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Found 8 results

  1. tell me what must i check to get rid that warning, please.... thank you
  2. Hello, On my server i am using a coin that gives players VIP Status ( Super Player ) IS it also posible that people that have that Rank get double exp? Or is there a script that gives vip status with double exp.
  3. Hi, bros! I really need your help, guys! I'm looking for the way to change the max level for Taekwondo class. I really want to stimulate the Taek Rank in my server, but its low base level become it so hard. So, I think that change the max base level/stats will help it a little, but I don't know/found how to do it at this forum. Can anybody explain it for me, pleaaase? Since now, thank you guys!
  4. I'm looking to start a new long term programming project, and I would like some assistance on where to start. What I want to know how to do is to add more exp systems into the game. There is currently are base exp and job exp systems, I would like to add in a player exp system. I would post a wall about what the details of this system are but the I would like help with the mechanics more than a discussion about the uses. When a player kills a monster, the player gains base and job exp. What I would like to add is that when a character kills a monster, the character gains exp in a separate variable for the other characters around. Example: Party of 3 novices named A, B, and C kill a poring. Each novice gains 1 base and 1 job exp. Novice A gains 1 "character B" exp and 1 "character C" exp Novice B gains 1 "character A" exp and 1 "character C" exp​ Novice C gains 1 "character A" exp and 1 "character B" exp​ "character *" exp won't be used for base or job exp in any way. Completely independent, their effects will be handled with their own set of mechanics. I understand that this could result in up to (N^2 - N) new exp bars for the server to track (N being the number of characters), but storage capacity isn't an issue, for me at least.
  5. Hi How can I change the minimum level required to exp share in a party? Thx ^.^
  6. Strow

    [Ajuda] Exp recebida

    Olá, estou tendo um problema com o Hercules atual que está no github. A exp do servidor está 5k de rate, porém quando mato um mob ganho sempre 0 de exp. Notei também que gradativamente quando eu dou @baselvup a partir do level 6 eu começo a receber 1 de exp e no level máximo eu recebo 405000 de um poring. Mas independente do up o personagem não upa, o job ele dá como recebido mas também não evolui. Não são gerados erros no log do emulador. Utilizo as configurações: pre-renewall hexed: 2012-04-10 data fui eu mesmo que montei OBS: A data e o hexed estão funcionando normal no rAthena, cronus e em um outro emulador hercules também. OBS2: Todos os monstros estão dando EXP igual independente de qual você mate a partir do nv 6
  7. Alguém sabe me dizer como posso alterar o nível mínimo para que seja possível dividir experiência em uma party? Obrigado ^^
  8. Hi, i'm diconfrost vanz. I own WipeOutRO. it's a midrate server. Well, enough for introductions. i'm making a premium system for my server that will give boost on exp/drop and give something like instant access on some maps. At first i tried to use the script of Rafael http://rathena.org/board/topic/67140-viplib-v14b-vipadmin-v13a-updated/ and i failed to make it to my liking. And after that i tried using this http://rathena.org/board/topic/77630-vip-system/ but the npc script was incomplete and i can't make an item script for it. And now i was using this script made by my friend Jezu, http://www.wipeoutgaming.info/VIP.zip It's a perfect one for me, the only problem i have there is i can't make an item script for it. Can you help me rescript or recode it so i can make something like a item script using callfunc or something can be used in item scripts?
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