Issue information

Issue ID
Hercules Elf Bot
Oct 1, 2007 5:26
Last Post
Hercules Elf Bot
Oct 1, 2007 5:26

Hercules Elf Bot - Oct 1, 2007 5:26

Originally posted by [b]yyCC[/b]

- ninja job quest - cougai kai didn't delete 1 cyfar, 5 phacon

- gs job quest - The Wise Bull Horn didn't delete 3 Rainbow Shells (1013)

- jobs/2-2/crusader.txt test questions, there are 3 sets just use find ...
    mes "1. Which of the following monsters is a different attribute than the others?";
            if (select("Karat:Wind Ghost:Isis:Wanderer") == 3)
    - what's a Karat? maybe i am just an ignorant xD

    mes "3. Which item is NOT dropped by Dokebi?";
            if (select("Rough Elunium:Golden Hamer:Sword Mace:Mighty Staff") == 2)
    - Golden Hammer?

    mes "7. Which attribute is the most effective on the Wind Ghost?";
            if (select("Water:Earth:Fire:Wind") == 3)
    - not earth???

    mes "5. What level of 'Heal' do you need to learn 'Cure?'";
            if (select("Level 1:Level 2:Level 3:Level 4") == 2)
    - only for aco? I think crusader only need Faith Lv 5 for cure, maybe it's just gravity stupid

    mes "7. Which of the following is not correct of the Demon Bane skill?";
            if (select("Increase attack on Undead:Only Acolytes can learn the skill:When mastered, + 30 increase:Passive Skill") == 2)
    - look at answer 3: "When mastered, + 30 increase" what? it's a wrong answer anyway

- quests/skills/blacksmith_skills.txt
  but goodday is still in geffen (in the same script)
    mes "[Akki]";
    mes "To achieve the new job quest";
    mes "-^ff0000Greed^000000- in your list";
    mes "go visit Goodday at Einbroch's";
    mes "blacksmith guild~.";
- 2006_headgear.txt
    valkylie helm, the 1000 isn't showing up in the dialog box in game lol
        mes "[Ghenirhemin]";
        mes "^1,000 Rune of the Darkness,";
        mes "^1,000 Bloody Rune,";
        mes "^and the helm price, 10,000,000 zeny^000000.";

- teacher in ph.d hat quest, the dialog says "give him"/"show him" when she's a her ...

- Yuno quest - Bain - "5 burnt treee" <- typo