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Need help about "Daily Supply AnnieRuru" script


Need help from master @AnnieRuru or someone can help to make adjustment for me..

here the really good script 


function	script	F_MesItemInfo	{
	.@item = getarg(0);
	.@itemname$ = getitemname(.@item);
	if (.@itemname$ != "null") {
		.@itemslot = getitemslots(.@item);
		if (.@itemslot)
			.@itemname$ = sprintf("%s [%d]", .@itemname$, .@itemslot);
		.@itemname$ = "Unknown Item";
	if (PACKETVER >= 20150729)
		return sprintf("<ITEM>%s<INFO>%d</INFO></ITEM>", .@itemname$, .@item);
	else if (PACKETVER >= 20130130)
		return sprintf("<ITEMLINK>%s<INFO>%d</INFO></ITEMLINK>", .@itemname$, .@item);
		return .@itemname$;

function	script	timeleft__	{
	.@left = getarg(0);
	if ( .@left <= 0 )
		return getarg(0);
	.@day = .@left / 86400;
	.@hour = .@left % 86400 / 3600;
	.@min = .@left % 3600 / 60;
	.@sec = .@left % 60;
	if ( .@day )
		return sprintf( _$( "%d day %d hour" ), .@day, .@hour );
	else if ( .@hour )
		return sprintf( _$( "%d hour %d min" ), .@hour, .@min );
	else if ( .@min )
		return sprintf( _$( "%d min %d sec" ), .@min, .@sec );
		return sprintf( _$( "%d sec" ), .@sec );

//===== Hercules Script ======================================
//= Daily Supply
//===== By: ==================================================
//= AnnieRuru
//===== Current Version: =====================================
//= 0.3
//===== Compatible With: ===================================== 
//= Hercules 2019-03-19
//===== Description: ========================================= 
//= get daily supply, but also with every 6 hours and every 12 hours
//===== Topic ================================================
//= http://herc.ws/board/topic/16634-daily-random-supplies/?do=findComment&comment=90931
//===== Additional Comments: =================================

prontera,153,185,5	script	Debug only	1_F_MARIA,{
	deletearray #daily_supply;

prontera,155,185,5	script	Daily Supply	1_F_MARIA,{
	mes .npcname$;
	mes "Supply set no.1 can claim at every 12am, 6am, 12pm, 6pm";
	mes "Supply set no.2 can claim at every 12am and 12pm";
	mes "Supply set no.3 can claim at every 12am";
//	for ( .@i = 1; .@i <= 3; ++.@i )
//		dispbottom #daily_supply[.@i] +" "+ gettimestr("%Y-%m/%d %H:%M:%S", 21, #daily_supply[.@i] );
	for ( .@i = 0; .@i < 3; ++.@i ) {
		if ( #daily_supply[.@i +1] < gettimetick(2) )
			.@menu$[.@i] = sprintf( _$( "%sTake Supply Set#%d%s" ), F_MesColor(C_GREEN), .@i +1, F_MesColor(C_BLACK) );
			.@menu$[.@i] = sprintf( _$( "%sWait %s%s" ), F_MesColor(C_RED), timeleft__( #daily_supply[.@i +1] - gettimetick(2) ), F_MesColor(C_BLACK) );
	.@s = select ( implode(.@menu$, ":"), "Display Chances" );
	mes .npcname$;
	if ( .@s == 4 ) {
		mes "The Chances are:-";
		for ( .@i = 1; .@i <= 3; ++.@i ) {
			mes " ";
			mesf "Set %d :", .@i;
			mesf "Randomly get any one type of these item, the amount between %d~%d", getd(".item"+ .@i +"[0]"), getd(".item"+ .@i +"[1]");
			for ( .@j = 3; .@j < getd(".item"+ .@i +"size"); .@j += 2 )
				mesf "%s : %s", F_MesItemInfo( getd(".item"+ .@i +"["+( .@j -1 )+"]") ), getd(".chance_display_item"+ .@i +"$["+ .@j +"]");
	if ( #daily_supply[.@s] < gettimetick(2) ) {
		mes "Retrieving today's supply...";
		.@r = rand(.totalchance[.@s]);
		for ( .@i = 3; ( .@r -= getd(".item"+ .@s +"["+ .@i +"]") ) >= 0; .@i += 2 );
		getitem getd(".item"+ .@s +"["+( .@i -1 )+"]"), rand( getd(".item"+ .@s +"[0]"), getd(".item"+ .@s +"[1]") );
		switch ( .@s ) {
		case 1: #daily_supply[1] = min( getcalendartime(0,0), getcalendartime(6,0), getcalendartime(12,0), getcalendartime(18,0) ); break;
		case 2: #daily_supply[2] = min( getcalendartime(0,0), getcalendartime(12,0) ); break;
		case 3: #daily_supply[3] = getcalendartime(0,0); break;
	else {
		mes "You have already taken this supply";
		mesf "You have to wait %s", timeleft__( #daily_supply[.@s] - gettimetick(2) );
	.npcname$ = "["+ strnpcinfo(NPC_NAME_VISIBLE) +"]";
	setarray .item1,
		1, 10, // amount : rand(1,10)
	//	chance of getting the items Set#1
	//	<Item ID>,<chance>
		Red_Potion,    5,
		Orange_Potion, 4,
		Yellow_Potion, 3,
		White_Potion,  2,
		Blue_Potion,   1,
		Green_Potion,  6;

	setarray .item2,
		5, 15, // amount : rand(5,15)
	//	chance of getting the items Set#2
	//	<Item ID>,<chance>
		Red_Herb,    5,
		Yellow_Herb, 4,
		White_Herb,  3,
		Blue_Herb,   2,
		Green_Herb,  1;

	setarray .item3,
		10, 20, // amount : rand(10,20)
	//	chance of getting the items Set#3
	//	<Item ID>,<chance>
		Apple,        5,
		Banana,       4,
		Grape,        3,
		Carrot,       2,
		Sweet_Potato, 1,
		Meat,         99, 
		Honey,        50,
		Milk,         100;

	for ( .@i = 1; .@i <= 3; ++.@i ) {
		setd ".item"+ .@i +"size", getarraysize( getd(".item"+ .@i) );
		for ( .@j = 3; .@j < getd(".item"+ .@i +"size"); .@j += 2 )
			.totalchance[.@i] += getd(".item"+ .@i +"["+ .@j +"]");
		for ( .@j = 3; .@j < getd(".item"+ .@i +"size"); .@j += 2 ) {
			.@chance = getd(".item"+ .@i +"["+ .@j +"]") *10000 / .totalchance[.@i];
			.@division = .@chance / 100;
			.@remainder$ = .@chance % 100;
			while ( getstrlen(.@remainder$) < 2 )
				.@remainder$ = insertchar(.@remainder$, "0", 0);
			setd ".chance_display_item"+ .@i +"$["+ .@j +"]", .@division +"."+ .@remainder$ +"%";


this script have three set of daily supply..

how to make it just 1 set..

just set 3(for every 12am only)

thanks in advance...

because when i change it to 1 only 'mes' after that 'display chance' will be take supply set2..

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