Issue information

Issue ID
Hercules Elf Bot
Jun 19, 2008 21:12
Last Post
Apr 16, 2013 3:48
Yes (1)
No (0)

Hercules Elf Bot - Jun 19, 2008 21:12

Originally posted by [b]L0ne_W0lf[/b]

Afflicts all revision as far as I can tell.

I've done a few tests using just standard NPCs. (Kafra at west Prontera, PVP Guy)
Dialog boxes for NPC should time out after 1 minute of inactivity:
- The next button should become close, and the script execution will end.
- If you're at close nothing happens as the script execution has ended already.
- If you're at close2, there is no further script progression after the close.
- If you're between dialogs (menu/select/prompt dialog is open) the close button will appear in the dialog above, menu selections will not progress script execution, (upon selection, the menu will close, and then you must close the dialog.)
- If there is no dialog box and a menu is open, the menu slection will close automatically once it times out.
- If there is a cutin on screen when the dialog times out, the cutin remains as there is no command to remove it.

Hercules Elf Bot - Jan 4, 2012 9:24

Originally posted by [b]Xantara[/b]
Feature was already added (durring RR's merge). But it seems like there are official and different time settings. Should this be incorporated or leave as is?

[quote]Let see, according to Aegis following script functions invoke CScriptEventHandler::Suspend, which is responsible for setting the timeout:[list]
[*]close -- close, close2 (60 seconds)
[*]dlgwritestr -- input (180 seconds)
[*]menu -- menu, select, prompt (60 seconds)
[*]wait -- next (60 seconds)

Hercules Elf Bot - Nov 23, 2012 18:41

Originally posted by [b]mkbu95[/b]
+1 for incorporate, even if it will extend a little bit the configuration definitions.

Ind - Jan 31, 2013 17:56

we dont seem able to figure the way the client tells the server when a npc is closed. [url=""][/url]

malufett - Feb 1, 2013 5:19

we dont seem able to figure the way the client tells the server when a npc is closed.[/quote]

maybe this is how it works[code=auto:0] click npc - timer starts mes something...timer is now running next -> restart timer mes something...timer is now running <timer timeout> close <- issued next -> no more [/code]
so maybe 'next' just restart the timer and no more checking if it was close or not.just terminate timer and upon termination check if the player is still dealing with the npc then thats the time we issue 'close' command...


Ind - Feb 1, 2013 14:09

[quote name="malufett" timestamp="1359695950"]

we dont seem able to figure the way the client tells the server when a npc is closed.[/quote]maybe this is how it works[code=auto:0]click npc - timer starts mes something...timer is now running next -> restart timer mes something...timer is now running <timer timeout> close <- issued next -> no more[/code]so maybe 'next' just restart the timer and no more checking if it was close or not.just terminate timer and upon termination check if the player is still dealing with the npc then thats the time we issue 'close' command...


[/quote]Thank you :D your idea made me think of what was dysfunctional about it

malufett - Feb 1, 2013 14:22

[color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Thank you [/size][/font][/color] :D[color=rgb(40,40,40)][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] your idea made me think of what was dysfunctional about it[/size][/font][/color]
[url=""][/url][/quote] pleasure...


Ind - Apr 16, 2013 3:48

Added all but close since it makes no sense (when close is displayed the script is already ended so no exploit can be done)
Fixed in [url=""][/url]
Thank you all!