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  1. Hello. I tried the Queue BG rewrite by KUBIX link: http://herc.ws/board/topic/12349-queue-bg-rewrite/#entry71761 , but i have this problem with the Battle Recruiter NPC. What should i do please? i can't click on the npc. Thanks in advance! Here's the npc scrip and screenshot of the problem: function script cleanBgQuests { for(.@i = 8500; .@i < 8511; .@i ++) if( (.@i != 8506 && questprogress(.@i, PLAYTIME) ) ) erasequest .@i; return; } - script Battle_Register FAKE_NPC,{ end; OnJoinBG: mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "Welcome to the Battleground register service."; next; if( select( "Register:Close" ) == 2) close; if( questprogress(8506, PLAYTIME) ) erasequest 8506; else if( questprogress(8506, PLAYTIME) == 1 ) { mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "You are a Deserter. You can't participate until the indicator goes off"; close; } if( getcharid(4) ) { mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "You already in Battle Group."; close; } .@qid1 = queueiterator( $@Croix_Duplicate ); .@qid2 = queueiterator( $@Guill_Duplicate ); for( .@i = 0; .@i < .BG_Max[ .Index ]; .@i ++ ) { if( qiget(.@qid1) == ( .MultipleCheck == 1? getcharid(0):getcharip() ) || qiget(.@qid2) == ( .MultipleCheck == 1? getcharid(0):getcharip() ) ) { mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "You already in queue."; close; } } cleanBgQuests(); switch( .Battle_State ) { default: case 0: case 2: mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "Queue not available. Try again later or contact your administrator."; close; case 1: // idle if( getarraysize( $@Croix_QID ) < .BG_Max[ .Index ] || getarraysize( $@Guill_QID ) < .BG_Max[ .Index ] ) { if( getarraysize( $@Croix_QID ) > getarraysize( $@Guill_QID ) ) { if( !queueadd( $@Guill_Duplicate, ( .MultipleCheck == 1? getcharid(0):getcharip() ) ) ) { mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "You already in queue"; close; } $@Guill_QID[ $@Guill ] = getcharid(3); $@Guill ++; if( .debug ) debugmes strcharinfo(0) + " guillame"; } else if( getarraysize( $@Croix_QID ) < getarraysize( $@Guill_QID ) ) { if( !queueadd( $@Croix_Duplicate, ( .MultipleCheck == 1? getcharid(0):getcharip() ) ) ) { mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "You already in queue"; close; } $@Croix_QID[ $@Croix ] = getcharid(3); $@Croix ++; if( .debug ) debugmes strcharinfo(0) + " croix"; } else { if( !queueadd( $@Croix_Duplicate, ( .MultipleCheck == 1? getcharid(0):getcharip() ) ) ) { mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "You already in queue"; close; } $@Croix_QID[ $@Croix ] = getcharid(3); $@Croix ++; if( .debug ) debugmes strcharinfo(0) + " croix"; } mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "Added to queue."; close; } mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "Queue is full"; close; case 3: // Beginning, other can join. if( getarraysize( $@Croix_QID ) < .BG_Max[ .Index ] || getarraysize( $@Guill_QID ) < .BG_Max[ .Index ] ) { if( getarraysize( $@Croix_QID ) > getarraysize( $@Guill_QID ) ) { if( !queueadd( $@Guill_Duplicate, ( .MultipleCheck == 1? getcharid(0):getcharip() ) ) ) { mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "You already in queue"; close; } $@Guill_QID[ $@Guill ] = getcharid(3); $@Guill ++; if( .BG_Names$[ .Index] == "Conquest" ) if( $@Guill_BG == getvariableofnpc( .Atacker, "Conquest" ) ) bg_single( $@Guill_BG, .BG_Map$[ .Index ], .BG_AtackerX, .BG_AtackerY ); else bg_single( $@Guill_BG, .BG_Map$[ .Index ], .BG_DefenerX, .BG_DefenerY ); else bg_single( $@Guill_BG, .BG_Map$[ .Index ], .BG_GuillX[ .Index ], .BG_GuillY[ .Index ] ); if( .debug ) debugmes strcharinfo(0) + " guillame"; } else if( getarraysize( $@Croix_QID ) < getarraysize( $@Guill_QID ) ) { if( !queueadd( $@Croix_Duplicate, ( .MultipleCheck == 1? getcharid(0):getcharip() ) ) ) { mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "You already in queue"; close; } $@Croix_QID[ $@Croix ] = getcharid(3); $@Croix ++; if( .BG_Names$[ .Index] == "Conquest" ) if( $@Croix_BG == getvariableofnpc( .Atacker, "Conquest" ) ) bg_single( $@Croix_BG, .BG_Map$[ .Index ], .BG_AtackerX, .BG_AtackerY ); else bg_single( $@Croix_BG, .BG_Map$[ .Index ], .BG_DefenerX, .BG_DefenerY ); else bg_single( $@Croix_BG, .BG_Map$[ .Index ], .BG_CroixX[ .Index ], .BG_CroixY[ .Index ] ); if( .debug ) debugmes strcharinfo(0) + " croix"; } else { if( !queueadd( $@Croix_Duplicate, ( .MultipleCheck == 1? getcharid(0):getcharip() ) ) ) { mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "You already in queue"; close; } $@Croix_QID[ $@Croix ] = getcharid(3); $@Croix ++; if( .BG_Names$[ .Index] == "Conquest" ) if( $@Croix_BG == getvariableofnpc( .Atacker, "Conquest" ) ) bg_single( $@Croix_BG, .BG_Map$[ .Index ], .BG_AtackerX, .BG_AtackerY ); else bg_single( $@Croix_BG, .BG_Map$[ .Index ], .BG_DefenerX, .BG_DefenerY ); else bg_single( $@Croix_BG, .BG_Map$[ .Index ], .BG_CroixX[ .Index ], .BG_CroixY[ .Index ] ); if( .debug ) debugmes strcharinfo(0) + " croix"; } mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "Added to queue."; close; } mes "^D2691E[Battle Requiter]^000000"; mes "Queue is full"; close; } OnInit: // = BG Rewards: $@BG_RewardID = 7773; // (War Badge) $@BG_WinnerAmount = 15; // Reward amount for winning team $@BG_LooserAmount = 10; // Reward amount for loosing team $@BG_TieAmount = 5; // Reward amount for Tie. // = Flavius Score (Kills for end game): $@Flavius_Score = 99; // ===== Multiple Windows checking by ? // = 1 - Disabled // = 2 - IP .MultipleCheck = 1; // ===== BG Colors setarray .BG_Color$[0], "0xDDA0DD", "0x7CCD7C", "0xFFA500"; // ===== BG NPC & Arena Names setarray .BG_Names$[0], "Rush", "Flavius TD", "Conquest"; setarray .BG_Arena$[0], "Rush", "Flavius_TD", "Conquest"; // ===== BG Player Amount setarray .BG_Min[0], 2, 2, 2; setarray .BG_Max[0], 30, 30, 30; // ===== BG Locations setarray .BG_Map$[0], "rush_cas04", "bat_b03", "schg_cas06"; // ===== BG X/Y Coordinates setarray .BG_GuillX[0], 270, 390, 264; setarray .BG_GuillY[0], 292, 10, 379; setarray .BG_CroixX[0], 270, 10, 295; setarray .BG_CroixY[0], 288, 290, 379; bindatcmd "joinbg", strnpcinfo(0) + "::OnJoinBG", 0, 99; bindatcmd "leavebg", strnpcinfo(0) + "::OnLeaveBG", 0, 99; // ===== Time to flood in seconds. .Flood_Time = 180; // ===== Enable debug mode? .debug = false; $@RegNPC$ = strnpcinfo(0) + "::OnBGRotate"; OnBGRotate: if( ( .Index += 1 ) > ( getarraysize( .BG_Names$ ) - 1 ) ) .Index = 0; if( $@Croix_Duplicate ) queuedel $@Croix_Duplicate; if( $@Guill_Duplicate ) queuedel $@Guill_Duplicate; if( $@Guill_BG ) bg_destroy $@Guill_BG; if( $@Croix_BG ) bg_destroy $@Croix_BG; // ===== Queue with Gepard ID $@Croix_Duplicate = queue(); $@Guill_Duplicate = queue(); deletearray $@Croix_QID[0], getarraysize( $@Croix_QID ); deletearray $@Guill_QID[0], getarraysize( $@Guill_QID ); .Leavers = 0; .Battle_State = 1; .BG_Tick = 0; .Player2Start = ( .BG_Min[ .Index ] * 2 ) - ( queuesize( $@Croix_Duplicate ) + queuesize( $@Guill_Duplicate ) ) ; announce "Battleground -- " + .BG_Names$[ .Index ] + " -- (" + .Player2Start + ") more players to start.", bc_all, .BG_Color$[ .Index ]; initnpctimer; end; OnTimer30000: .Player2Start = ( .BG_Min[ .Index ] * 2 ) - ( queuesize( $@Croix_Duplicate ) + queuesize( $@Guill_Duplicate ) ) ; if( .Player2Start <= 0 ) { if( .BG_Names$[ .Index] == "Conquest" ) { donpcevent "Conquest::OnSetRotation"; .BG_Map$[ .Index ] = getvariableofnpc( .Castle$, "Conquest" ); .BG_GuillX[ .Index ] = getvariableofnpc( .GX, "Conquest" ); .BG_GuillY[ .Index ] = getvariableofnpc( .GY, "Conquest" ); .BG_CroixX[ .Index ] = getvariableofnpc( .CX, "Conquest" ); .BG_CroixY[ .Index ] = getvariableofnpc( .CY, "Conquest" ); .BG_DefenerX = getvariableofnpc( .DX, "Conquest" ); .BG_DefenerY = getvariableofnpc( .DY, "Conquest" ); .BG_AtackerX = getvariableofnpc( .AX, "Conquest" ); .BG_AtackerY = getvariableofnpc( .AY, "Conquest" ); } $@Guill_BG = bg_create_team( .BG_Map$[ .Index ], .BG_GuillX[ .Index ], .BG_GuillY[ .Index ], .BG_Arena$[ .Index ] + "::OnGuillameQuit", .BG_Arena$[ .Index ] + "::OnGuillameDie" ); $@Croix_BG = bg_create_team( .BG_Map$[ .Index ], .BG_CroixX[ .Index ], .BG_CroixY[ .Index ], .BG_Arena$[ .Index ] + "::OnCroixQuit", .BG_Arena$[ .Index ] + "::OnCroixDie"); .Battle_State = 2; freeloop(1); for( .c = 0; .c < getarraysize( $@Croix_QID ); .c ++ ) { if( !isloggedin( $@Croix_QID[ .c ] ) ) .Leavers ++; else bg_join_team( $@Croix_BG, $@Croix_QID[ .c ] ); } for( .g = 0; .g < getarraysize( $@Guill_QID ); .g ++ ) { if( !isloggedin( $@Guill_QID[ .g ] ) ) .Leavers ++; else bg_join_team( $@Guill_BG, $@Guill_QID[ .g ] ); } freeloop(0); announce "Battleground -- " + .BG_Names$[ .Index ] + " -- Beginning.", bc_all, .BG_Color$[ .Index ]; donpcevent .BG_Arena$[ .Index ] + "::OnStartBattleground"; .Battle_State = 3; stopnpctimer; end; } if( .BG_Flood < gettimetick(2) ) { .BG_Tick ++; if( .BG_Tick >= 10 ) { stopnpctimer; donpcevent strnpcinfo(0) + "::OnBGRotate"; end; } announce "Battleground -- " + .BG_Names$[ .Index ] + " -- (" + .Player2Start + ") more players to start.", bc_all, .BG_Color$[ .Index ]; .BG_Flood = gettimetick(2) + .Flood_Time; } initnpctimer; end; f OnLeaveBG: .@Q_IT1 = queueiterator( $@Croix_Duplicate ); .@Q_IT2 = queueiterator( $@Guill_Duplicate ); if( qiget(.@Q_IT1) == ( .MultipleCheck == 1? getcharid(0):getcharip() ) ) { queueremove( $@Croix_Duplicate, ( .MultipleCheck == 1? getcharid(0):getcharip() ) ); for( .@a = 0; .@a < getarraysize( $@Croix_QID ); .@a ++ ) if( $@Croix_QID[ .@a ] == getcharid(3) ) deletearray $@Croix_QID[ .@a ], 1; $@Croix --; } else if( qiget(.@Q_IT2) == ( .MultipleCheck == 1? getcharid(0):getcharip() ) ) { queueremove( $@Guill_Duplicate, ( .MultipleCheck == 1? getcharid(0):getcharip() ) ); for( .@a = 0; .@a < getarraysize( $@Guill_QID ); .@a ++ ) if( $@Guill_QID[ .@a ] == getcharid(3) ) deletearray $@Guill_QID[ .@a ], 1; $@Guill --; } else { message strcharinfo(0), "You are not in queue."; end; } if( getcharid(4) ) { bg_leave(); warp "SavePoint", 0, 0; } end; } prontera,158,174,3 script Battle Recruiter#Main 4_EP16_SPIEGEL,{ doevent "Battle_Register::OnJoinBG"; end; } // ==== NPC Duplicates prontera,153,173,6 duplicate(Battle Recruiter#Main) Battle Recruiter#A 4_EP16_SPIEGEL
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