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Freebie NPC script Help


Nevermind this can be closed.




So I already have the freebie by level npc, but it is not working correctly, I modified it to add in other rewards but that is all. However it is broken .-.





prontera,147,174,4	script	Freebie NPC	753,{
//Configurable Char Variables
set @c, 1; // This is a variable for first letter Case-change. ( 1=on/0=off --Disable for speed up! )
set @npc$,    "[^0000FFFreebie NPC^000000]";
setarray @cmds$,    "getitemname",    "getcharid",    "strcharinfo";

//Character Vars
set .@blvl,    BaseLevel;
set .@getitm$, ".itm"+#itmget+"$";
set .@getitm_len, getarraysize(getd(.@getitm$));
set .@nxtrblvl,    atoi(getd(".itm"+(#itmget+1)+"$[2]"));
set .@rblvl,    atoi(getd(.@getitm$+"[2]"));

//NPC Dialogue
if(.@blvl>=.@rblvl) {
    for(set .@s,0;.@s<(.@getitm_len-3);set .@s,.@s+1){
        set .@op$, callfunc("dispmes_func",getd(.@getitm$+"["+(.@s+3)+"]"));
        if(.@op$=="next;"||.@op$=="Next;") { set .@op$, ""; next; }
        if(.@op$=="menu;"||.@op$=="Menu;") { if(select("Yes:No")&2) close; set .@op$, ""; }
        if(.@op$=="close;"||.@op$=="Close;") { set .@op$, ""; close; }
        if(.@op$=="item;"||.@op$=="Item;") { set .@op$, ""; getitem atoi(getd(.@getitm$)),atoi(getd(.@getitm$+"[1]")); set #itmget,#itmget+1; }
        if(.@op$=="npc;"||.@op$=="Npc;") { set .@op$, @npc$; }
        if(.@op$!="") mes .@op$;

mes @npc$;
set .@message$, (.@blvl<=.@rblvl )?
        "You have already received this item, please come back when you are level "+.@rblvl+" for a special item."
        ((.@rblvl<.@blvl )?
                "Sorry, I don't have anymore items to give you!"
mes .@message$;

    waitingroom "Free items!",0;

//Configure NPC Items & Dialogue HERE!
    //                    ItemID    Amount    Required-BaseLevel
    setarray .itm0$,    "545",    "100",    "1",
        "Hello, strcharinfo(0), do you want this free item?",
        "next;",    "menu;",
        "Alright!",    "item;",
        "Goodbye.",    "close;";

   setarray .itm1$,    "12090",    "10",    "50",
        "Wow, strcharinfo(0), you're doing exceptionally well!",
        "I won't keep you waiting.",
        "Here is your item- You've earned it!",
        "item;", "Until we meet again.", "close;";

    setarray .itm1$,	"12335",	"100",	"70",

        "Wow, strcharinfo(0), you're strong!",
        "I won't keep you waiting.",
        "Here is your item- You've earned it!",
        "item;", "Until we meet again.", "close;";

   setarray .itm1$,    "14152",    "100",    "80",
        "Wow, strcharinfo(0), you're really strong!",
        "I won't keep you waiting.",
        "Here is your item- You've earned it!",
        "item;", "Until we meet again.", "close;";

    setarray .itm2$,    "19507",    "1",    "100",
        "You, sir, are a Divine being!",
        "Here is your getitemname(19507).",
        "item;", "close;";
       "item;", "Until we meet again.", "close;";

    setarray .itm2$,    "20077",    "1",    "150",
        "You, sir, are a Goldy being!",
        "Here is your getitemname(20077).",
        "item;", "close;";
       "item;", "Until we meet again.", "close;";

    setarray .itm2$,    "19710",    "1",    "175",
        "You, sir, are a Goldy being!",
        "Here is your getitemname(19710).",
        "item;", "close;";
       "item;", "Until we meet again.", "close;";


    The first three values in each row are the only constant numbers.
    First is the item_id then the amount you want to give then the level you give it at.
    Every line after that is lucid. You can type what the npc is going to say.
    You can also use optional commands that I will list below to display information.
    Add new conditions by following my example just remember to change .itm<#>$ to the next value.
    I hope everyone can understand this x.x Keep in mind this is just the first version.
    It's still a little slow. You can change upper-case to ignore for speedup.
Commands Explained:
    Commands that takeup one line:
        "Npc;", -> This will display the npcs name.
        "Item;", -> Will give the player item and increase quest value.
        "Menu;", -> This will display a Yes and No menu.
        "Close;", -> This will close the script.
        "Next;", -> This will refresh chat window and display Next button.
    Commands that can be used in chat:
        getitemname(<itemid>) -> Shows item name in chat.
        getcharid(<type>) -> Will return character id number.
        strcharinfo(<type>) -> displays information from charinfo. EX: strcharinfo(0) = Characters Name



function	script	dispmes_func	{
	set	.@len,callfunc("str_explode2","@explosion$",getarg(0), 3, " ", "(", ")");
    for(set .@a,0;.@a<.@len;set .@a,.@a+1) {
        for(set .@b,0;.@b<getarraysize(@cmds$);set .@b,.@b+1){
            if (compare(@explosion$[.@a],@cmds$[.@b])){
                set .@output$, callfunc("commands_func",.@b,@explosion$[(.@a+1)]);
                set @explosion$[.@a], .@output$;
                set @explosion$[(.@a+1)], "";
        if(!.@a&&@c) {
            callfunc "str_toarray", @explosion$[.@a], "@tmp$[0]";
            set @tmp$[0],callfunc("str_changecase", @tmp$[0], 1);
            set @explosion$[.@a],""; set .@i,0;
                set @explosion$[.@a],@explosion$[.@a]+@tmp$[.@i];
                set .@i,.@i+1;
        set .@message$, .@message$+ ((@explosion$[.@a]!=""&&.@a<(.@len-1))?
                @explosion$[.@a]+" "
    return .@message$;

function	script	commands_func	{
        case 0:
            return getitemname(atoi(getarg(1)));
        case 1:
            return getcharid(atoi(getarg(1)));
        case 2:
            return strcharinfo(atoi(getarg(1)));

