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HD Scripts

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Everything posted by HD Scripts

  1. Hi, I'm using the floating_rates.txt from folder npc/custom/etc. But my emulador on exp.conf: base_exp_rate: 1500 job_exp_rate: 1500 @Edit Solved, i just put this command after command setbattleflag atcommand "@reloadmobdb"; Can close topic. Ths.
  2. Pois é, eu gostaria de achar uma forma mais fácil. Esse programa era bom, fazia o que prometia. Mas enfim, vamos estudar outra forma, ou usar SQL mesmo.
  3. Ele funcionava com Hercules. Porém agora fica dando esse erro...
  4. Boa noite. Me deparei com um problema no programa chamado "Server Database Edidor" (SDE). Segui um tutorial do rathena, porém não está mais dando certo com o item_db.conf atual. Aparece o seguinte erro: Porém, no arquivo não tem erro nenhum na linha 20493 como mostrado abaixo: Alguém sabe como eu fazer isso funcionar? Obrigado. Link do tutorial do rAthena: https://rathena.org/board/files/file/3895-item_dbtxt-translator-sync-with-iteminfo/
  5. 1 - to desactive message "warped" can comment line on messages.conf on folder conf of emulator. //0: Warped. 2 - to desactive message homunculus auto feed, can add this lines on homunc.conf on battle folder of emulator. // Send auto-feed notice even if OFF (Note 1) // Official: yes homunculus_autofeed_always: no
  6. hi, can disable this messages when change maps... 1 - go to emulator/conf/map/battle/client.conf go to end file, then add this: // At each map exchange, two messages are sent in the chat // Changing this setting to 'no' will prevent both messages from being sent // Default: yes annoying_mapchange_messages: yes 2 - On Source src/map/battle.c +/- on line 7452 add this: { "annoying_mapchange_messages", &battle_config.annoying_mapchange_messages, 1, 0, 1, }, 3 - On Source src/map/battle.h search for "int autoloot_adjust;" then add after: int annoying_mapchange_messages; 4 - On Source src/map/clif.c search for "if( sd->state.changemap ) {" then add after: if (battle_config.annoying_mapchange_messages) { and after "#endif" close brackets } like this: if (battle_config.annoying_mapchange_messages) { #if PACKETVER >= 20070918 clif_partyinvitationstate(sd); clif_equipcheckbox(sd); #endif } Credits to "Dani" from brAthena.
  7. your emulator don't have bound system included... try new version of emulator hercules.
  8. try set .@num$, .@num % (10 ** (.@i + 1)) / (10 ** .@i) + .@num$;
  9. post how u solved this pls
  10. Sim, postei porque caso tenha um item_db.txt pt-br pode tentar converter... Eu mesmo tentei e não consegui... instalei o perl mas não rola
  11. Dá uma olhadinha > https://herc.ws/board/topic/3472-source-of-item_dbtxt-to-item_dbconf/
  12. HD Scripts

    erro npc

    Tu usou esses scripts de outro emulador... Ou de um Herc antigo. Pra resolver substitua os ID's pelos nomes dos sprites. http://nn.ai4rei.net/dev/npclist/?qq=8
  13. try this https://rathena.org/board/topic/112195-editing-the-warp-portal-sprite/
  14. I'm use Hercules now... But, i can implement this src command? No plugins, command.
  15. Someboy teachs me to implement this src on rathena? no plugins
  16. Guys, i have a little problem. The "showevent" command does not work on my emulator. I'm using the new version of github, but it's not working at all. prontera mapflag loadevent prontera,150,150,3 script showevent 4_F_BRZ_WOMAN,{ end; OnPCLoadMapEvent: if(strcharinfo(3) == strnpcinfo(4)) { .@questInProgress = 1; showevent(.@questInProgress ? QTYPE_QUEST : QTYPE_NONE); } end; } My hexed 2014-10-22b Any solution? thanks'
  17. yes, stop ALL operations... but was only solution for this moment u have a solution for now? i don't know
  18. Solved! Just add this on skill.c #include "../common/atomic.h" And use the command: Sleep (10000); // 10 seconds Will freeze player and script until progress... thanks"
  19. Well, i try to make a custom skill, Fishing So, i need to player "stop" or "freeze" while executing this skill... On after this line: clif_progressbar(sd, strtol(color, (char **)NULL, 0), 10); This line, make a progressbar on char, but, i need to after create the progressbar, the player will stop ou freeze while command after this line is executing... ex: Use skill Fishing, appears 10 second progressbar and stop player and script (src) until stop 10 seconds. After, the command create a fish... What to do? ps: sorry my bad english
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