Issue information

Issue ID
Hercules Elf Bot
Feb 19, 2008 21:03
Last Post
Hercules Elf Bot
Feb 19, 2008 21:03

Hercules Elf Bot - Feb 19, 2008 21:03

Originally posted by [b]Jikari[/b]

Did a fresh SQL compile, also theres a typo in clif.c "acount_id".
I booted up all 3 servers.
The login server connects to the character.
The map initializes, displays the port it is on, then just sits there with no messages of any kind when it should be trying to connect to the character.
The character server boots up connects to the login, then it displays "awaiting maps from map server" and just sits there even though the map is already booted up.
There are absolutely no error messages or any timers going off to display status messages or anything on map or character.

I've searched the code and can't find the issue myself, hopefully you guys can.

Its a fresh SQL compile, debian OS.

This post has been edited by theultramage: Jan 25 2009, 01:45 PM