Issue information

Issue ID
Hercules Elf Bot
Jun 16, 2009 21:49
Last Post
Hercules Elf Bot
Jun 16, 2009 21:49

Hercules Elf Bot - Jun 16, 2009 21:49

Originally posted by [b]Koca[/b]

Hi, I have a very strange report. Many players started to report that invincible time after using Fly Wing isn't working. Well, It was odd, because pc_setinvincibletimer function runs every time. So I investigated intemskill function. And it's written in very bad way.

Fly Wing's itemskill progress:
1) Client sends useitem packet
2) Server sends 0x01C8 packet with AL_TELEPORT info
3) Client sends useskilltoid packet
4) Server performs the skill - teleports player.

This causes this situation:
Player teleports and is in invincible_timer protection. He's surrounded with monsters, so he uses fly wing again. Server receive useitem packet, send 1C8 packet and delete player's invincible timer, so monsters start to attack player. In delay between sending this packet and receiving useskilltoid packet, depending on player's ping, he's killed. When useskilltoid packet comes back, server teleports player and he ends up dead.

Why is it written this way? Can't it be processed directly? Anyway, I suggest making Fly Wing item type 2 and set its script to warp "Random",0,0; again.
