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Found 6 results

  1. Maps in Arena format "The Sacred Blood" (O sangue Sacro) Hii Guys, New maps in arena format, no obstacle in the arena, focused strictly on pvp (beating vs beating) ... This is the right map for you to decide who is the grandmaster in the best x1 style. Sacred or Blood? "Choose your side, release your essence, and come to the fight!"
  2. Hii Guys... I finished another map for RO, the idea is to be a pvp thematic map, but it can be used for many other things, it goes from the creativity of the person, it can be map for events, gvg, dungeon, quest room, vip room, adm room , gold room, etc ... etc ... etc ... The theme is gaia, mother earth. then the map is all green with plenty of foliage, trees, grass, dirt floor, water around, etc. usually pvp maps are dark, indoors. So the idea was a more open, clearer environment with more sunshine ... LET'S GIVE A FANTASY TOUCH IN THE SCENE OF THE BATTLES. att, Tio Akima VIDEO
  3. Version 1.0.0


    ARENA Four Fight! (4fight) - PVP MAP 3 colors available (GREEN, BLUE AND RED) (It's been some time since I started to make this map, but I did not have time to finish it ... It's a basic room, I intend to complement it in other versions in the future!) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -It is a custom room with 4 arena for PVP, but can have several functions, such as room for Quest's, Market (shop's), VIP room, meetings, events, etc ... Map created by TioAkima and distributed (without any cost) by the author himself. The trade in this map is permanently prohibited. - AUTHOR RIGHTS - Credits must be given. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- att, Tio Akima Contato/contact Dicord - @TioAkima#0636 DeviantArt- http://tioakima.deviantart.com/
  4. View File Arena 4fight - by Tio Akima ARENA Four Fight! (4fight) - PVP MAP 3 colors available (GREEN, BLUE AND RED) (It's been some time since I started to make this map, but I did not have time to finish it ... It's a basic room, I intend to complement it in other versions in the future!) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -It is a custom room with 4 arena for PVP, but can have several functions, such as room for Quest's, Market (shop's), VIP room, meetings, events, etc ... Map created by TioAkima and distributed (without any cost) by the author himself. The trade in this map is permanently prohibited. - AUTHOR RIGHTS - Credits must be given. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- att, Tio Akima Contato/contact Dicord - @TioAkima#0636 DeviantArt- http://tioakima.deviantart.com/ Submitter Tio Akima Submitted 07/26/18 Category Maps & Textures  
  5. View File soularena BG Map (free) It is a small gift from me to the Ragnarok Community soularena is created for SoulRO and anyone can use it This map is created by me (caspe) & it is 100% free Request to users Do not claim other's work as yours Do not sell this map Give credit to the original creator all texture and models which are used in this map are created by Gravity. Submitter caspe Submitted 02/09/18 Category Maps & Textures  
  6. Version 1.0.0


    It is a small gift from me to the Ragnarok Community soularena is created for SoulRO and anyone can use it This map is created by me (caspe) & it is 100% free Request to users Do not claim other's work as yours Do not sell this map Give credit to the original creator all texture and models which are used in this map are created by Gravity.
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