a coffee chugging project xD \o/
  15. View File High-Res DamageFont High-Res Damagefont Here is a new damage font i've cooked for you guys. Alot simpler than the other ones ive uploaded, wen't for a more minimalistic design. I've tried not to kill the pixelated vibe that we all love from the original one, but still improving its resolution. Was pretty happy with the result ;] Hope you all like it. CyA Submitter raPalooza~ Submitted 11/19/18 Category Sprites & Palettes  
  16. Version 1.0.0


    High-Res Damagefont Here is a new damage font i've cooked for you guys. Alot simpler than the other ones ive uploaded, wen't for a more minimalistic design. I've tried not to kill the pixelated vibe that we all love from the original one, but still improving its resolution. Was pretty happy with the result ;] Hope you all like it. CyA
  17. Realy amazing work! just hope you make quick guide on how to compile it... right now it seams very hard, at least for me xD
  18. @Temtaime shouldn't we be focusing on the vanilla stuff first? i mean... interface customization would work better through an later API, so we can have an infinite opensource amount of Interfaces withing the community.. even the community helping with the new interface stuff and packets (i'm talking about the juicy new refine system)... It's just an idea... edit: Just trying things out xD here some inspiration for you
  19. I meant on plugin, on a clif itself. to be used with timer->addtimer
  20. It is a very simple question of how can I create a timed clif->specialeffect?
  21. Does anyone know if this is hexable? in skillid.lub there are those 2 lines that supposedly control this... but it is ingored by the cliend.. but I assume the client itself hardcodes those ID... THIRDJOB_BEGIN = 2000, THIRDJOB_END = 2532, Even tho... Skill RK_DRAGONBREATH_WATER = 5004, goes into the 3rd tab... This is a mess.... hahahah
  22. F*ck... Is @Neo able to make it freely alocable through hexing? This think is freaking dumb xD ( idk why they made it hardcoded... )
  23. I ran into a pretty odd thing on Raganarok skill tab lua files, that i just want to confirm... looks like that when trying to put skills on third job classes(tab) the skills needs to be in range of the 3rd skills ID otherwise it's located to the 2nd tab, ignoring the inheritlisting steps... can anyone confirm if this is a client bound configuration or if is something i'm doing wrong in the lua files... ex: try adding the runwatch to rune knight and you see it will pop on the 2nd tab... obs: using 2015-05-13
  24. The dream for those who love customizing Ragnarok like myself. I cant say how anxious and happy I am. @Vlync that's not how we should welcome such a ambitious project, and when i say ambitious i mean that the complexity of this project is huge! Someone trying to accomplish something like this for the community should always be celebrated, even with the failures of previous attempts. @Temtaime Thank you for your time, and count on me with testing! Hope to give you ideas on the creation of an APIs to help developers interact with the client engine. And as you said, there is an infinity of possibilities with a custom client \o/ Hope to hear more about the project soon. ;]
  25. Heard of this awesome thing! But what i want is specialeffect a range of mob_ids from a players array. ( mobs2kill[0] for example ) I'm doing this by post plugin hooking at clif_getareachar_unit but as i mention pc_readglobalreg seems to not handle array functions. x_X
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