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Novice Versus Zombie spawns


Hello, Please help me with this script .
problem with the script is that once you join and warped to the place,
you got stoned/stuck which is good. however , but when the event totally start the stoned effect is still there, so you just stuck in the middle, and waiting for the zombie to bit you.. /heh
what i wanted is to make the stone effect remove/gone once the count down is in 30 secs before the game begin.
and I wanted the zombies to respawn in three location randomly in this area like

rand quiz_01, 30, 369  - quiz_01, 52,369 - quiz_01, 43,369.

thank you! Here the script that i used.


-	script	nvz_manager	-1,{        OnInit:                disablenpc("Novice vs. Zombie");                disablenpc("Prize");                .nvzEventRunning = 0;                .nvzZombieSpawnCount = 4;        end;         OnClock0935:        OnClock0942:        OnClock0949:        OnClock0955:        OnClock1000:                disablenpc("Prize");                initnpctimer;                announce("Zombie Vs. Novice event will begin in 3 minutes! Please make a level 1 Novice in order to join!", bc_all);        end;         OnTimer5000:                announce("At the south of Izlude(Main Town) has appeared npc ' Novice vs. Zombie '!", bc_all);                enablenpc("Novice vs. Zombie");        end;               OnTimer60000:                announce("Zombie Vs. Novice event will begin in 2 minutes! Please make a level 1 Novice in order to join!", bc_all);        end;         OnTimer120000:                announce("Zombie Vs. Novice event will begin in 1 minutes! Please make a level 1 Novice in order to join!", bc_all);        end;               OnTimer150000:                announce("In 30 seconds the monster will be started!", bc_all);        end;               OnTimer175000:                announce("Event Zombie Vs. Novice will begin in 5!", bc_all);        end;               OnTimer176000:                announce("4!", bc_all);        end;               OnTimer177000:                announce("3!", bc_all);        end;         OnTimer178000:                announce("2!", bc_all);        end;               OnTimer179000:                announce("1!", bc_all);        end;         OnTimer180000:   //               disablenpc("Novice vs. Zombie");//		if ( getmapusers( "quiz_01" ) < 2 ) {// stop the script and warp player if less than 2 players on quiz map//		announce "Event: 'Novice Vs. Zombie' has end!!",0,0x00FF00;//		mapwarp "quiz_01","prontera",0,0;//		end;//		}		.nvzEventRunning = 1;                 .nvzZombieCount = .nvzZombieSpawnCount;                announce("The 'Zombie Vs. Novice' Event has begun!", bc_all, 0x00FF00);                disablenpc("Novice vs. Zombie");                               for(.@i = 1; .@i <= .nvzZombieSpawnCount; .@i++)                        monster("quiz_01", 42, 369, "Zombie-" + .@i, 1036, 1, strnpcinfo(3) + "::OnZombieKilled");        end;                  OnPCLogoutEvent:        OnPCDieEvent:                if( .nvzEventRunning  == 0 || strcharinfo(PC_MAP) != "quiz_01" ) end;                               warp("izlude", 127,142);                atcommand("@alive");                dispbottom("You have lost...");                 if( getmapusers("quiz_01") > 1 ) {                        announce(getmapusers("quiz_01") + " people still fight for their lives.", bc_map, 0x00FF00);                        end;                }                               if( getmapusers("quiz_01") == 1 ){                        killmonsterall("quiz_01");                        announce("You have won! Please claim your price at the Prize NPC!", bc_map);                        enablenpc("Prize");                        .nvzEventRunning = 0;                }                 if( getmapusers("quiz_01") == 0 ){                        killmonsterall("quiz_01");                        .nvzEventRunning = 0;                }        end;         OnZombieKilled:                .nvzZombieCount--;                if(.nvzZombieCount == 0) {                        announce("You have won! Please claim your price at the Prize NPC.", bc_map);                        enablenpc("Prize");                                            announce("'Zombie Vs. Novice' has ended as all Zombies have been killed!", bc_all);                        .nvzEventRunning = 0;                }        end;} quiz_01,42,369,3	script	Prize	1_F_MARIA,{        announce("In ' Zombie Vs. Novice ' has won" + strcharinfo (0) + "! We congratulate " + ((Sex) ? "him" : "her") + "!", bc_all);        getitem(7539,2);        warp("izlude", 127,142);} izlude,118,125,3	script	Novice vs. Zombie	ZOMBIE,{        if (BaseLevel > 1) {                mes("[^0000FFZombie Vs. Novice^000000]");                mes("You are not a level 1 novice");                close;                 }               mes("[^0000FFZombie Vs. Novice^000000]");        mes("Do you want to join the Zombie Vs. Novice Event?");        next;        switch(select("Yes", "No")) {                case 1:                        sc_end(SC_ALL);                        sc_start(SC_DECREASEAGI, 300000, 10);                        percentheal(100, 100);                        atcommand("@storeall");                        warp("quiz_01", 42, 369);                break;                case 2:                        mes "[^0000FFZombie Vs. Novice^000000]";                        mes "Allright, you can join anytime you want.";                        close;                break;        }        end;}


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@@ossi0110  thanks for the response. I did change it. but when player entered they can walk freely walk.. and its the decrease agi, I still want the stoned effect when they entered player cant move just freeze and can freely move around 5 secs before the game start , how can i do that?

i found this :

  • sc_end <effect type>{,<target ID number>};
  • sc_start <effect type>,<ticks>,<extra argument>{,<target ID number>};

wonder how to use this?


and i added this

                        sc_end(SC_ALL);                        sc_start(SC_DEC_AGI, 400000, 10);                        sc_start(Eff_Stone, 175000, 10);



this part of script (to remove the eff_stone) please help me, thank you!

"OnTimer175000:announce("Event Zombie Vs. Novice will begin in 5!", bc_all);sc_end(Eff_Stone);  <=========(not working :(end;" 
Edited by MikZ

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