Issue information

Issue ID
Working as Intended
Hercules Elf Bot
Oct 17, 2008 15:30
Last Post
Hercules Elf Bot
Mar 5, 2012 9:18

Hercules Elf Bot - Oct 17, 2008 15:30

Originally posted by [b]Orcao[/b]

I'll have to apologize in advance if this is working as intended.

NPCs created through duplicate all share the same . variables. I'd think this is unintended, since, if we wanted to get them to share variables, there's methods to do so w/ getvariableofnpc, but no easy way of giving the duplicates their own permanent variables.

To better understand what I mean, load this up:
prontera,152,170,5    script    Original::duptest    763,{
    set .x,.x+1;
    npctalk .x;
prontera,154,170,4    duplicate(duptest)    duptest1    859
prontera,156,170,4    duplicate(duptest)    duptest2    859
prontera,158,170,4    duplicate(duptest)    duptest3    859

Regardless of which you click, they'll all share .x

Ultimately, I'm assuming that this is the price we're paying for being able to unload all duplicates through the base npc though. I'm really hoping there's an easy way to give them their own variables without removing that feature (imo, if there isn't then it isn't worth it, since you can workaround it with setd, getd, and strnpcinfo :/).