/// callfunc "str_explode2" , "<array output>", "<string>"{, <Amount of Delemiter>{, "<Delemiter>"{, "<Delemiter>"}}};
function	script	str_explode2	{
    if ( !getarg(2) )
        return callfunc("str_toarray", getarg(1), getarg(0) );
    sleep2 1;
    setarray .@char$[0],
        " ", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
        "e", "i", "a", "s", "r", "n", "t", "o", "u", "l", "c",
        "p", "m", "d", "v", "h", "g", "f", "b", "y", "q", "k",
        "z", "x", "j", "w", "_", "-", "(", ")", ";", ",", ":",
        ".", "*", "!", "?", "'";
    set .@charsize,    getarraysize(.@char$);
    set .@tmp$,    "|~key~|";
    set .@str$,    .@tmp$ + getarg(1) ;
    set .@len,    getstrlen(getarg(1));
    set .@delem_len,    getarg(2);
    for( set .@g,0;.@g<.@delem_len;set .@g,.@g+1 ){
        setd(".@parse_len"+.@g, getstrlen(getarg(3+.@g)));
    while( .@len > .@s ) {
        set .@i, 0 ;
        while( .@i < .@charsize  ) {
            if ( ! ( set(.@l,.@l+1) % 600) )
                sleep2 1;
            if ( compare( .@str$ , .@tmp$ + .@char$[.@i] ) ) {
                set .@tmp$, .@tmp$ + .@char$[.@i];
                set .@g, 0;
                while( .@g < .@delem_len ) {
                    if ( ! ( set(.@l,.@l+1) % 600) )
                        sleep2 1;
                    if ( .@char$[.@i] == getarg((3+.@g)) ) {
                        set .@p, .@p + 1;
                        set .@s, .@s + (getd(".@parse_len"+.@g)-1) ;
                    set .@g,.@g+1;
                if ( .@delem_len == .@g )
                    set .@arr$[.@p], .@arr$[.@p] + .@char$[.@i];
            set .@i, .@i+1 ;
        if ( .@i == .@charsize ) return 0;
        else set .@s, .@s+1 ;
    deletearray getd(getarg(0));
    copyarray getd(getarg(0)), .@arr$, .@p+1;
    return .@p+1;

function	script	str_changecase	{
    sleep2 1;
    if ( getarg(1) ) {
        setarray .@char$[ 0 ],
            " ", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
            "E", "I", "A", "S", "R", "N", "T", "O", "U", "L", "C",
            "P", "M", "D", "V", "H", "G", "F", "B", "Y", "Q", "K",
            "Z", "X", "J", "W", "_", "-", "(", ")", ";", ",", ":",
            ".", "*", "!", "?", "'";
    else {
        setarray .@char$[ 0 ],
            " ", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
            "e", "i", "a", "s", "r", "n", "t", "o", "u", "l", "c",
            "p", "m", "d", "v", "h", "g", "f", "b", "y", "q", "k",
            "z", "x", "j", "w", "_", "-", "(", ")", ";", ",", ":",
            ".", "*", "!", "?", "'";
    set .@charsize, getarraysize(.@char$);
    set .@str$, "|~key~|" + getarg(0) ;
    set .@len, getstrlen(getarg(0));
    while( .@len>.@s ) {
        set .@i,0;
        while( .@i<.@charsize ) {
            if ( ! ( set(.@l,.@l+1) % 650) )
                sleep2 1;
            if ( compare( .@str$ , "|~key~|" + .@tmp$ + .@char$[.@i] ) ) {
                set .@tmp$, .@tmp$ + .@char$[.@i];
            set .@i, .@i+1;
        if ( .@i == .@charsize ) return "";
        else set .@s, .@s+1;
    return .@tmp$;

function	script	str_toarray	{
    sleep2 1;
    if ( getstrlen( getarg(0) ) > 128 ) return 0;
    setarray .@char$[ 0 ],
        " ", "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9",
        "e", "i", "a", "s", "r", "n", "t", "o", "u", "l", "c",
        "p", "m", "d", "v", "h", "g", "f", "b", "y", "q", "k",
        "z", "x", "j", "w", "_", "-", "(", ")", ";", ",", ":",
        ".", "*", "!", "?", "'";

    set .@charsize, getarraysize(.@char$);
    set .@tmp$, "|~key~|";
    set .@str$, .@tmp$ + getarg(0) ;
    set .@len, getstrlen(getarg(0));
    while( .@len>.@s ) {
        set .@i,0;
        while( .@i<.@charsize ) {
            if ( ! ( set(.@l,.@l+1) % 650) )
                sleep2 1;
            if ( compare( .@str$ , .@tmp$ + .@char$[.@i] ) ) {
                set .@tmp$, .@tmp$ + .@char$[.@i];
                set .@arr$[.@s], .@char$[.@i];
            set .@i, .@i+1;
        if ( .@i == .@charsize ) return 0;
        else set .@s, .@s+1;
    deletearray getd(getarg(1));
    copyarray getd(getarg(1)), .@arr$, .@len;
    return .@len;




Thank you,



Update, I believe it is working now a few out of placed things .-.

Edited by Kaminitsu

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