Issue information

Issue ID
Hercules Elf Bot
Mar 6, 2008 23:45
Last Post
Hercules Elf Bot
Mar 6, 2008 23:45

Hercules Elf Bot - Mar 6, 2008 23:45

Originally posted by [b]Lestar[/b]

Hm. Don't know if it's really bug or it works as intended, but:
MVP's, such as Orc Hero, who have the skill to heal himself when his hp is below 50% and he is idle....
1087,Orc Hero@AL_HEAL,idle,28,11,10000,0,10000,yes,self,myhpltmaxrate,50,,,,,,

Uses this skill ONLY if there is any player on the screen.
Maybe I must explain moar:
On my server I have warper that warps to all dungeons,fields,and so on. How low-lvl monk kills Orc Hero?
Well, he simply Asures it, then warp there again and Asures once more.. Until the death of Orc Hero...
It wouldn't happen if Orc Hero can heal himself when his HP drops low. But he heals ONLY if some player sees him.
If there is no players on the screen(who see him) he stops using all the skills.
And this monks dont give him any chance.
This bug(or feature) is in both branches since long-long time ago...
So. Is this a bug? Will it be fixed?
If not(in case Aegis works same) - i'm asking for some source-coding support.
Thanks. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/happy.gif)

This post has been edited by Lestar: Mar 6 2008, 03:46 PM